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Ordinarily, when I’m sharing an offering with you, I start with the “main event,” so to speak


But this week, since I’m giving you something you might choose to use before your Soulmate Discovery Session, we’ll begin with the FREE Portrait of Petunic Passion…


Some strange psychological science that’s beyond even my understanding makes this print – this Portrait of Petunic Passion – trigger an effect similar to an aphrodisiac or a muscle relaxant. Can you feel that as you gaze upon it? 

(Often, the effect needs to build for a few hours, so don’t worry if you don’t yet. It’s coming!)

Please print this Portrait image as soon as possible and hang it up somewhere in your home. It could be framed, taped directly to the wall, push-pinned to a corkboard, etc. – whatever works. Whatever puts it in your eye line.

After this, you need only go about your life as usual and glance at the Portrait whenever you pass it to benefit from that lust, love and passion boost of a minimum of 40%.

(Actual percentages differ from person to person. I used this Portrait once, and I’d say I experienced a 60% boost most days for the next two months!)

Now, let’s introduce you to the reason I’m writing this message in the first place – your Soulmate Discovery Session…



There is always more to know about the one you love. There is always more to discover beneath the surface. 

Whether you’re in the best place you’ve been or barreling through a rocky patch, this Soulmate Discovery Session will cement your connection in a way that cannot be replicated. 

The Session consists of a series of questions you both must ask the other and then answer. It’s essential that the Session be completed under the following conditions:

  • You should sit cross-legged in front of one another on the floor of your home, ideally with knees touching
  • You should surround yourselves with a wide circle (far enough away from you to be fire safe) of lit white or pale pink tealights
  • You may complete the Session either in the day or the evening, but either way must do so in a space absent of any artificial light
  • You must never let an answer to a question devolve into an argument – if this happens, I’d recommend starting from the top on a brand-new day
  • You may play some background music during the session, which is likely to take a while, provided it is entirely instrumental and played at a non-distracting volume
  • It’s your responsibility to ensure that your Soulmate Discovery Session partner is 100% aware of all these rules and stipulations

When all the conditions are met, and you’re both ready to begin, you should work through these NUMBER questions in order: (It doesn’t matter who asks first and who answers first as long as you each ask and answer every question.)

1. How many times have you been in love?

2. Do you believe that “first love” is different in any way from what comes next?

3. Do you believe in love at first sight? Or is it simply lust at first sight?

4. What was the first thing you noticed about me when we met?

5. Are there different kinds of romantic love?

6. How does platonic love differ from romantic love? How is it the same?

7. What does the word “family” mean and evoke for you?

8. Is loving someone different from being “in” love with them? If so, how?

9. If you were to define true love in a few words, what would they be?

10. Is there a place in this world that evokes feelings of true love in your heart?

11. Is there a person in this world that evokes feelings of true love in your heart?

12. How do I make you feel safe?

13. Can you tell me about a time in your life when you felt very happy?

14. How do I make you feel scared?

15. Can you tell me about a time in your life when you felt very sad?

16. Can you tell me about a time in your life when love kept you moving forward?

17. What do you need from me more than anything else?

18. Will we still be together in a year? What about five? What about ten?

19. If we are still together in a decade, what do you see in our future life?

20. Can you describe your perfect day that I am not in?

21. Can you describe your perfect day with me?

22. Could our relationship survive if we were stuck on a desert island for a year?

23. What has great sentimental value to you but wouldn’t to anyone else?

24. What don’t most people understand about you? Do I?

25. If you could change my mind about one thing, what would it be?

26. What role does friendship play in your life?

27. Are we friends, as well as lovers? If we are, why are we? If not, why not?

28. Do you think our love is balanced 50/50? Why or why not?

29. Do we have high expectations for each other? Should they be higher or lower?

30. Do you think we’d have still fallen in love in different circumstances?

31. What’s your stance on soulmates? Do we have one or multiple?

32. Do you wake up each morning and choose to love me?

33. Can you share your three favorite things about me?

34. Can you share your three least favorite things about me?

35. Do you love me at my worst?

36. Do you love me more at my best?

37. Do you believe this bond is built to last?

I’d recommend printing these questions out and placing them in your near-touching laps for the duration of the Session. 

That way, they’ll always be easy to refer to, and you won’t have to contemplate memorizing such a hefty chunk of information.

When the questions are complete, I’d recommend cementing all the feelings that will inevitably have bubbled up by taking your partner’s hands in yours and both sitting there with your eyes closed for a few minutes of peace, silence and calm. 

When you feel ready, you can leave the circle, blow out the tealights, and properly enjoy your state of harmony. 

I’m so pleased I had this chance to share the Soulmate Discovery Session questions with you,        ! I really am! 

And I can’t wait to see how well they work for you…

Your loving friend,