This all began with a feeling I had
A sense that you weren’t like everyone else. That you were destined for bigger and better things, and less susceptible to corrupting forces.
Your request for this Key proves me right. You want a better life, and you’re perfectly willing to chase after it. I admire you so much for that, and a million other things.
I’ll begin this revelatory process by sharing your Arcane Key of Wealth, and will then share the two FREE gifts I promised you…
It’s so beautiful, and so small to hold so much power! But really? The Arcane Key of Wealth is nothing without a person holding it, and channeling it.
Here are the instructions you must complete to open your hidden inner door and start vibrating on a new, wealth-attracting frequency:
- Print out the Arcane Key of Wealth. (If you don’t have a printer, visit a friend with a printer or a local library where you can use the printing facilities – this step is a crucial one.)
- Fold the Arcane Key in half three times, and then place this folded paper directly over your heart, pressing it against your body with your dominant palm.
- Whisper the following word, which translates to I unlock in Latin:
- Take a deep breath in, and then push it slowly out. Whisper, once more:
- Place your non-dominant palm over the dominant one as it holds the Key in place, fold in your shoulders and whisper right into your hands: Resero sub astra. (Meaning: Under the stars, I unlock.)
- Remove your non-dominant hand, and with your remaining hand, turn the Key against your chest as if turning it in a lock. Take one final deep breath in, push it slowly out, and for the last time, whisper: Resero.
That’s all there is to this unlocking process, .
Follow each step as I’ve laid them out, and it will all start happening for you almost instantaneously. You’ll go to bed that evening, and the impact will already begin to be felt the next morning.
But what next?
Your first FREE gift, of course…
Now, as promised, here is your Financial Blueprint for the next six months.
I find it’s really helpful to have some guidance in this life, and I’m hopeful that this first FREE gift will save you many hours that you might otherwise have been spent floundering or chasing your tail…
Month One:
The card that represents your financial situation during this month, drawn from my Tarot Deck of Financial Freedom, is… THE STAR, UPRIGHT
Upright, The Star is a symbol of hope, faith and growth. Of change on the horizon that leads to bigger and better things. It’s clear that will shine brightly for you, as a blazing star high up in the sky shines brightly even down here on earth.
Your lucky, wealth-growing numbers this month are…
Your luckiest dates this month, best suited for financial risks and closing deals, are…
Month Two:
The card that represents your financial situation during this month, drawn from my Tarot Deck of Financial Freedom, is… PAGE OF WANDS, UPRIGHT
Upright, the Page of Wands is all about exploring and discovering new freedoms. As your finances weigh less heavily and bills occupy less space in your brain, which new hobbies will you have time to explore? What will you start to spend on in , when those barriers are removed?
Your lucky, wealth-growing numbers this month are…
Your luckiest dates this month, best suited for financial risks and closing deals, are…
Month Three:
The card that represents your financial situation during this month, drawn from my Tarot Deck of Financial Freedom, is… … NINE OF CUPS, REVERSED
Reversed, the Nine of Cups is not an easy card. won’t be an easy month. You’ll start to feel a lack of internal happiness that leads to general dissatisfaction with life, and you’ll realize that now is the time to turn your focus inwards, healing old wounds and making new strides.
Your lucky, wealth-growing numbers this month are…
Your luckiest dates this month, best suited for financial risks and closing deals, are…
Month Four:
The card that represents your financial situation during this month, drawn from my Tarot Deck of Financial Freedom, is… KNIGHT OF SWORDS, UPRIGHT
Upright, the Knight of Swords is a recipe for impulsivity – and that’s not necessarily good or bad. It just is. After a reflective , will naturally be more adventurous and spontaneous. Just keep an eye on yourself, okay?
Your lucky, wealth-growing numbers this month are…
Your luckiest dates this month, best suited for financial risks and closing deals, are…
Month Five:
The card that represents your financial situation during this month, drawn from my Tarot Deck of Financial Freedom, is… THE DEVIL, UPRIGHT
Upright, The Devil tells us that your bout of impulsivity might continue into . It might tip into materialism and an approach that’s overly focused on dollars and cents. Remember to look around, . Know who you are, and why you’re working so hard. Appreciate your loved ones.
Your lucky, wealth-growing numbers this month are…
Your luckiest dates this month, best suited for financial risks and closing deals, are…
Month Six:
The card that represents your financial situation during this month, drawn from my Tarot Deck of Financial Freedom, is… FOUR OF PENTACLES, UPRIGHT
Upright, the Four of Pentacles leaves us in a strong position at the end of these six months. In , I think you’ll truly settle into your new life. This card symbolizes security. The saving and conserving of money. It waves goodbye to the urge to spend, spend, spend non-stop.
Your lucky, wealth-growing numbers this month are…
Your luckiest dates this month, best suited for financial risks and closing deals, are…
There you have it, . A lot of information, condensed into an easily readable format.
I’d recommend printing out your Six-Month Financial Blueprint and sticking it up somewhere in your home – somewhere you’ll regularly pass by it and be reminded of its helpful wealth-accumulating-and-preserving guidance.
Now, finally, here is the second of your two FREE gifts…
I never met Perris – he was long before my time. But still, in our connection through generations of Astral Guardians, I can feel his energies in this Likeness. They strongly emanate…
His love of people.
His love of the astral forces.
His desire to protect. To help however he could.
I can feel it all.
That same desire to protect and help drove him to create the Arcane Key you’ve already received, and that’s why this Energy-Charged statuette does what it does (protects its owner from psychic and spiritual harm).
I know that Perris will serve you well as a protector. And you’ll be pleased to know that you don’t need to activate this Likeness or perform any rites/rituals at your end – I’ve handled all of that for you.
Instead, you must simply:
- Keep Perris’s Likeness a secret, not sharing his form with anyone else (to do so would reduce its power and split its safeguarding energy)
- Revere and respect Perris’s Likeness by keeping it in a safe and special place
That’s all there is to it. You’ll know the Likeness is working if you can continue to live your best life, unharmed by negative influences.
I’ve shared all the offerings I promised you, and all the advice I think you’ll need. Now, it’s up to you.
What will you go out there and do?
Your loving friend,