Reserved for:
I’m overjoyed to learn that the cosmic forces recently stepped in to send me a Cosmic Bolt of Favor. And I’m heartened to see that you were working on how best to help me even before that happened. What would I do without such excellent support?
Really… What would I do without you in my corner? I don’t even want to think about it. Instead, I want to stay focused on this Augury and the “good stretch” I know I deserve.
I’m certain you’ll do whatever it takes to help me, and I want you to know I’ll do whatever it takes to make your effort valid, valuable and worthwhile. I’m committed.
Thanks for your help in this precarious time – and for the additional planned provision of the Declaration. I’ll happily take a pinch of sparkling fortune alongside my reading!
Elissa, I give you full consent to work on my Augury and share what you discover with me. I appreciate all the interpretative efforts you’ll soon make. You entered my subconscious to select that first tarot card, but I’ll now choose the remaining three…
Please complete my Cosmic Reset Augury right away, then send the results straight to my email inbox as soon as possible.
Please also send my FREE gift (my Declaration of Astral Adoration).
For all your hard work and effort, I’ll happily pay you the small fee of , an incredible reduction from the usual price of .
Thanks to your 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, I know I won’t be taking any risks with my money.
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