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Love is a complicated, many-faceted creature with a million heads of different shapes and sizes 


Some love looks soft but tears you apart. Some love looks cold but melts in the middle. Some love is platonic but deeply meaningful and important. Some love is romantic but shallow and short-lived. 

As for the best of both worlds? That’s a love you will never forget.

It’s also the kind of deep soul connection you can’t build if you’re constantly distracted by other things and suffering at the hands of your misaligned priorities.

I know it’s tough to admit you’ve been a victim at your own hand. But it really is easy to do, and it should comfort you to remember that there was a time when even I (don’t I seem wise and together to you?) needed this Pendant.

No person on this earth is infallible and immune to error. But the best people on this earth can recognize their mistakes and correct them quickly, as you’ve done in this situation. 

Here’s your Emerald Pendant of Valentine’s Passion,        



The raw green gem in the stunning silver outline never fails to amaze me!

Somehow, this Emerald Pendant of Valentine’s Passion has always felt both strong and fragile in my mind. I guess that makes sense, given the energy it contains…

What is more simultaneously strengthening and weakening than love itself, which puts you at risk of hurt but can open you up to a powerful, unforgettable connection like nothing else? 

To connect with your Emerald Pendant and trigger an energetic outpouring of adoration, lust, love, desire and more, please follow these instructions:

  1. Print out your Pendant or have it ready to view on a portable screen.
  1. Raise it to the light in front of a window in your home. Hold it in both hands but ensure the entire Pendant itself is visible, not obscured by fingers.
  1. Whisper to the Pendant: In the light of the day, in clarity, in bond, I stand before you. Your crystal power could bring me to tears of joy.
  1. Kneel down, still holding the Pendant up to the light.
  1. Whisper to it: Give me your love. Give me your lust. Give me your romance. Give me your desire. Give me your adoration. Give me your appreciation. Give me your obsession. Give me your hope. Give me your optimism. Give me all.
  1. Close your eyes for a few minutes, and then pull the Pendant in for a tight embrace. Don’t say anything else.
  1. Get up and store the Pendant safely when the moment feels right, and you’re ready to conclusively end the connection ritual.

It’s a simple process, really. What matters most is feeling, in your heart of hearts, reverence and respect for the Emerald Pendant and its love-increasing powers.

I’d expect the effects to be felt within 24 hours of completing these steps. (If it’s been a couple of days and they’re still not manifesting, there’s a chance you’ve done something wrong. Hop back to step one and complete the instructions again to be safe!)

With the Pendant passed into your possession and all the relevant instructions clearly explained, I’ll conclude this message by sharing your FREE Romantic Life Divinations from the Crystal Cave


I’m delighted the Pendant took me back to the Crystal Cave for charging purposes,        . If it hadn’t, I might not have decided to offer you these Divinations, and I might not have had such a productive, insight-filled future-determining session in that rock pool. 

Here’s what I learned…

  • External love flows from self-love – The more room you can make in your life to love yourself, the more you’ll find you can attract love from others in the weeks ahead. Your most important, consistent source of love should be yourself. Making space in your heart for this won’t be easy, but it will pay off.
  • An old romance may finally be re-formed as friendship – In most cases, friendship with an ex isn’t a good idea. But in this unique situation? Enough time might have passed to let old wounds heal and new, platonic bonds grow! By the end of March, you may be surprised by how things were in mid-February.
  • Danger lies in anxieties left uncommunicated – In the next two weeks, you’ll worry a lot about something. Whether founded or not, you need to talk about it with your lover. You can’t let it fester until it twists out of shape. If the worry does feel small or unfounded (but is still there), you can even admit this as you share.
  • New (but not necessarily ideal) options will present themselves – When you’re desirable and driven, you’re sure to run into some people with a romantic interest in you. Don’t forget that you don’t need to reciprocate if it doesn’t feel right. Don’t forget that the newest option isn’t always going to be the best option available. 
  • In a month, you’ll have a new long-term perspective – This month will help you gather a long-term sense of what you want from your romantic life. As March begins, certain goals will appear to you, and certain plans will change. You’ll initially feel confused, but the more time you give your mind, the better it will get.
  • Your perception of time is not the reality of time – Some weeks, you’ll feel you’ve known your lover for seconds. Other weeks, for decades. You’ll begin to learn, through some substantial emotional highs and lows, that your perception of the passage of time is not the most correct measure to go by.  

I hope these Divinations, combined with the boosted romantic energies of the Pendant, will lead you in the right direction. 

And I hope I’m leaving you with a much clearer sense of the shape of your future as it pertains to love than you had even, say, a week ago…


Your loving friend,