Reserved for:
As July wore on, I kept feeling the urge to elevate my life and improve my emotional strength. But I didn’t know how – until you mentioned this double meteor shower peak.
It was exciting to realize the Delta Aquariids and Alpha Capricornids showers would peak on the same day, accompanied by the soon-to-peak Perseids. And even more so when you explained how the Ascension could utilize this Meteoric Apex!
I want to work through these two phases, creatively defining my goals with profound authenticity and then granting myself the confidence and faith to action them all.
I also appreciate the additional offering of the Three-Month reading, which I know will be super useful post-Ascension. It will only further boost my confidence in the future.
All in all, Elissa, I give you my full consent to help with this Ascension. When you share the instructions and resources for both stages, I’ll pay close attention. I’ll work through each with care, open-heartedness and reverence. I’ll work hard to get this right.
Please send everything I need to complete the Aquariid-Capricornid Meteoric Ascension straight to my email inbox as soon as you can.
Please also step into my subconscious and select cards as I would in order to divine and deliver my FREE gift (my Three-Month Star Path).
For all your hard work and effort, I’ll happily pay you the small fee of , an incredible reduction from the usual price of .
Thanks to your 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, I know I won’t be taking any risks with my money.
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