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As you know, the Archaic Regret Escape Route I’ll share with you today consists of two parts – the Archaic Regret Comprehension Ceremony followed by the Future Refocusing Ritual…



Part One: Your Archaic Regret Comprehension Ceremony

Set this Ceremony in motion by finding yourself a comfortable place to sit, grabbing a pen and some paper, and playing this meditative, focusing track:

    Know that you’re settling in for a while, and don’t expect the Ceremony to be over in five or 10 minutes.

    Begin by closing your eyes, setting the pen and paper down beside you and placing your hands in your lap. Let the music calm and center you until you feel able to start pushing further and further back in your mind. 

    Try to identify your first “big regret” in your own eyes. How did the situation unfold? If it happened now, with all you’ve learned, what would you do instead? 

    When you’ve got a sense of it, open your eyes, pick up the pen and paper, and write down a sentence in answer to each of the following questions:

    • What is the regret?
    • What would I do instead if I could change it?
    • Can I change it?
    • What did I learn from things happening this way instead?

    Be as succinct as you can while still being clear and thorough. 

    Close your eyes again and repeat this process for as many “big regrets” as you have. For some, this will only be a few. For the more past-consumed, this will take longer. 

    When you’re done with that phase, review your answers to the fourth and final bulleted question: What did I learn from things happening this way instead?

    As briefly as you can, list all the things you learned on a separate piece of paper. Then look at this paper in isolation, clearing your head of what came before.

    Take a moment to comprehend this fact: I would not be the         I am today if I hadn’t learned these things.

    Realize what you’ve learned from what “hasn’t gone your way,” take a moment to thank the universe for what has, and commit to putting down the past. 

    Mentally signify that by raising your upward-facing palms in front of you, then flipping them over as if dropping that baggage. You don’t need to hold onto things that aren’t serving you when there’s so much else to fill your hands with!

    This will lead us into your Future Refocusing Ritual…

    Part Two: Your Future Refocusing Ritual

    You may perform this Ritual 24 hours or more after you perform the Ceremony (but oppositely, you should also perform it before 60 hours have passed between them).

    As you did during the Ceremony, you may play the same focusing track to keep your energy and flow consistent:

      Also, as you did during the Ceremony, you should have a pen and paper nearby. 

      On a sheet of that paper each, write down your seven biggest goals for the next three years. What do you want to accomplish? How do you want things to look?

      Fold each goal sheet in half and half again, then spread them equidistantly around where you’re sat until they fully encircle you. 

      Whisper, backed by the focusing track: Let me reach for the future with arms open wide. I’m hoping, I’m wishing, earnest and without disguise. Let the universe see my desires, free from lies. Let the energy of this circle transform my life.

      Press your fingertips to each folded sheet in turn, putting hope and commitment into every point of connection.

      Observe five silent, still minutes at the center of that circle, letting the replacement of your attention properly take hold.

      That will conclude your Archaic Regret Escape Route,        . It will take time, thought, and emotional energy to complete, but it won’t be too challenging if you remain willing and open, ready to expand your mental horizons. 

      And once you do? You’ll be in the perfect mindset to spot your Destined Phase of Shimmering Progress and trigger it into life…

      …Likely by the end of        .

      Which will mean you’ll need to get to know your FREE Advice for the Destined Phase as soon as possible…


      • For everything you know about yourself, there are seven things you don’t – As your life changes, don’t be surprised to see your interests/preferences change. With more choices come more chances to find your most authentic self. Don’t fear that.
      • Progress means something different to everyone – As you achieve goals and find luck in most areas, stay focused on what “Shimmering Progress” really means to you. Not what it means to society, loved ones, or even enemies. Just to you. 
      • Make ample room for recuperation days – You’ll be busy during your Destined Phase. That much is hard to deny and hard to walk away from. Be sure to make good, relaxing use of your free days. Don’t spread yourself too thin, my friend.
      • Balance spending with investing, knowing nothing lasts forever – With your luck on a high, you’ll find your finances improving a LOT. Though you’re always within your rights to spend your money how you like, investing is a sound move. 
      • Target your doubled confidence wisely – Though your doubled luck will not likely ever hinder you, your doubled confidence might find you chasing fleeting fun over true contentment. Just because you now feel you can doesn’t mean you should.
      • Take the necessary steps to make your transformed life permanent – Know that you have two months not just to change things but to set up systems and make plans that will help those things STAY changed when your Destined Phase is over.
      • Your lucky numbers are particular during a Destined Phase – In a Destined Phase, your lucky numbers are ALWAYS every digit that appears in your date of birth. So,        .

      Some of the above, you’ll already have considered. But overall, I feel you’ll benefit from having this list of Advice to refer to whenever you need it for the next two months.

      I’m always rooting for you and wishing for your success,        , and I really feel we’re about to see some significant changes – in the most beautiful way you can imagine!

      Your loving friend,