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It’s always so comforting to know that you’re on my side, listening to the signs the universe sends you about me. And what’s a more explicit sign than a vision of my love-filled future, complete with instructions from my dream world future self?

If future         and current Elissa both agree that claiming this Bundle is the right course of action – and that it will be instrumentally helpful in my life – who am I to disagree?

I see that my levels of attachment wealth are low, and I want to change that ASAP. I want to open my heart to love. I want to pull more of it in by increasing my magnetism.

I thank you for the chance to do both. For showing me that I don’t need to be an island. Thanks, too, for the Harmonious Love Laws you’ll share alongside this offering!

Elissa, I give you my full consent to give me this fantastic Bundle. I’ll follow all your instructions to recite my Love Bloom and awaken my Magnetizing Blossom correctly. I can’t wait to improve my level of attachment wealth, basking in love’s many forms.

Please send my Bloom and Magnetize Bundle (consisting of my Open-Hearted Love Bloom and my Magnetizing Blossom) straight to my email inbox as soon as possible. 

Please also send my FREE gift (my Harmonious Love Laws).

For all your hard work and effort, I’ll happily pay you the small fee of , an incredible reduction from the usual price of .

Thanks to your 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, I know I won’t be taking any risks with my money.

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