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Balancing Ceremony

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I accept your kind, once-in-a-lifetime offer of help.

Please, perform a Balancing Ceremony for me. Free me from negativity, heal my soul and re-balance my aura.

I want to change my life. I want to be the kind of person who attracts fortune and happiness. And with your help, I know I can be. This Balancing Ceremony will turn me into a better version of myself.

Please also send me the two incredible FREE GIFTS you’ve described: The Card of Gaia, and my Elemental Blessings.

I’m ready to let the Card of Gaia lead me right to luck. I’m ready to be supported by each of the four elements – earth, air, water and fire.

When I’ve balanced my energies and cleansed my soul of negativity, I know I’ll be able to start the wonderful new life you saw in my future. Thanks for all your help, Elissa. I couldn’t do any of this without you.

For all your hard work, I agree to pay the small fee of ,‎ an incredible reduction (of over fifty percent!) from the usual .

This reduction is proof of how deeply you care about me. How deeply you WANT me to succeed. And I’m so grateful for that.

Let’s work together to change my life.

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