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Some moments are gone in an instant, forgotten in another


Others stay with us. This moment, right before you officially receive your Ox and the accompanying awakening instructions, falls into the latter camp for me.

I’m very proud of you for listening to the astral universe. I’m excited to watch your faith, hope and trust pay off…



The Ox is so intricately created, isn’t he? I’m sure he’s more detailed and unique than whatever you had imagined in your mind’s eye.

And now, happily and wonderfully, he’s yours!

To officially begin to pull in prosperous, wealth-generating energies, he just needs a little nudge to wake him from the slumber he falls into between owners.

Complete your ceremony of awakening by following these instructions:

  1. Print out your Citrine Ox of Affluence or prepare him for viewing on a portable screen like a phone or tablet. 
  2. Place your Ox in a spot in your home where he can sit directly in a beam of sunlight or moonlight (like the beam that materialized him), either on the ground or on a windowsill, perhaps.
  3. Sit down as near to the Ox as possible without blocking the beam of light. Look directly at it for a slow count (in your head) of 10 seconds.
  4. When this time has passed, keep looking at the Ox and reach your dominant hand in its direction with fingers outstretched, palm up. Imagine you’re offering the Ox your hand to hold. Don’t make contact. Just reach in that direction. 
  5. Whisper, hand out and up: Good morning or good afternoon or good evening (depending, of course, on which is the relevant time of day).
  6. Close your eyes at this stage, and take the time to look back through your best and happiest memories. 
  7. Try to find a moment in which you were 100% fulfilled and a moment in which you were 100% selfless (or the same moment, if you can cover both with one memory).
  8. Visualize this moment. Adopt the position you were in if you can remember it. Relive it to the best of your abilities.
  9. When it feels right to come back to the present and back into the room, do so slowly and gracefully. Don’t make any sudden movements. Stay languid and calm.
  10. Open your eyes last, and look at the Ox once again. Whisper: Welcome, dearest and most anticipated friend of mine.

This final 10th step will conclude the awakening. You can expect the Ox to be fully active and working in your favor within 24 hours.

At that point, you’ll be free to take more risks than you usually would. You’ll find that chances to chase after wealth and opportunity become more frequent. A lot will change, and all for the better.

Plus, you’ll also have your first handy FREE gift to help you really channel abundance in your direction…


Lucky numbers, as you probably know by now, can pop up anywhere for any reason. Phone numbers, financial figures, games of chance – anything you can imagine can be affected and influenced by your Figures of Astral Fortune.

Keep your eyes wide open. Look out for:


Finally, here’s your second FREE gift…


The ability to stay grounded even when you’ve attained greatness is not innate. It’s easy for even the most excellent, kind and humble person to get lost and off-track when they suddenly have everything they want! It’s overwhelming!

I hope this Guidance will be helpful, enabling you to avoid the common pitfalls and maintain a grounded awareness of who you are and where you are:

  • Don’t forget where you belong – This doesn’t mean don’t strive. It means quite the opposite. When I say don’t forget where you belong, I mean that you must never lose sight of the fact that there are people who love you dearly and places you can go if things get too stressful. You’re not alone. You’re loved and safe even when your life changes and your responsibilities increase.
  • Make your intentions known – As you wield more influence and power in your life, it’s easy not to update and adjust your actions accordingly. It’s easy not to reflect this in how you behave when it’s not something you’re accustomed to yet. But when you’re a boss – a leader with followers – clarity of message and intention is essential. Be honest, be transparent, and be open. 
  • Leave space for grace – Never become so busy that you don’t have the time to be appreciative. Grace, or in other words, a well-mannered and good-natured attitude, is never something you grow out of or don’t need to focus on anymore. The more love, compassion and forgiveness you can extend to other people, the more you’ll receive in return.
  • There’s always more room at the “top” – At all costs, avoid being the person who climbs the ladder and then pulls it up. You know what it’s like to struggle and suffer. To try so hard but not see your dreams arrive. When you can, lend a hand. Stay grounded not just by remembering where you came from but by recognizing that many people are still in the place you came from (and by helping them often).
  • Some friendships aren’t made to last through thick and thin – Changing, growing and elevating will show you who your “true” friends are. Some won’t want to stick around and won’t necessarily support all your new success. Even still, this isn’t a reason for bitterness. Not every friendship is made to last forever, and if you can make peace with this, you’ll save yourself a bucketload of unnecessary misery.

That concludes your Grounded Guidance and this message,        . 

I’ve given you all I promised to share, and you’ve got a lot to be getting on with. I’ll check in again soon, by which time I’m sure I’ll have a hundred amazing adventures and successes of yours to catch up on…

Your loving friend,