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I’m not exaggerating or being overdramatic when I say it’s been THE STRANGEST FEW DAYS for me


If you had asked me a week ago to predict my immediate future, even with all my divinatory skills and abilities to do just that, I might have been totally wrong.

Given my line of work and all the important psychic activity I conduct, I can understand how you might wonder: What could be strange to you, Elissa? Haven’t you seen everything over the years?

And in a way, I have. I take the point. But though the astral world is constantly finding new ways to send me vital messages, this week has been especially new to me…

I’ve been speaking with trees,        , and I mean that quite literally. At first, they whispered your name, and then I was transported into a crisp, clear vision for a long and informative conversation with a particular tree. A tree with a face.

I’m fully aware that it might sound strange. And I’m going to explain, from my perspective, how it all happened.

Before I do, you should know that today, I am offering to share the BRANCH OF CONNECTED LIBERTY with you.

This is an astrally blessed item handed to me by the aforementioned tree in my vision. (It appeared in the same clearing I’d been in when I returned to my physical reality.)

As things stand, you have been unfairly tied to a birth twin (more on that later) with worse luck and lower levels of life satisfaction than you.

With the Branch of Connected Liberty, you can rise to a new level of independence without experiencing isolation. You can sever those unfair ties and once again claim the lucky and positive energies meant for someone as loving and giving as you.

If you’re not quite ready yet, or you’re feeling confused, don’t worry.

You have time to figure this out.

And I will explain everything…



This all began four days ago,        .

I performed an Energy Balance Observation on you and found everything completely out of synchronization and confused. Before I explain what that means for you, let’s go over what an Energy Balance Observation entails…

It’s like an emotional-spiritual check-in, I suppose.

Picture a set of weighing scales with negative emotions on one side and positive emotions on the other. During this Observation, I check the balance of these scales.

It’s a good indicator of anything going wrong in a client’s life, and it’s easy to measure the difference from one Observation session to the next (usually negligible).

In your case, it was not so negligible. Two weeks before, your scales had been tipping in favor of all those positive emotions. The picture before me was filled with warm colors and hope for the future.

Now, they were tipping in the other direction, and the overwhelming color rushing at me was a deep, sorrowful blue.

Of course, I was surprised and upset by this, but it isn’t unheard of. It can happen, and it can (and often does) happen without the client even noticing.

Five months ago, for example, a client I’ll call Brian had a TOTAL reversal of fortune, and I could not work out why for the life of me.

I found out during an Energy Balance Observation, and I was shocked. Things had been going so well for Brian, and suddenly, his energy became an awful mass of angry and confused emotions.

I dread to think what his emotional aura would have looked like if I’d gazed upon it in that window of time!

Thankfully and also sadly, I eventually found that someone in Brian’s inner circle of friends had been psychologically poisoning his chances and pushing the odds out of his favor. We were able to act, and things were right as rain soon enough.

But it was more complex with you,        . I tried all the things I tried with Brian, and none of them told me anything.

I watched you for a full day. I watched your loved ones. I studied your astral charts. Nothing.

Where, I wondered, with growing despair to match your own, was this influx of sadness coming from?

Two afternoons ago, I went on a walk to clear my head after hours spent researching possible answers to your scale-tipped situation. The trees began to whisper, the sound picking up on the wind.

I didn’t know what they were saying.

After an hour or so, I grew tired and went home. The trees never stopped whispering, but they gave me nothing more.

Then, that night in bed, I suddenly sat upright as my brain replayed the whispers of the trees. I realized with shock that they had been whispering your name.

       ,        ,        ,        ,        , they had chanted. And I had ignored them.

I cursed myself for missing a chance at answers, and I vowed to return to the woods the next day as soon as possible.

So, the next day (AKA yesterday), I got through my work and met my deadlines as quickly as I could, and I went back to the woods at approximately three in the afternoon. At first, I was afraid that the whispers wouldn’t return – but they did.

I heard your name so clearly now, and it only got louder and louder until I reached a small, partially overgrown clearing.

I stumbled into it, your name beginning to sound so loud on the wind that my ears rang, and without warning, the world around me went dark, and I fainted.

When I came to, I was in the same clearing, but there was a glittering and unreal quality to the light dappling through the canopy.

I looked up and knew I had passed into a vision realm because a tree stump was waiting for me a few feet away with a sculpted human face. He looked kind but powerful. He was large and stalwart. He looked a lot like this…

Ever so tentatively, I found my footing and I said: Hello? 

The tree smiled at me, the outline of his lips and beard shifting to make room for the new expression. He said: Hello, Elissa.

It was so strange and unexpected. Do you see what I was saying earlier? Don’t you think even I would have some reaction to such a gentle but giant creature?!

It got even stranger when he told me the cosmic world was shining through him to help me. He said that I had been seen frantically seeking the answer to your situation, and intervention had been sent.

He said: I have the answer you are turning the world apart for.

Here’s the situation,        

Your energy balance was off because of a strange and rare error between you and someone born on your exact date of birth –        .

A flickering planetary interruption jumbled up your energies with each other’s, and now, when this other person becomes sad, you become sad.

When this other person succumbs to negative feelings like anger and jealousy, you feel those things too.

I can’t give you their details the tree explicitly told me it wouldn’t help us to know who the other person wasbut I can help you sever that connection and stand on your own two cosmic feet again.

At the end of our interaction, the tree grew a tangled limb and passed me a special item.

He told me what this item was called and how it would work, and the second I took it from him, the world faded to black again.

I woke in the real world and the slightly overgrown clearing, surrounded by faceless trees. But the object remained on the grass in front of me. The Branch of Connected Liberty.

It’s clear that the universe wants you to have it, so I’m giving you until the end of         to officially stake your claim.

That should be plenty of time, right?

I know it’s a lot to understand and take in at once (it has been for me!), but you need to prevent yourself from being beholden to a birth twin and total stranger as soon as you can. That’s the vital thing to take away from this.



Can I be honest,        ? I don’t think this sudden tie to your birth twin was solely down to random twists of fate and planetary adjustments.

I think you were predisposed to be vulnerable to this sort of thing because you are slightly prone to codependency.

I hope that doesn’t upset or insult you. Maybe it won’t even surprise you! Perhaps it’s been pointed out before!

You’re a people pleaser, and you hate to offend, and you love and hold on tight to people you can rely on when you find them. There’s nothing wrong with these things – I think they’re lovely, in fact – but they contribute to my thought process here.

You need to learn how to be independent but not isolated, like the branches on a tree. This is why the Branch of Connected Liberty is named as it is.

Every branch on a tree is connected but stands alone. When one branch falls from a tree, the tree continues to grow. Each branch occupies its own private space and shares a broader space with other branches.

It’s time you were able to do the same.

I promise that it will enable you to live a better and brighter life, more closely connected to luck and opportunity. Less distracted by when other people are doing things (and why, and where, and so on).

I’ll also share two FREE gifts with you at no extra charge!

You can consider them my way of saying: Thank you for the trust,        .

The first gift, your Healthy Independence Advice, will explicitly focus on helping you with that newfound uprightness without separation.

The second, the Lucky Refrain of the Sapling, is a mantra that you can speak to the trees to benefit from their lucky and healing energies. Now that we know they’re such strong cosmic energy conduits, we need to take advantage!

I’ll be waiting with so much hope in my heart to hear from you,        .

Your loving friend,

Ask for Your Branch of Connected Liberty

+ 2 FREE Gifts