Your Lucky Numbers
My Dear ,
Oh, , you knew!
As soon I began working on your Lucky Numbers as you’d requested, I felt a deep connection with you. I asked myself:
“What’s going on here?”
I felt inundated by emotions that weren’t my own… like waves flowing through my mind. Then, all at once I felt your presence. The only way I can describe it is that it was like walking in your shoes on an emotional level. What a roller coaster!
More importantly, I know that for that to happen means you’re a very sensitive person with strong intuition, and when I say strong, i mean a STRONG… isn’t it my dear, ? So you ask, why haven’t your powers of intuition helped you as much as they should have so far? Well, I’m going to answer that question for you.
First, I want you to know that when I wrote, “You knew it!” it’s because your exceptional instinct with which you “feel” people, psychically pushed you to contact me at EXACTLY the right time! (By the way, have you ever tried Tarot card reading? I had to ask because you certainly have the gift!)
That wasn’t just luck you know, that was your intuition talking!
Don’t tell anybody about what I want to offer you, I don’t want people to think that I’d offer this to just anyone. So, before you discover below your Lucky Numbers, I want you to watch this video I recorded for you.
Until now, your exceptional instinct, your inner psychic ability, has sometimes helped you make things ” not as bad as it could have been”. My dear, that’s just not good enough!
Your instinct should have already made your life a whole lot better! I want to show you how to use your instinctive power to make your life “even better than you ever thought!”.
Do you understand what I’m saying? Let’s stop doing damage control, and use your unique talent to shape the world to your desires. Isn’t it time for your hopes and dreams to come true? Isn’t it time to stop taking care of others with so little gratitude?
I’m talking too much! Please, just watch this video i made for you. In it I explain how we’re going to work together as a team, to make this happen.
Watch it now, because I know it’s going to change your life!
I know this will give you what you need to make this year, YOUR YEAR OF SUCCESS, the year you finally achieve all you’ve wanted for so long.
How? We’re going to work together to put your exceptional instinct, the gift that’s saved you so many times in desperate situation , to very good use: improve your life!
Here’s the link. Click on it, watch it, then return to this letter and discover your Lucky Numbers.
For this month: , you are about to leave a situation of immobility where everything seems to be bogged down around you. Until today, you felt isolated and had great difficulty expressing your true personality. The same will not be true in the coming weeks and months.
The coming 4 weeks will be crucial. You will have many possibilities to make your situation evolve, in particular your contacts and relations with others. Moreover, relationships with others will be especially favored over the next 4 weeks.
After this period marking a change in the way you deal with others, the coming weeks and months will also mark the renewal of your emotional and love life. I believe that I am right in saying that this aspect of your life is highly important for you. I feel a huge heart throbbing within you … and this heart will have every reason to rejoice!
Your future comes under the influence of the sign of Aquarius and you should expect events to occur very quickly, in your life. Beware of love of first sight which may strike when least expected. Love and feelings don’t depend on age.
Another vision indicates a trip in the near future, probably abroad, or else news from abroad. This news or trip will be a time of great satisfaction. In general, avoid overwork and take enough time to experience and appreciate each minute in your life without stress.
Your lucky dates this month:
Your lucky numbers this month:
Your dates to take initiatives:
The dates to be wary of:
I am really excited because these numbers are going to be really beneficial to you in all areas. I am pleased to have been able to tell you what the future holds for the coming months and know that if you need help, I will always be here, for you. I will write to you from time to time to hear from you. I feel really close to you now, and I must say that your current situation moves me… It’s up to you to trust me and make the right choices based on what you know now.
You are in my thoughts,
Your friend and guide for a better life,