If you’ve been feeling lately that you’re walking the wrong path in life – feeling that perhaps you’re supposed to be somewhere else or even doing something else – you’re not wrong
I don’t say that to alarm you or imply that every aspect of your current existence is incorrect and terrible. Of course, it isn’t that simple or absolute.
But the fact is that if we’re talking about the concept of a “golden path” which functions as your ideal route from one phase of existence to the next? You’re not currently on that path. You’re not taking that route.
You’re not in tune with your true destiny, and I fear you haven’t been for some time now.
On a deep subconscious level, I think I’ve known this about you for a while. And if I’ve known it, I’m sure you have, too. But yesterday afternoon, I fully CONFIRMED it with a long, detailed crystal ball session focused entirely on you.
In my hours with the orb spent lost in worlds and words of prophecy, I saw how much you’ve missed based on circumstances and random situations beyond your control.
If you were on your golden path right now, you’d be wealthy beyond the need for financial worry. You’d be living in (or, at least, about to buy) your dream home. You’d be experiencing career fulfillment on a level you’ve never known before.
But you’re not. Not yet. And realizing that hurt my heart.
So much so that the sharp pain I felt towards the end of my crystal ball session was so intense that it drove me up from my chair.
…And then led me to my cabinet of curios and artifacts.
Perhaps it wasn’t just pain but resolve and certainty?
This mental rod of surety propelled my arm up to the cabinet, compelled me to swing open the door, and saw me reaching for the Desert Rose of Rightful Destiny.
(An item I hadn’t touched in a decade, by the way.)
When I made contact with the Rose, I saw your face. And I gasped in excited realization. This stunning glass flower had been waiting so long for the perfect recipient (it’s a long story – I’ll explain in a second), and that recipient had finally been found.
That recipient was you.
I’ll happily tell you what you must do to reconnect with your golden path. With your actual fate.
With all the lovely things you’ve been pushed away from by the random cruelty of the universe in the last year or so.
You have a few days to make a decision that will affect the rest of your life. Don’t take this lightly; don’t lose sight of your deadline.
Let me tell you more about the Rose…
We all have our family traditions and rituals, don’t we? Little quirks, inside jokes, and ways of doing things unique to our lineage and relatives – or at least unique so far as we know!
But my family has a few that I’m certain are genuinely unique – including the Desert Rose of Rightful Destiny.
Psychic, spiritually gifted members of my clan (of which there are many) pass this Rose on from generation to generation.
It’s glass, as I’ve mentioned. But not just any glass. The glass of the Rose was formed from Saharan sand particles, which were taken from the doorway of an ancient Egyptian ruler’s tomb.
This ruler was one of the few known for their kindness rather than their capriciousness. And this sand is blessed with energies of success and love.
The Rose, therefore, is similarly blessed. But more than that, it has been carefully magnetized to restore the true fate of a person whose life and deservedness have been knocked off course. A person like you.
And we don’t pass the Desert Rose on between ourselves in the way you’d expect! We don’t keep it for our benefit!
We lend the Rose’s powers, once per generation, to a person who fits the above profile. To a soul with great and shimmering potential that will remain unmet if action isn’t taken to correct the record and set things straight.
For as long as needed, the ability and energy of the Rose belongs to our chosen recipient.
And when the job is done? We pass the Rose along to our next descendant.
As I mentioned earlier, , I’ve had this delicate artifact in my ownership for ten years or thereabouts. Until this moment, the timing just hasn’t been right. The feeling hasn’t struck me like it did yesterday.
Now, I’ve been driven to action. Now, I’ve seen your face at a touch of the Rose. Now, I know the time is right to make this choice and designate you a recipient.
And as soon as I have your consent to do so, that’s precisely what will happen.
Please, my friend, see this precious opportunity for the rare gift that it is. Even in your busiest week, take the time to grab this chance with both hands.
You’ve been missing what you deserve in life for some time. Do you remember what I said earlier? If you were still on your golden path, you’d be wealthy and fulfilled, with little to complain about (though, of course, as human beings, we always find a way!).
Since we’re both now more aware of the chances you’ve missed or skipped over through no fault of your own, I want to take this chance to do more than fix that.
I want to go above and beyond.
If you can claim your Desert Rose before begins, I’ll also share two additional offerings at no extra cost. Two FREE gifts in the form of:
- Your Compendium of Golden Path Indicators
- Your Figures of Formidable Fortune
Your Compendium will comprise a list of signs/things to look out for, and it will be split into two halves – indicators that you are on the right track/on your golden path and indicators that you are stepping off of this path and heading in the wrong direction.
The better informed you are, the sooner you can stop yourself from ever losing sight of your “Rightful Destiny” again.
As for the Figures? These are your ultra-lucky, formidably fortunate numbers for the next two months. Where these Figures make themselves known to you, success is almost 100% certain, and chances are yours to seize!
What do you have to lose, ?
And what do you have to gain?
I don’t take this once-in-a-lifetime recipient decision lightly, and I hope you won’t either…
Your loving friend,