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You’re such a genuine, kind individual


The psychological games people play with each other as they attempt to get ahead in life probably make very little sense to you.

(I feel similarly.)

Sadly, not everyone is like you. Even after everything you’ve experienced, your soul is as pure and well-intentioned – like fresh-fallen snow settling on a winter meadow in the unsullied countryside. I love that. You don’t have a manipulative bone in your body.

You focus on a person in terms of what you can give them and what you love about them – not how THEY can improve YOUR life or what THEY can provide YOU.

But I have to confess…

Knowing the right people and wielding interpersonal influence effectively could change your life.

(It could bring your existence to a whole new level. It could connect you with a degree of success so significant that you wouldn’t believe it.)

I’m not talking about outright using and abusing people here – that’s not what I mean at all.

Just… Letting yourself lean on them. Letting them help, guide and uplift. Moving past the fear that comes with asking for a leg up. (Especially since certain people constantly ask for a leg up, with hardly a second thought. It’s not fair if you never do!)

Life is about balance, right?

And your balance is just a bit off at the moment.

In many ways, I think you’re too independent for your own good. You’re happy to give love but less happy to trust.

I guess… Giving love is about you. But accepting love means having faith in its provider. It means letting certain things exist outside your sphere of control – something I know you’ve always struggled to do.

Your insulated status quo isn’t sustainable, however. Your inability to access or utilize your magnetism must change if you want to reach your true form. If you hope, at any time, to spread your metaphorical wings and soar to new heights.

I know about the         you see in glimpses.

In stolen snapshots of beautiful, golden dreams.

       ’s fully realized, happy in career and mind, and financially comfortable.

Everything you’re not.

Not yet.

(Oh, how the yet matters. Oh, how the yet means everything. The yet is an incomplete sentence that only you can conclude.)

This is the crux of the matter…

I’ve traveled past you in the sleeping world and seen what you wish for up close and personal. I’ve seen how you think of things when your conscious mind can’t take over, controlling the narrative and injecting doubt into every thought.

And it all comes back to influence. To your level of personal magnetism. To your ability to wield the willingness of your loved ones.

In the simplest terms, my friend…

So much of what you want right now is ALREADY yours for the taking. You just need to know how to take it.

You just need to remember how to use your connections to access what you deserve.

And I can help with that.


You’re loving, caring, worthy. But you don’t rely on people. You don’t ask for favors. You don’t let others in. Can’t you see how that might be hindering you?

This week,        , voices from your distant past have whistled to me on the wind, insistent and growing ever-clearer. I’ve communed extensively with your ancestors – long-passed-beyond relatives who watch your progress, still.

These amorphous but opinionated figures SEE your wins and losses, and they root for you as much as I do – if not even MORE!

Thus, they want to utilize their residual power to help you get what you want.

This brings us to the Ancestral Influence Intervention.

It’s not a small ritual. It takes time, focus and significant energy – more than I could ever summon alone. Fortunately, in this instance, I won’t be alone. They’ve collectively agreed to lend their strength to the effort.

With your consent, we’ll twist the shape of the spiritual world into something new and beautiful, and we’ll turn you into a veritable magnet for support, assistance and interpersonal connection.

We’ll notch up the dial on your level of interpersonal influence, so:

  1. You’ll be pulled closer than ever to your loved ones.
  1. They’ll become more inclined to offer you what they need rather than holding off/waiting for you to initiate a request.
  1. You’ll become more inclined to ask for things from them rather than going it alone to avoid vulnerability.

Doesn’t that sound transformative,        ? That barrier between you and them – that doubt that keeps you from wielding your influence fairly – will dissolve to nothing.

As soon as we’ve done the Intervention, I’ll let you know – and I’ll give you all the instructions you’ll need to follow for the Ancestral Influence Intervention Acceptance process.

The Intervention makes the change. The Acceptance cements the change. Great personal transformation follows.

Your ancestors have much to see and do – but they’ve given me until the end of         to seek your request.


Before I go, one last thing…

If you request your Intervention before         fades into        , my support won’t stop with this interpersonal life overhaul.

Yes, I’ll work on the Intervention and send along a clear list of Acceptance instructions.

But I’ll also send you two additional offerings, FREE OF CHARGE.

More specifically…

  • Your FREE Rules of Ethical Magnetism – Freeing you from your current influence limitations via the Intervention will leave you intensely magnetic to those around you. Open and willing. Attractive and welcoming. These Rules of Ethical Magnetism will help you navigate your power with care and grace, getting what you need without overstepping. They will prevent you from abusing a person’s willingness to assist you, thus leaving you in the astral good books, thus letting you continue to benefit from glorious cosmic bouts of luck and opportunity in the future.
  1. Your FREE Self-Actualization Reflection Session – I’ll walk you through the set-up and recitation of a fully soundtracked Self-Actualization Reflection Session. This guided meditation-style process will allow you to determine how you might realize your unique talents and unmatchable potential on an intuitive and soul-deep level, thus enabling you to set your forward path in life with renewed certainty, thus pushing you to the point of true fulfillment (and, well, self-actualization).

I’ve told you everything you need to know about the Intervention, Acceptance, Rules and Reflection Session at this juncture. You have much to gain from taking this leap and claiming this arguably threefold support package.

… But you don’t have forever to make a decision. So I hope I’ll hear from you soon,        .

I hope your request will arrive before         does…

Your loving friend,

Ask for Your Ancestral Influence Intervention

+ 2 FREE gifts