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We all have an inner warrior


Did you know this? 

We all have a version of the self that can fight, fight and fight some more when the need arises. A driven, passionate soul with a will for necessary battle. 

In most of us, this inner warrior only reveals itself when something awful happens. When circumstances force a situation to breaking point, and we must act. When we must push ourselves past previously-known limits.

For a strong, emotionally intelligent person like yourself looking to further elevate and grow, there’s no need to wait for that moment of tragedy or deep strife. 

You can reach a state of increased fortitude today. You can become like the warrior planet Mars in your own right. And you can do so via this sacred, closely guarded Inner Warrior Unlock Ritual that I’m entrusting to you…

(Your luckiest number for the next four months is 11. Complete this Ritual by the end of August, as your hyper-fortunate figure, 11, factors into my calculations in the following instructions.)

  1. Alone in a space in your home where you can move around freely, form the shape of a star and close your eyes tightly. (AKA, stretch your arms and legs out at matching diagonal angles from your body.)
  1. Slowly curl your hands from open-palmed and neutral into tight fists. Take a deep breath, and imagine yourself gaining mass, grounding and weight. Imagine you are rooted to the spot, impossible to topple. 
  1. Your luckiest number at present is 11. This will be your rooting figure for the Unlock Ritual. The key, so to speak. 
  1. Count out 11 seconds, whispering each number aloud, fists tight, body still.
  1. When you reach 11, immediately release your fists and feel yourself relax from head to toe. Note the strength that rose within you – how it swelled up and receded with such speed.
  1. Arms out with open palms, slowly bend down into a deep squat. Take a deep breath, feel the strength of your thighs as they tighten, and hold the position for as long as possible.
  1. Move into a kneeling position when you can’t maintain the squat any longer. Keep your back straight and your arms splayed out from your body as you count out 11 seconds again, whispering each number.
  1. When you reach 11, get back to your feet and return to the initial star position.
  1. Conclude the Ritual by repeating the following line exactly 11 times:

“My inner warrior is freed from         captivity,

My inner warrior is freed from         captivity,

My inner warrior is freed from         captivity,

My inner warrior is freed from         captivity,

My inner warrior is freed from         captivity,

My inner warrior is freed from         captivity,

My inner warrior is freed from         captivity,

My inner warrior is freed from         captivity,

My inner warrior is freed from         captivity,

My inner warrior is freed from         captivity,

My inner warrior is freed from         captivity,”

  1. Head to bed early in the evening that follows, and you’ll wake the next morning with a new sense of strength and warrior-like passion.

That’s the process,        . It might seem simple, but it will unlock a powerful inner source of warrior energy. 

All the beautiful things you saw in the planet Mars will have been pulled to the surface in yourself, and you’ll find you don’t need any one planet to make you bold and determined. You’ll find you are power and confidence personified, all on your own.

You always had these traits inside of you,        . Remember that.  

You just had to let them out. 

You just had to learn to recognize your own great strength and power. Or, in other words? You had to get out of your own way.

Now that you’ve been able to do so, you’ll be unstoppable long past the point at which the energies of Mars, Venus and the Moon recede. Long after the planetary triangle that peaked on May 23rd diffuses to nothing…


Your loving friend,