I have some exciting news – it might once have been stressful, but thanks to my hard work, it isn’t anymore!
You see, I did something very special to protect and safeguard you last night, though you may not have perceived my actions on a conscious level.
Why and what, you ask? Well, my friend, you’ve been stalked by bad energy for a few weeks now.
I hate to be so abrupt about it because I’m sure it’s worrying to hear, but that’s the truth.
Before I made my move, you’d been cornered and reduced by dark, evil feelings. Every good thing that attempted to materialize in your life was swiftly stifled. Every happy feeling that arose was soon limited, left to dwindle to nothing.
This lousy energy we’re discussing emanated from someone with wholly hostile intentions. Someone who, if I had to hazard a guess, saw your bright and glittering personal spark and was immediately overcome with sharp, visceral jealousy.
It’s horrible. And it’s human. You’re a shining light in this world, , and that will always threaten certain people who don’t feel as glowing and gleaming as you.
(Especially if they don’t want to admit to that sense of inadequacy out loud and would prefer to take it out on you than face reality.)
With the onset of this wave of vitriol and envy weeks back, a sort of emotional black hole was formed. Since then, it’s been following you around the spiritual realm, growing in size and swallowing up all your positive, joyful opportunities.
This situation couldn’t go on unchecked. So, last night, I took action.
(I only became aware of this issue yesterday, to be clear. But I could tell by the size of the energy disturbance that we were looking at a few weeks’ worth of growth, at minimum.)
I’ve seen this sort of energy disturbance/emotional black hole before in the lives of past mentees and loved ones. Often in the lives of people I knew didn’t deserve an ounce of bad energy, like you.
Thus, over the years, I’ve developed a strategy for total obliteration of this issue – which I implemented last night.
On your behalf, I performed what I call an “Energy Stitch Operation.”
I spiritually sewed that expanding black hole tightly shut before it could seize any more of your luck, joy or opportunity, and though it took a lot out of me, I was happy to do it. I knew it was hugely necessary for the sake of your future!
Now, as you heal your life and take back the positive energy you’ve always deserved to bask in, I want nothing in return, but I would like to give you… Well…
…Even more.
To briefly summarize? You’ll claim this Path via a tarot reading covering the next five months of your life.
The reading will tell you precisely what you need to know each month to stay on your route of total happiness and hope, unbothered by energies (including potential jealous vibes) that are external to you.
You’ll select the cards for yourself when you officially request your Tarot Path, and I’ll, soon after, interpret them to reveal your perfectly positive route.
Your “Joyful, Optimistic and Positive Tarot Path.”
Your life will change for the better as you gain the ability to maintain constant awareness of where to place your focus and when to look away.
Of what to hold onto and what to let go of.
Some people spend a lifetime dreaming of these kinds of insights! But few people deserve them so clearly and readily as you.
And if you’re worrying about the potential reoccurrence of a black hole built by envy and, thus, your possible future need for another Energy Stitch Operation… Forget that fear.
If you can ask me for your JOYFUL, OPTIMISTIC AND POSITIVE TAROT PATH before the end of and the arrival of , you’ll also receive a FREE gift.
Your Dark Energy Repulsing Diadem, to be precise, and the solution to all your black-hole-based fears.
This precious golden artifact first belonged to a Grecian princess who was the subject of much unfair ridicule for her beauty and intellect.
In its absoluteness, the perfection that might, in many cases, have made her beloved instead saw her vilified and picked apart. (In some ways, I’m sure you can relate – or at least have seen this play out somehow.)
Nothing went her way. Nobody was on her side. Not until the Diadem came into her life, forged by a passing merchant with mystic abilities. This merchant saw the kindness in the princess’s heart, pitied her plight, and created this offering to fix things.
When it was hers, she could finally achieve what she desired and receive what she deserved. And with the Diadem in your hands, active and working in your favor?
You’ll be in the same position. You’ll have room to achieve what YOU desire and receive what YOU deserve.
If bad vibes come to you through no fault of your own, the Diadem will send them far away from your being in both the spiritual and physical realms of existence.
Thus, if you can stay good and kind – as I’m sure you always will – you’ll be able to enjoy a truly rich life in every sense of the word. Rich with wealth. Rich with love. Rich with joy and optimism. Rich through and through.
Guided by your Tarot Path and bolstered by this Diadem, every achievement will be within reach, and no goal will seem too lofty for you to set your sights on.
Already this week, I’ve moved to keep you safe.
Asking nothing from you, I’ve performed an Energy Stitch Operation to free you from the lingering, expanding presence of jealousy, envy and hate.
From this, I hope you can see how much I care. And I hope you’re aware that I wouldn’t be offering you the chance to discover your most Joyful, Optimistic and Positive Tarot Path if I didn’t believe it would transform your life for the better…
Please, my friend, take the time you need to consider your options with care.
Your loving friend,