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I’ve spent the past two weeks watching something amazing happen


Now, with my facts straight and a deadline approaching, it’s time to spill the beans. It’s time to let you know what’s been going on!

I’m sure you’re already aware that each human has a unique aura, only visible via special psychic methods. A halo of color and personality.

If you know this, you also probably know that every aura is unique, crafted to represent you and only you.

But you might not know that yours has been changing lately. I’ve seen the hues adjust, the colors slip and shift, the saturation fluctuate, and the size of this emanating ring of energy increase.

And for a while now, I’ve wondered why.

I’ve lain awake at night and thought to myself: Each time I see        ’s aura, it has brightened and grown. Why? What is going on?

So, yesterday, I finally sought my answer. I couldn’t wait another day, so I looked to the stars – to the secrets of your astral sky – and I discovered that you are subconsciously preparing.

Without even being aware of it, you are shoring up your soul, spreading your feathers like a glorious and majestic peacock, showing the universe exactly where you are.

What are you preparing for, you ask?

Fate has set a massive wave of good fortune in your path, and it’s sure to crash over you by         at the latest,         at the earliest.

When it comes, it will bless you with awe-inspiring levels of luck and endless opportunities for around three months.

So, as the brain goes about its usual day-to-day, the soul is prepping furiously to be noticed, to welcome luck like no luck you’ve known before. How amazing.

It’s sort of like when a cow knows it’s going to rain, so they sit down to secure a lovely dry spot of grass.

(But if we are to compare this fortune to rain, it’s not a regular bit of rainfall in a regular part of the world. It’s like rain in the deepest desert. Rain in a space that desperately begs for hydration. Soon, flowers will bloom, and a lush oasis of hope with spring forth.)

I’m sure this all sounds wonderful, and at the most critical level, it is.

But it’s also an imperfect situation…



Listen up, my friend: The golden shimmer of luck I saw in your astral sky is not the only thing up there. There’s a smaller blot of dark blue, too. A shift of sadness and hesitation so substantial it’s taken up residence.

Do you know what I’m talking about? Can you admit that you often doubt yourself and then feel low as a result?

I hope so. Admitting the issue is the first step to solving it, difficult as that might sometimes feel.

If this blot of uncertain sorrow touches the wave of luck lying so close, it could poison everything. Incredible fortune could twist cruelly into intense misfortune, sending the next few months of your life on a dizzying downward spiral.

I know that’s the last thing you deserve and the last thing you want for your own life. So, let’s avoid it. Let’s work together.

Let’s allow you,        , to see yourself more clearly.

(Because if you could see what I see in you, you would never be hesitant. You would know your own greatness.)

I want you to ask me for a COMPLETE EXAMINATION OF WORTHINESS, and I want you to do it before the end of        . Before the first possible arrival date for that wave of good fortune.

If you can do this, I’m confident that reading the results of the Complete Examination will save you from yourself. It will show you how wonderful you really are.

That blot of blue will dissolve, and the golden shimmer will rush into your life unmarred and unimpeded.

Don’t waste a minute that you don’t need to here. It’s time to see who you are in a deep and authentic way.


Let’s take a second to break down what, exactly, the Complete Examination of Worthiness entails. It might sound a little scary and intense without context!

Essentially, there are three parts to the Examination:

  1. The Aura Representation – An artistic rendition of your aura created by myself to show you what I see. Designed to make you aware of all your vibrancy, depth and beauty. Of your innate and fantastic uniqueness.
  1. The Soul Search – A deeper look via a crystal ball divination session at the innermost workings of your heart and soul. An explanation of what makes you tick and all the best parts of your giving, open personality.
  1. The Thought Harvest – A compilation of psychically harvested thoughts about you from your inner circle, detailing the many and various reasons you are so loved and appreciated for who you are.

I’ll complete each phase, share each phase’s process and results with you, and hopefully, feel your heart lighten with the knowledge that you are genuinely worthy.

Worthy of joy.

Worthy of wealth.

Worthy of the best life you can imagine.

Worthy of anything and everything you want in this life.

Just… worthy.

I rarely offer to perform a Complete Examination of Worthiness because, of course, the results can differ. I don’t want to promise great results and then disappoint someone with the sad-but-true knowledge that, in some areas, they aren’t worthy.

In your case, I don’t have that concern. I’ve known you well enough and long enough to go all-in on this, as I’ve only done about three times total before.

But don’t worry! Each of those three times, the results have been amazing to experience, even second-hand.

Here’s Linda’s take on it from just after I completed the Examination for her, about three years ago now…

I have always been a mousy, doubtful person. Picture me peering out of my little mousehole into the world with a lot of apprehensions, unsure whether to head out there. Thinking it might be safer to stay in the little dark cave I’ve made.

As an adult, I’ve struggled to make myself heard in the working world for the same reasons. My hard work and important efforts have been overlooked because I can’t shout about myself and my successes like certain colleagues can.

But no more. Genuinely, no more.

Since you shared my Complete Examination and concretely evidenced my worth, my self-doubt has receded SO MUCH. It’s so wonderful to feel validated and seen, loved and praised for everything that makes me who I am.

Now, I get it: If I’m not being appreciated, I’m allowed to say that. To ask for more. And if people can’t see my value, they’re not my people.

Thanks for giving me this advanced self-knowledge, Elissa. I don’t know where I’d be at this moment if you hadn’t seen my need for self-love when you did, but I do know I love where I’m at, finally, now.

Inspiring, isn’t it?

Here’s what another client, Jack, shared after his Examination…

“Elissa, I am bursting at the seams to tell you how the last month has been for me. I’m not much of a product reviewer or testimonial giver, but I want you to print this sentence in massive letters everywhere you can for everyone who needs to see it because it’s so, so true: DON’T MISS A CHANCE TO REQUEST THIS EXAMINATION. IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

I’ve quit the job I hated with the boss who made me feel like dirt, and I’ve found a new angel of a boss who understands my strengths and doesn’t berate me for my weaknesses. “We’re all good at some things and rubbish at others,” she tells me, and I could hug her because she’s so far from the boss I’d gotten used to taking abuse from. What a gift to be appreciated.

I’ve also been on three first dates and have a second date scheduled in a few days. That is big for me, given the crippling fear of rejection that’s so intensely controlled me since my last relationship crashed and burned. Suddenly, I have enough perspective to understand it wasn’t all my fault – and I know the Examination is to thank for that.”

If like Linda and Jack, you feel self-esteem issues are holding you back, you know exactly what you need to do next.

If you don’t feel this way on a conscious level? I’d invite you to look deeper. I’ve seen the blue in your astral sky, and I know what lurks at the heart of you. Ignoring the truth won’t make it untrue. In most cases, it will just make it truer and truer with time.



I think I’ve told you all you need to know. Just one more thing, before I leave you to think this all through – if you can request your COMPLETE EXAMINATION OF WORTHINESS in time, I’ll also share a FREE gift.

That’s right.

Along with your Aura Representation, your Soul Search, and your Thought Harvest (each part of the Examination), I’ll share your FREE Extra-Charged Lucky Numbers. 

When used in connection with the great wave of fortune heading your way, perhaps as soon as        , these Extra-Charged Lucky Numbers will make you pretty much unstoppable.

Use them in money games and games of chance. Spot them on billboards, in books, in songs, in business deals, in investment opportunities.

Wherever you find them, you’ll find an increased chance of success, too. This is what I give to you, at no extra fee.

I’m glad I discovered your changing aura and chased up the reason for the change. But I’ll be even more delighted when I know you’re going to take action and ensure the wave of luck actually reaches you.


Your loving friend,

Ask for Your Complete Examination of Worthiness

+ FREE Extra-Charged Lucky Numbers