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We won’t waste much time on the preamble when you have so much to do and so much to learn on the other side of that important work.


Let me only say, before we begin: Thank you. Thanks for your trust, faith and belief in what I offered you. Thanks for the chance to prove this was absolutely the right course of action. You won’t regret the moves you’ve made to make it to today.

And then, let us get going…


Part One: Your Wonder Remembrance

Be sure to complete this Remembrance when you’re not feeling too emotional. Try to do the work at a time when you feel relatively calm. Also, ensure that you’re completing the ritual during daylight hours. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Identify and don some clothing that you feel your child self would have enjoyed/felt comfortable in. (Not in terms of size, of course, but in terms of things like cut, material and vibe.)
  2. Gather together the following items: A cut flower with at least four petals, a small notebook/pad of paper, two pens (in case one runs out of ink) in your child self’s preferred ink color, and a device on which you can play music. 
  3. Queue up a playlist of about 10 favorite songs from childhood, and set it to play as gentle background music behind your Remembrance. 
  4. Find yourself a comfortable spot on the floor, sitting in Lotus Pose or a similar appropriation of it that feels preferable to you. Set the flower, the paper/notebook and the pens down in front of you.
  5. First, pick up the flower and pluck a petal from it. Close your eyes and picture a childhood memory in which you experienced true joy, excitement or hope for the future. Roll the petal between your thumb and index finger as you picture it.
  6. When you’ve remembered all you need to, open your eyes. Place the crushed petal gently on the ground. 
  7. Pluck a new petal, close your eyes, and repeat the process. Do this twice more for a total of four petals and four childhood memories.
  8. Then, pick up the notebook and a pen, and begin to write – without limitations and without allowing your headspace to be crowded by your adult perspective – about your dreams, goals and most wonderful hopes for the future.
  9. It’s hard to say how long you’ll write. Let it take as long as it takes, and know the Remembrance will be over when you feel it is. When you have a renewed, more optimistic sense of where you’re heading in life.

When the Remembrance is done, your new hope and focus will lead you right into the Reading…

Part Two: Your Wonder Tarot Reading

The month in question

The tarot card you drew for the month

My wonder-aligned recommendations and revelations

Month One:        


The Hierophant, Reversed:


Upright, The Hierophant is a symbol of tradition and conformity. But here he stands, reversed, in Month One of your Wonder Tarot. Thus, reversed, the opposite is true. And we are told that the best way for you to stay connected to your authentic, most optimistic dreams and goals this month is to rebel where you can. To be different, where you need to be. To subvert the expected approach, where a situation called for this. 


Month Two:        


Ten of Pentacles, Reversed:



A second reversed card! In Month Two, the Hope and Wonder Deck gives us a more direct warning. The reversed Ten of Pentacles speaks to instability and success that doesn’t last – but don’t worry, it’s not telling us that your success in the direction of your dreams and goals won’t last. Instead, this card is letting us know that you will experience some fear about instability and fleeting achievement, and that if you allow that fear to take the wheel, it will become a reality. Stay the driver,        . Keep believing.


Month Three:        


Nine of Cups, Upright:



We conclude our Wonder Tarot on our only upright card, the Nine of Cups – and it’s a great place that we find ourselves in come Month Three. Upright, the Nine of Cups represents stability and luxury in terms of both material goods and mental state. It tells us that your sustained efforts will enable you to reach a very good place and that your commitment to optimism will really begin to pay dividends when this month does roll around.

With that, we reach the end of the Childlike Wonder Reintroduction. But don’t forget – I still need to share your FREE Lucky Star for the Hopeful Soul, having given you all you’ll need to fulfill the criteria…


Here’s your beautiful, magi-carved and mystic-powered Lucky Star,        . 

I can’t give this to people often, as it’s loyal to each new owner for at least six months (until it’s given all the luck it needs to give). 

But when I thought about giving it to you? It felt like a no-brainer. Firstly, you’d be in the perfect position to receive it after the Reintroduction, more hopeful than ever! Secondly, you’re very much deserving of some extra fortune!

So, I made it your accompanying gift. Now, it’s here, and I’ve already done all the necessary work to prepare it for your ownership.

That’s right – it knows you already.

(You now just need to print it out and store it somewhere secret and safe, close to where you lay your head each night.)

As soon as you’re done with the Remembrance and beginning to act on the guidance of the Reading, your Lucky Star will make its presence known by sending countless opportunities. 

Fortune will never be easier to find than it soon is, and you’ll have many chances to light up your life with joy, wealth, fun and progress.

You deserve every one. I’m so proud of you and so glad we made it here together. Let’s catch up soon…


Your loving friend,