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Recently, I was checking in on the astral skies of many different people


We’re approaching the date of a cosmic shift, and in times like these, I like to be sure that all those I care about are on a good track.

Unfortunately, one of the astral skies that I examined gave me some real concerns.

It was your sky,        . Your future worried me so much that I had to conduct some deep study to find out exactly what I was dealing with.

And what I discovered, when I dove deeper into your future and connected with your subconscious mind through the practice of astral projection, explained a lot.

Around six years into your life, a dark cloud of negative and murky energy managed to sneak its way into your astral sky and impact your future.

It was nothing you did,        . I want to make that crystal clear.

You were just a sweet and innocent child, barely beginning their journey on this earth.

No, what happened was a terrible fluke accident, and a rare one, at that. I’ve only known six people, in all my years alive, that have experienced something similar.

Isn’t that crazy,        ?

All the people in this world, and only six have known the same kind of suffering as you. The suffering of nothing good ever being able to reach you.

You’ve likely thought, before, that you were unlucky. And you are. But it isn’t your fault, and it isn’t even karma from a past life. It’s all down to this thick, oppressive cloud which takes up so much space in your astral sky.

I think you know what I’m about to say,        : This cloud NEEDS to go. And luckily for you, I can help with that.

I told you that six others had been through this. Thankfully, I was able to help every single one. I helped them escape their bad luck and build a new life on the other side.

Let me do that for you, too,        .


You’re probably wondering what, exactly, an Astral Clearance Operation is.

Basically,        , it’s a complicated series of actions that a magical or psychic person completes for another, in order to clear out their astral sky.

Your astral sky is a mysterious, spiritual mirror to the night sky, and from it, psychics like me can divine your future.

But when your sky is clouded by other things, as it is in your case, fortune-telling becomes impossible. It all gets so hard to read. And your future isn’t just made murky by this type of darkness,        .

Something even worse happens…

Over time, your fate is changed by a blocked astral sky. Eventually, there’s no more space for anything to flow in or out, and not a single drop of luck can reach you.

Can you pinpoint the moment that you last felt lucky? That’s probably the moment that your astral sky became too full to let anything else in.

Many years ago, a woman came to me with exactly this issue. She felt like her luck had run out, and it was showing no signs of coming back. When I studied her sky, I found it clogged up with a negative cloud.

I turned to one of my brilliant mentors, a mage by the name of Aleks, for help.

Aleks created all the components of the Astral Clearance Operation and performed that first one for the woman. (It was a huge success.)

In time, Aleks taught me his ways, and I became an expert in my own right at the complicated Operation.

Life after your Astral Clearance Operation won’t be the same,        .

Suddenly, you’ll find that you’re able to:

  • Win money games/games of chance regularly
  • Notice and seize opportunities easily
  • Earn promotions and professional recognition quickly
  • Improve your financial situation drastically

You’ve struggled unfairly for        , and you don’t have to do that for a day longer.

I’m here to right something that should never have been wrong, and I’m willing to work as long and hard as I need to in order to put you back on the right track.

Rarely have I come across a case where a person so good has been through so much. Please,        , let me help you out.


If you’re still feeling uncertain about my offering, know that everyone I’ve performed this Operation for has seen massive improvements to their life as a result.

And I do mean everyone,        .

There’s no way this Astral Clearance Operation won’t help you, and I’m willing to prove it.

Here are a couple of testimonials from previous clients – people I performed an Astral Clearance Operation for. They should tell you everything you need to know…


KASS, 30:

Once I knew the truth, everything about my life started to make sense.

It had all been going so well until I hit 26, and now I know that was the moment that my luck just… ran out. Hit the wall of darkness in my astral sky and found itself unable to reach me.

My mind was all over the place for months, going to some really sad places, and then Elissa found me. She explained my situation from the beginning, and what she could do to change it.

I jumped at her offer, and I’m still so thankful, today, that I did. I could feel it in my bones the second that all that negative energy dissipated and disappeared.


MATT, 67:

You expect plain sailing in your sixties, once your kids are grown and out of the nest. Or, at least, that’s what I expected. Unfortunately, life had other plans.

When I was 63, my wife left me for the tree surgeon I hired. They fell in love rapidly as he worked in our back garden. I was just indoors, reading my book. I never saw it coming.

I had to rebuild my life in a way that I’d never expected to, and things just KEPT ON GOING WRONG!!! Until, that is, I met Elissa.

The Astral Clearance Operation she performed turned everything around. I was able to finally move on, sell my old home for a solid profit, and buy the beautiful beach house that I now live in with my new fiancé.

Bless you, Elissa, for all you did.


I don’t have forever to wait,        , and I’m worrying about you, anyway. I need an answer as soon as I can get it.

I’ll make you an offer:

Your FREE Celestial Idol

Your Celestial Idol is a totem of astral power, carved from quartz, crafted in the shape of a twelve-pointed star.

This Idol will allow you to bless the stars, planets and energies above.

Show your reverence and respect for the astral forces that control the universe via worship of your Celestial Idol, and those same astral forces might treat you well for it.


Your Numerical Path to Financial Freedom

Your Numerical Path to Financial Freedom is a series of ten extremely lucky, extremely personal numbers. You’ll be able to use these numbers to find success in your life in many different ways.

Look out for your numbers wherever you go, and soon enough, you’ll find the path you’re searching for.

If you’re interested in living a memorable, enjoyable life,        , you should be interested in requesting your Astral Clearance Operation.

I don’t want you to be trapped in your life as it is, and I don’t think you want that, either.


Your loving friend,

Ask for Your Astral Clearance Operation

+ 2 FREE Gifts