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We’re finally here, at the moment when you’re able to pick up where you left off and find out what comes after that first card – the card I gave you a taste of already!


Shall we jump right into your High-Accuracy Cosmic Tarot Reading? Here we go…



RECAP – Card Number One: Judgment, Upright

If you’re struggling to recall what I originally told you about this all-important first card, let me briefly recap for your benefit before we move into Card Number Two…

Judgment, upright, is a card of awakening, reckoning and realization. In this prominent position in the Reading, it’s clear that Judgment speaks of what is to come, and tells us that you’re on the precipice of a new phase in your life.

Soon enough, you’ll begin to realize things. To consider things you hadn’t previously.

You’ll start to assess what works for the         of today, rather than for the         of yesterday.

It will all begin in your professional life, and it will spread out from there like a flower, blooming in perfectly fertile soil. In time, the petals will reach into all corners of your existence and you will feel… different.

Not necessarily better or worse (yet – this will come). But distinctly different.

But why will all of this happen? What will kickstart this period of realization and awakening, and will you see it coming?

For that answer, we must move on. We must pull Card Number Two…


Card Number Two: The Tower, Upright

When I picked up the tarot process for this second card (after returning myself to my original location and headspace for continuity), I was simultaneously shocked and unsurprised to see The Tower in its upright position.

We wanted to know: How will the period of change begin?

And here, we have our answer.

I don’t want to alarm you, but The Tower in this form isn’t a very positive card. It signifies negative, unexpected situations. Disasters, dramas and other unforeseen (but always unwelcome) circumstances.

Your transition into realization won’t be a solely pleasant one. Instead, it will be motivated by a low point.

I think, based on the energies that came to me through the deck as I held The Tower, that the negative circumstance will be in some way related to a family member, or to a platonic, close love that mirrors a familial bond.

Does this track,        ? Is this something you can see the beginnings of in your life right now? I wouldn’t be surprised if you could, upon reflecting for a little while.

Sometimes, things only seem to have arrived out of the blue because we haven’t taken the time to look around and see them coming.

But what next!? What bridges sudden pain and hurt into change and awakening?


Card Number Three: The Hierophant, Reversed

The Hierophant was the only card in your draw that appeared reversed. Had the priest-like man pictured in the card have appeared upright, he would have signified tradition, conformity and shared beliefs.

But reversed? He instead shows you the way out of your Tower-inflicted rut. He signifies rebellion, trying new things and looking at the world in new ways.

The Hierophant is a clear indicator that you can be quite a rigid, simplistic thinker.

It’s not a bad thing,         – many are like this. But it is good to get out of your comfort zone sometimes. To understand that there’s more to life than a binary.

Yes, some things are black and white, and right and wrong, and yes and no. 

But what about the grey things? The bit of both things? The maybe things?

If you can change the way you’re looking at your situation after a stressful, unexpected occurrence knocks you off your current path, you might find there’s more silver lining than you think in this particular cloud.

Say, for instance, that you’re fired from your job. On the one hand, that might be a very anxiety-inducing and upsetting experience. But on the other, it might allow you to realize the role was never actually right for you anyway.

You might soon be onto bigger and better things, thankful for the situation that once caused you such heartache. Such is life.

And if anything proves my hypothesis? Well, you’ll see…


Card Number Four: The Sun, Upright

What a lovely, radiant card upon which to end our journey!

I love The Sun. Among the Major Arcana, I don’t play favorites. But if I did? I’m sure The Sun would be right up there at the top.

This card, in its upright formation, is a powerful representation of joy. Of celebration and achievement. Of, in summary, a job well done.

To see this gift of a draw following up some of the tougher cards in your High-Accuracy Cosmic Tarot Reading is a relief, and it puts some important things into context for us. On the other side of the change and pain, there is greatness.

There is sunshine and laughter.

There is success, however that might look to you.

In three or four months,        , says The Sun, you’ll be golden and shining like me. You’ll have done the hard work, and you’ll be in a position to reap your rewards.


Summarizing the Reading

When we put Judgment (upright), The Tower (upright), The Hierophant (reversed) and The Sun (upright) together, what do we see?

What do we learn? 

I’ll chronologically paint the picture, my friend, because I’m keen for it to be crystal-clear:

  1. A negative event is upcoming in your life, and the cemented nature of its appearance mid-draw signifies that though this event might be mitigated or shifted slightly, it cannot truly be avoided.
  2. This negative event will leave you in a difficult place, but you’ll be able to overcome it with some out-of-the-box thinking. By breaking from conformity and seeing the world differently, you’ll see the situation differently, too.
  3. When you’ve learned to see things differently, you’ll begin to herald in a new era of your life. You’ll kickstart a long-overdue awakening that sees you moving towards bigger and better things – personally, professionally and
  4. In this new era, you’ll be happier. You’ll shine like the sun, full of hope and happiness. And you’ll feel accomplished. You’ll be able to do things in the next three or four months that you’d never have dreamed of doing in your ‘old’ life.

Isn’t that amazing,        ? We’ve learned so much from just four cards, and now you’re about a million times better equipped to walk into your future. To pursue better things with your head held high.

You know where you’re going, what you’re aiming for, and where you can hope to land. May this knowledge inspire you to action.

Plus, that concludes your High-Accuracy Cosmic Tarot Reading.

But never fear – there’s still more to see. You haven’t forgotten the two FREE gifts I promised, have you?

Firstly, I’ll hand over your Protective Jade Sphere



This beautifully smooth jade orb is a feast for the eyes and a safe harbor for the soul.

Just as I said I would, I’ve completed six protective spells and rites and poured this Sphere full to the brim with safe, guarding vibes. I’m confident it will make you far less susceptible to negativity during this transitional phase.

It doesn’t need activating or aligning – I’ve done all of this for you remotely.

But if you do ever feel particularly low or negative, there is a short ritual you can complete, centered around the Sphere, which should help.

The instructions are as follows:

  1. Your Sphere should usually be kept in a printed-out form in a safe place that’s near to your sleeping space (hidden in a bedside drawer, slipped inside a pillowcase, so on). For this ritual, get the Sphere out from this place.
  1. Take the Sphere, tucked into a pocket, to a place in which you feel unsafe/ uneasy. Not a dangerous location, of course – just one that isn’t your natural habitat (e.g., if you hate crowds, a shopping mall might be a good option).
  1. When you’re there, sit down somewhere slightly out of the way/somewhere you won’t be disturbed for 5 minutes or so. Write down on pen and paper what, exactly, makes you feel uneasy or unsafe in this location.
  1. Consider, as you’re writing your answers, every sense. How does it look? How does it smell? How does it sound? How does it taste? How does it feel? How would you prefer it to look, smell, sound, taste and feel?
  1. When you’re satisfied that you’ve gotten your answers down on paper, get your Sphere out of your pocket.
  1. Folded in half and in half again exactly four times, press the Sphere to your heart.
  1. Close your eyes, and whisper:

Here, there and anywhere, I am safe.

In the heart of the beast and the cradle of the stars, I am safe.

With the endless protections of this precious jade artifact, I am safe.

Negativity cannot reach or bind me – no it cannot, I am safe.

Darkness cannot touch or find me – no it cannot, I am safe.

Here, there and anywhere, I am safe.

I am limitless, I am safe.

  1. Open your eyes. Tuck the Sphere back into your pocket and rip the paper that you’ve written your answers on from the pad.
  1. Find the nearest bin (if there isn’t one nearby, do this when you get home – it will still work) and tear your answers to shreds over it, letting them flutter into the trash and forgetting your worries as you do. Feel a weight leave your heart.
  1. Go home. Know that next time you return to your chosen location, it won’t feel as worry-inducing or insurmountable. And neither will anything else.

That’s all you need to know about the beautiful and unique Protective Jade Sphere,        . Don’t forget the ritual – it’s there when it’s needed, and it WILL help.

Now, I’ll provide your second and final FREE gift. Here are your Navigational Notes…


  1. Never fear a chance to surprise yourself.

It’s a fact you no doubt accept that you don’t know everything about everyone else. But how often do you take the time to remember that the same is true of yourself? You do not know every facet of        , even though you are        .

New parts of your soul are still waiting to unfold, and you don’t need to box yourself in by, for instance, assuming you won’t like certain new things even when you haven’t tried them yet. Ask yourself: But what if I do? And what’s the worst that could happen if I don’t?


  1. When you’re pressured to make a choice, let that pressure speak volumes.

Time pressure in decision-making is standard in the adult world, especially for someone coming into new wealth and enjoying a new promotion at work. But some people apply a LOT of pressure, and it can be stressful and overwhelming. If you find this happening to you, try to step back from the situation.

Consider why the person on the other end of the equation is applying so much force. Are they trying to rush you? Do they expect unrealistic things from you? Decisions need to be made, yes, but boundaries must also be set fairly.


  1. Don’t dream big for the sake of dreaming big – your goals are your own.

You’ll often find,        , that as your access to wealth and success expands, others expect your lifestyle to expand with it. And if you dream of superyachts, mansions and sports cars, go ahead and get them. Don’t let anything stop you.

But if you don’t? Don’t bend to expectations. Don’t let anyone convince you that you must fit a certain mold, especially when you’re already immensely successful. You did that your way, and you should continue to live your way, always and forever.


  1. Learn to see the trees AND the forest.

There’s a pearl of common wisdom floating around out there about how sometimes, we can’t see the forest for the trees. It means this: When you focus too much on the details (the individual trees, in this case), you miss the bigger picture.

But the truth is, there’s a flip side to this, and sometimes, details matter very much. As you take on more responsibility and pursue professional goals closer to your heart in the next few months, try to strike a balance. Try to see each tree and THEN step back and see the forest.

With that,        , I’ve given you all I promised. And I’ve given you more than enough information and advice to be going on with. Don’t try to take it all in at once – it’s not going anywhere.

Instead, give yourself a few days to digest. Then return, and read it again with fresh eyes.

You’re bound to notice new pieces of information if you read between the lines and re-read the existing lines.

All in all, I wish you nothing but the best in your pursuit of growth and change.

Self-belief is the root of all success, and if you can hold onto that, I’m confident you can make miracles happen for yourself. (Especially now you’ve got my help.)


Your loving friend,