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Love makes the world go round


As cliché as it is, it’s the most accurate thing we can all agree on. But while it’s easy to agree in principle, it can be hard to actively prioritize the feeling of love in day-to-day life.

(Especially when mistakes and hurts happen every day, and we grow guarded and careful with our hearts as a method of self-preservation.)

Thankfully, your Bloom and Magnetize Bundle will reset the balance that’s left you short on love and not too wealthy in attachment lately…


Your Open-Hearted Love Bloom

Speak this Bloom spell outside after night has fallen. Recite it from memory with your eyes closed and arms wrapped over your chest, shielding your heart. 

As you reach the end of the first stanza, throw your arms wide to the world, letting your heart spirituo-psychically open.

“I’ve lived in fear for the last few years,

Cowed by failure and so scared of pain,

But I rise again, and I’m standing here,

To pledge willingness to try – again and again,

Like a flower that grows through the sun and the rain,

I accept the pleasure, understanding and wonder,

Knowing that they cannot come without any pain,

Knowing that to love and bond is to miss and hunger, 

I open my heart to the feelings that call me,

To the joys of connection that I know I’ll find,

I accept and embrace the vulnerability of need,

I let care, adoration and warmth bloom in my mind.”

Do you see how the Bloom works,        ? How it will slowly open you up? 

Though it’ll take some time to memorize for recitation, I can promise the final result will be worth it!

You’ll feel far less scared to connect the morning after the night of a successful Love Bloom recitation. The fear of hurt will pale compared to the joy of being known, loved and cared for. And you’ll be ready for your Blossom…

Your Magnetizing Blossom

Awaken the love-attracting, connection-increasing, magnetizing and alluring properties of your Blossom with ease by following these instructions:

  1. Print out the visual representation of the Blossom pictured above in a size of your choosing. 
  2. On a larger piece of paper, draw the outline of a heart. Make it a big enough heart to house the Blossom picture entirely, fully containing it.
  3. Put the Blossom in the heart, then place one palm against the bare skin of your chest, right over your heart. Place your other palm against the center of the rose.
  4. Work through ten deep breathing cycles, in and out. Curve your palms up from your fingertips during “in” breaths and flatten them again during “out” breaths. Make the breaths your sole focus. Empty your mind.
  5. When you feel ready to speak the “magic words,” so to speak, lean down to the Blossom and whisper, close to it, eight simple words: I breathe you to life. Come alive. Magnetize. 
  6. Leave the Blossom where it is, in the center of the heart you drew, for 24 undisturbed hours. 
  7. After this point, it will begin to pull love into your life and create incredible results (which your Love Bloom will have opened you up to!). 

That was your Bundle in full,        . Now, I’ll share your FREE Harmonious Love Laws. There are seven Laws in total, and I’ve gathered them over the years – mainly through direct experience…


  • Law One – You must love with the grace you’d want for yourself. This means loving the best AND worst version of your mother, brother, child, or lover. This doesn’t mean accepting real cruelty or abuse – some people surrender their rights to love by treating you with such unkindness – but it does mean not expecting 100%. It means having compassion on the bad days and bridging gaps where possible.
  • Law Two – There is something to love about every person in your life. Even a colleague with whom you seem to have nothing in common might bring something unique to the table that you can appreciate and praise. Reach for the things you love and enjoy rather than focusing all your energy on the things you dislike, and your life will steadily become more and more peaceful, enjoyable and harmonious.
  • Law Three – Adoration is not adulation – trust yourself to sense the difference and pay attention to your instincts. You never want to surround yourself with people who can’t say no to you because these people do not really love you. Not properly. They aren’t looking out for your best interests by endlessly indulging you and never telling you when an idea is bad or a course of action probably isn’t a smart idea.
  • Law Four – To be loved by everyone is to be known by no one. To take the path of least resistance is to miss a million brilliant experiences. Be yourself, shining and unfiltered and undampened. Don’t feel you need to be everyone’s favorite person, or you might never connect with the people who really, truly WOULD favor you – the real you. Don’t water yourself down because you fear divisiveness. 
  • Law Five – Never expect another soul to fill your cup of self-love. This cup is a distinct entity in your life, apart from other forms of love. It’s a cup that only you can ever be responsible for, and keeping it full and protected (as much as humanly possible) will prevent episodes of lashing out at the wrong person or desperately seeking more and more and more from one who can only give you so much.
  • Law Six – Love is not a static thing that must stay unchanged through the years. Love is fluid. Love is a flowing source of water. It’s a stream some days and a waterfall other days. It’s whatever you need. And since it’s so liquid, true love can flex, change and adjust without running dry. Communicate, compromise, and don’t fear change. The more a bond adapts and shifts, the more it might grow!
  • Law Seven – Time to regulate alone can heal wounds before they’re inflicted. We all have many arguments each year that erupt from nowhere and get out of hand before we catch up to what we’re doing/how we’re behaving. Giving yourself plenty of room to think and reflect on your own can help you skip some of the less-needed, more petty fights. Save conflict for the moments when it’s genuinely unavoidable!

Use each offering I’ve shared today wisely,        . I know a tremendous and love-filled life is stretching out ahead of you, and I’m so glad. You deserve all those connected, understood feelings that are coming your way…


Your loving friend,