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There are many ways for negative energies and dark feelings to reach us


I’m sure you know this, given that you’ve been living and learning on this planet for         years already.

But did you know that one of the best ways of all for hate to creep towards you and hugely hurt you is through something called your astral sky?

An astral sky is something every person has. It’s like a spiritual map of your future path. A bible that marks your celestial destiny.

It’s something I’ll often interpret in order to figure out how someone is doing and spot what’s coming next for them.

It’s also the place where astral luck first floods when it comes down from the forces above and spreads into someone’s life.

Most importantly, astral skies are usually totally protected and insulated from negative influence. Yes, they can predict darkness ahead – but the darkness can’t affect the picture itself. And when it can…

Things go a little haywire, to say the least. Your entire fate can be affected and marred when darkness reaches into your sky.

I hate to be delivering this news, but it has to be done.        , this is exactly what’s about to happen to you.

Darkness is at the door of your sky, and it’s ever-so-slowly beginning to creep in!

I’ll get into how I figured this out very soon, but I first need to let you know: I can fix this.

You have until the end of         to make your request, so please, don’t waste a second.



Let’s explore how I found this out. That’s what I would want to know if I were you,        .

It began when I was conducting a check-in on you yesterday. (On a regular basis, I check in with everyone that I help – and I do so in a range of different ways.)

I was using my Quick Tarot Deck to conduct a super-speedy two-card tarot reading that would reveal your current status – whether you were doing well, whether there was anything important coming up, you get the picture.

I drew, in this reading, the Eight of Wands (upright) and The Tower (also upright).

I’ll briefly summarize both for you:

  • The Eight of Wands, Upright = Quick decisions and fast actions are required. Something must be done – and it must be done ASAP.
  • The Tower, Upright = Sudden, disastrous events are on the horizon. Something wicked this way comes.

From those summaries alone, I think it should be clear what this reading told me…

You are in danger. Disaster is heading right for you. And with haste, I need to intervene. I need to help you take action to prevent the aforementioned disaster.

For more information, I then turned to your astral sky. And that’s when I spotted it.

A rip in its very fabric. A ragged tear.

I knew that such a sight wasn’t normal – I study thousands of these skies each year! And I saw, peering through the tear, a dark and thick cloud of negativity. It had seen its opening. And it was preparing.

Listen up,        : Darkness in your sky isn’t like darkness in your life.

Neither are enjoyable, but darkness in your sacred spiritual spaces can permanently damage the state of your destiny. I know that isn’t something you want to happen.

I know you want to protect yourself and ensure your future can remain as bright and shining as it deserves to be.

So, we need to fix it.

I know I’m right in this,        . Not just because the facts are so clear, but because the second I found that tear, my body filled with a superhuman sense of foreboding.

The astral universe was letting me know that my fears were founded and correct. And in another second, I plunged away from the real world and deep into a vision…

Darkness. Shadows. Clouds. A dingy room lit by a single candle on an old wooden table. And in the deepest corner of the small space, you. Cowering. Crying. Dressed in tattered old rags, filled with despair that emanated out from you in waves.

My heart ached at the sight, and I had to walk over to you. I had to do something. Anything. When I spoke your name, nothing happened. You didn’t even look up. But when I reached out and touched my fingertip to your hand?

Blinding white light. Radiating across the entire scene, stunning me like a camera flash.

Then, in the recession of the whiteness, a brand-new image.  

A brighter, sunnier room with yellow walls. A happier, richer         with regal clothing and a thankful smile on         face.

I had done this. I felt it. I had pulled you from disaster to success, and I needed to work to do the same in the real world.

The vision ended, I gathered my research, and now I’m writing to you.

The darkness looms, but if we can mend the fabric of your sky and close that tear before the end of        , it won’t hurt you.



This is all about protecting your future, right? It’s about ensuring you can live as well as you deserve to, unthreatened and undamaged by negativity’s influence.

To that end, I’d also like to provide you with two FREE gifts.

When you request your ASTRAL SKY HEALING OPERATION, I’ll send these gifts along with details about your part in the Operation (your acceptance of my healing will require you to complete a few simple steps) 

  1. Your FREE Spiritual Strengthening Mantra, proffered to help you build up your inner well of power and make you less susceptible to future tears in your astral sky.
  1. Your FREE Ruby of Radiant Freedom, proffered to scare away negative energies and influences whenever they encroach. You don’t deserve them in your sky OR in your life,        .

With so many amazing things at your disposal, pursuing your dreams and living up to your full potential will be easier than ever.

That’s what I want for you. That’s what I truly believe you deserve in this confusing life – especially given the fact that you’ve already been unfairly targeted by the appearance of this rare tear in a sacred spiritual place.

If you’re as invested in your future fate and future success as I am,        , you know exactly what you need to do.

I want to be able to provide the help you need in time. I want to stop that lurking dark cloud from harming your celestial destiny.

Is this something you want? And are you ready, now, to take the preventative measures that we so desperately need to take?

I’ll be waiting to hear from you,        .


Your loving friend,

Ask for Your Astral Sky Healing Operation

+ 2 FREE Gifts