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I think we can dive right in, don’t you?


We’ll begin with your three Challenge Triad Advance Provisions…



Your Clarity Companion

Do you remember what I told you about this adorable little Clarity Companion,        ? I said it was imbued with energies of clarity in three different ways. Those ways are:

  • The power placed within – I have personally filled this Companion with energies of clarity, communication, confidence and connectivity. It functions as a conduit for my powerful abilities, allowing you to draw from my inner well.
  • The form – This Companion takes the form of an elephant, known amongst all the Earth’s animals as one of the most peaceful and communicative. Choosing this form doubles the strength of its imbued communication-boosting powers.
  • The composition – This Companion is made from aquamarine, often termed the “crystallizing crystal” by mystics because it exudes clarifying, communicative energies. Choosing this gemstone again doubles the Companion’s strength.

It’s all very intentional, you see. Plus…

It comes to you charged, fully prepared for your ownership. 

I’ve done everything necessary to ensure it’s ready – right now – to improve your ability to communicate clearly. To increase your conflict resolution capacity. To keep you calm and level-headed, even when an emotional storm is raging.

Just print out the image above, carry it around with you as you go about your business, and magic WILL happen!  

(Your first Event of Immense Challenge WILL fail to destroy your positive trajectory.)

Your Day-by-Day Luck Map

If you’re attentive to all these dates and any corresponding notes,        , I’m confident you’ll avoid financial catastrophe when your second Event of Immense Challenge hits…

Notably lucky days between now and        

Notably unlucky days between now and        


No additional notes.


Be particularly wary of financial “tricks” and schemes that seem too good to be true on this day.


Potential for a large windfall is strong on this day.


Play your cards close to the chest on this day to avoid bad monetary luck. 


This will be your LUCKIEST day throughout the entire four months.


No additional notes.


No additional notes.


No additional notes.


No additional notes.


This will be your LEAST LUCKY day throughout the entire four months.


This day is very lucky, but more so personally than financially (avoid big monetary commitments).


No additional notes.

Your Definitive Self Questionnaire

In your preferred way (handwritten or word-processed), write a paragraph or so in answer to each of the following questions.

Keep your answers safely stored somewhere private in your home, and return to them if you ever feel your sense of self slipping.

  1. What is my greatest strength? 
  1. What is my greatest weakness?
  1. If I were to turn the tables on question one, what would be the weakness on the flip side of my greatest strength?
  1. If I were to turn the tables on question two, what would be the strength on the flip side of my greatest weakness?
  1. What are my four deepest-held moral values, and how do they manifest in or impact my daily life? (One paragraph per moral value)
  1. What are my four most important personal boundaries, and how do they manifest in or impact my daily life (One paragraph per personal boundary)
  1. When I’m at my happiest, I’m doing what? Why does that make me so happy?
  1. When I’m most sad, what’s happening? Why does that affect me so negatively?
  1. What do I prioritize and look for in my relationships, whether familial, platonic or romantic?
  1. How would I define ‘success’? What does/should it look like?
  1. How would I define ‘purpose’? What does/should it look like?
  1. How would I define ‘love’? What does/should it look like?
  1. Where do I see myself in three years?
  1. What is my biggest fear, if I am being frank? 

  1. Where did my biggest fear come from? Does it affect how I think about myself or interact with others?
  1. What’s the thing I’ve done that brings me the most pride?
  1. What’s the one thing I most regret (if anything)? 
  1. Am I an intuitive person? Why/why not?
  1. Am I an empathetic person? Why/why not?
  1. Am I an anxious person? Why/why not?

With a better grasp on your Definitive Self, your final Event of Immense Challenge won’t stand a chance!

Now, with each Provision in your hands, I’ll conclude by sharing your FREE Star-Flung Figures of Supreme Fortune


Here are your Star-Flung Figures of Supreme Fortune, which will serve you well until they reset six months from now (don’t worry – that still gives you plenty of time to enjoy them)


These luckiest of lucky numbers weren’t easy to gather,        ! But for you? 

I went about tracking them down with a smile on my face. I scoured your astral sky to seek out extra support for a person so good, kind and deserving.

Pay attention when any of the above turn up. Use them when invited to make a numerical choice. Rely on them in money games as a secret ace in the hole. In short, get the absolute most out of the important data I’ve just shared with you!

We’ll speak again soon,         – by which time you’ll probably have deftly weathered a couple of those Immense (or not so Immense, now) Challenges.


Your loving friend,