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Congratulations. You saw the value to be found in my Blossoming and Blooming Tarot Deck this Easter, and you held on tight to this future-revealing opportunity. I’m so glad.
I’ll complete your comprehensive, three-part Blossoming and Blooming Easter Reading ASAP and send the results straight to your inbox in the next two days.
I’ll also send your FREE gift (your Palm Frond of Victory and Peace), as promised.
Combined, I know these two offerings will lead the way to great success in the spring and summer months of 2023. You’ll be confident in your convictions (thanks, Palm Frond!) and sure of your path (thanks, Reading!). Who could dream of more?
At present, your Easter Reading will guide you all the way to the end of July. But if you want to access even more tarot guidance after this point…
I can provide you with a Two-Month Easter Reading Continuation, taking you through a tarot reading for August and September on top of the first four months.
(Since we’ll be looking at two months rather than four, I’ll assign just one card to each of the three life areas – your personal life, your professional life, and your inner life.)
Since you’re so unique, and your 2023 potential is incredibly high, I feel this Continuation makes sense.
And for only , it’s yours.
I wouldn’t make this effort for everyone – not if I didn’t feel it would make a difference. But in your situation, I sense it will. That’s why I’m already planning to read these additional cards for the Continuation when I do the initial Easter Reading.
To leave it any later would be to forfeit the use of my rare, incredibly accurate Blossoming and Blooming Deck – which I’d prefer not to do any sooner than I must!
If you choose not to claim your Continuation, I won’t regret the extra time I spent giving you this opportunity. (Though I might feel sad that you’ve missed a chance to optimize your future even further…)
If you choose to claim your Continuation? I’ll be over the moon, and you’ll have an actionable life map that keeps you on course from now to September.
Doesn’t that sound great?
Your loving friend,