I’m not here to waste a moment of your time or to keep you from your Celtic Torc of the Total Eclipse
I promise: It’s waiting for you just below these words.
But before we jump into the Torc and the FREE accompanying Reading, there is something else I’d like to offer you. Something more I can share if you’re interested, allowing you to utilize the special eclipse period even further.
The Celts were an enlightened people, and I know the Torc’s abilities will soon make that crystal clear to you.
Around the eclipse, they did not just take the opportunity to charge certain special artifacts with lunar power.
They also hosted entire festivals of light to celebrate the moon, the sun and the wondrous event happening above them.
As it transpired, this was the right course of action.
Organizers of these light festivals would be blessed, nine point nine times out of 10, with some supreme cosmic luck lasting at least a few months after the festivities concluded.
Suddenly, their goals would be much easier to reach, and their wealth would increase. Any hint of stagnation would fade from their life, replaced swiftly with growth.
Sounds amazing, doesn’t it?
Luckily for you, I can instruct you on the completion of your own private Light Festival and allow you to achieve similar results.
The cosmic universe will mark you out as one to be rewarded, and you’ll find yourself stepping into the second half of November with not just an increased level of energy and fertility but an increased level of luck!
If you’re interested, I’ll tell you a little more once I’ve shared your Celtic Torc and your gift.
Now to share the artifact that has delivered us to this special moment…
Here is your Celtic Torc of the Total Eclipse in all its ancient, powerful and fertile glory.
It looks heavy in this image, but in reality, it’s nearly weightless. I think its inner power makes it this way so as never to inconvenience a physical wearer.
In your case, , you don’t need to become a physical wearer. I’ve developed a psychic strategy and imbued the image of the Torc with all the artifact’s power and your unique spiritual footprint.
You simply need to print the image out, store it safely when it’s not in use and complete the following alignment instructions to 100% seal the deal and forge a lasting bond:
- Place the Torc on a clipboard or similar hard, flat surface that can hold the entire image. (If you’re not using a clipboard, consider affixing the Torc directly onto the surface using tape/a clip/some kind of low-damage adhesive so it can’t slip.)
- Find a black ink pen (ideally not a ballpoint but an inkier option to more closely replicate the original ritual, which was completed with quill and ink) and some sheets of plain white paper.
- Place the paper directly over the Torc. Write a numbered list down the side of the page, one through five. Pen your answers to the following prompts in their corresponding numbered slots:
- Describe a time in recent memory when you have wished for more energy than you possessed.
- What do you like about your romantic life?
- What don’t you like about your romantic life?
- Describe what the word “fertile” means to you.
- List briefly the three most significant flaws you find in yourself as a romantic partner and/or a platonic friend/family member.
- Turn your written answers over to directly face your Torc and leave them like this overnight in a safe spot.
- When the morning comes, destroy your list of answers and store your Torc to officially complete the alignment.
It’s a simple alignment.
It’s more about showing the Celtic Torc your energetic imbalances and deficiencies than anything else. Though you might come away from it feeling a little low or flat, you will have given the Torc all it needs to do its important rejuvenating work.
With these steps shared and the Torc in your hands, let’s turn our attention to the FREE gift I promised you – your Concise Romantic Reading…
I began this Reading as I do most Concise Readings conducted remotely…
I spent some time forming a psychic link between our two minds on the spiritual plane, and I then chose the two cards for this romance-focused draw as your own subconscious mind would have done. Here’s what came up…
Card Number One: The Empress, Reversed
At first, upon seeing The Empress come up, I thought that all made sense.
The Empress is a symbol, in the tarot, of motherhood and fertility. It would track perfectly that you would pull this card when you were about to receive the Celtic Torc, a conduit for fertility, new energy and new motivation.
Then I realized something. The Empress was not upright. The Empress was reversed.
Rather than an expression of what you already know (you will receive a fertile energy boost soon, and your romantic life will be resultantly changed), it was a warning as to the pitfalls of too much energy, love and passion.
Reversed, The Empress represents negative traits, like curiosity tipping into nosiness and overbearing behaviors, or love tipping into co-dependence and over-reliance.
Sometimes, , you have an all-or-nothing personality. In the coming months, you must do your best to keep that part of you in check.
If you can’t, unhealthy habits could thrive and develop, and you could tip too far in the opposite direction – relying too much on others rather than shutting them out too much as perhaps you currently are.
Card Number Two: Eight of Pentacles, Upright
The Eight of Pentacles, upright, is a complex second draw with many possible meanings. But given that I asked my Lunar Tarot Deck to focus directly on your romantic life, this is how I would interpret its appearance…
Your passion and devotion, increased as they are by your incoming Torc, will serve you well and raise your overall romantic standards.
These new high standards will benefit not just your lovers but yourself and all your platonic friendships and bonds, too.
We think of romantic love as something wildly different from platonic love, but it is not, and many of the standards we apply to ourselves in romantic love could also translate well to platonic. Standards like trust, respect and unconditional kindness.
None of this is to say that your standards have previously been anything close to low. But in the new version of your romantic life? They will certainly be elevated to a new level.
And other parts of your existence will surely follow if you can keep that up.
That concludes your Concise Romantic Reading. I hope you’ve discovered some key information from our brief tarot study. I hope the knowledge I’ve implanted successfully informs and improves the next nine months of fertile energy.
Before I leave you, I’ll remind you once again of the new offer I’m extending in your direction during this special eclipse moment…
(Remember, this will be the last total lunar eclipse for years, so we should absolutely be making the most of it!)
For a moment, let’s return to the Luck-Inducing Light Festival Instructions I’m offering you as a beautiful accompaniment to your Celtic Torc of the Total Eclipse and your Concise Romantic Reading.
As I said, the Celts would host festivals of light during eclipse periods.
In fact, many historians agree that Celtic people were the first to invent the concept of a festival of light.
Don’t you think there’s a reason so many other cultures have adopted similar traditions, either picking them up independently or following Celtic influence?
I think the reason is that they work.
And these instructions, finely honed over the years by yours truly with a proven track record, are sure to work for you.
Lunar energies are high. The metaphorical iron is hot and ready to strike.
Your loving friend,