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Congratulations. You knew what the July 30th Meteoric Apex could do for you in terms of life elevation, and you didn’t hesitate to request your path to Ascension.
I’ll start preparing immediately and send everything you need to complete your Aquariid-Capricornid Meteoric Ascension to your inbox within the next two days.
I’ll also send your FREE gift (your Three-Month Star Path), as promised.
I’m confident that, between the two-stage Ascension and the Star Path, you’ll very soon have everything you need to thrive. By the time we reach winter 2024, you’ll be a different person – brighter, bolder, with a fuller life. I’m glad to have paved that route.
That said, on the topic of preparing for winter 2024 and all that lies beyond…
We mustn’t forget the upcoming Perseids meteor shower peak on August 13th. These bright and impressive streaks of cosmic debris can reach a rate of up to 100 per hour, and around the time of that top rate, they bring forth huge amounts of energy.
From the brave and heroic Perseus constellation, they pull into our orbit and allow us to access great swathes of:
- Enthusiasm
- Stamina
- Vigor
- Adventurousness
- Curiosity
- Fearlessness
All of these will behoove you to soak up post-Ascension as you pursue your new life!
If you’re interested, I can help you to permanently expand your energy supplies – and, thus, your capacity for new experiences and adventures – via a “Perseid Peak Energetic Expansion.”
You and I both know your potential is brilliant, golden and shimmering. You and I both know there’s no end to what you can do in the right circumstances.
So… Don’t you think it’s time to start building those circumstances from the ground up?
For , I’ll give you everything you need to complete your PERSEID PEAK ENERGETIC EXPANSION.
Why not?
Your loving friend,