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A successful, productive stretch of time in this life can have a million lasting positive consequences and influences


A string of good days does wonders. 

Similarly, a negative, unhelpful stretch of time can do lasting damage to your trajectory and self-concept. It can damage you in ways that take much longer than the breaking time to fix. 

I tell you this because you’ve been approaching a negative stretch – a bad time, in simple terms – for a while now. I’ve been anxiously aware of this fact, wondering how to avert or mitigate the crisis but coming up with no viable solutions. 

But last night? That changed. Everything changed, really… 

I was standing at my kitchen sink, washing up a few mugs that weren’t dishwasher safe, when my attention was drawn to the window and the moonlit world beyond it.

A storm began to brew, and it hit my area hard in a matter of minutes. It was so sudden.

I watched in awe as a tree in my back garden was struck by a tremendous, blinding lightning bolt, and for a moment, many strange things happened at once.

The sands of time seemed to turn upside down. 

The energy flow of the earth depolarized and reversed. 

The stars in the sky above shone green instead of gold.

Then, the moment was over. The garden was dark. The storm was gone, and the stars were as they always had been. It was almost like nothing had ever changed. 

But I knew there had been a shift. I knew what I had seen and felt.

I donned my hard-soled slippers and headed outside, where I walked up the garden and came to a stop in front of the lightning-struck tree.

Your initials were burned into the trunk. The lightning bolt had scorched them into the bark, loud and clear.               .  

(Can you believe that!?)

When I reached out to touch the trunk with my fingertips, I was hit by a series of seven stunning flash visions about your life. I saw a bright, shining future filled with achievement, peace, love, and recognition. It was amazing. 

So, I pulled my fingers back and went inside to check your charts. To confirm my suspicion.

And I was right: This strange stormy moment had been your receipt of a Cosmic Bolt of Favor!!!

Essentially, the astral forces far above elected to make your upcoming bad stretch disappear. They reset the frequencies of your life and world, seeing your karmic balance and knowing you were by no means in need of a period of negativity and darkness.

…But there’s more. The universe didn’t just want to do this. They didn’t just want to throw down the Bolt and send you on your merry way. 

Otherwise, they wouldn’t have involved ME. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have offered me those brilliant visions of your potential, ideal future. 

No,        , the Bolt was just the beginning. 

Cosmic entities beyond our understanding had taken your “bad stretch” off the table, and now they were asking me to put a “good stretch” on the table for you instead. They were requesting a replacement.

Do you understand? It’s my job, as assigned to me, to help you make the months ahead not just a crisis averted but a growth opportunity seized and fulfilled.

I think my best bet for that, knowing where you are emotionally (knowing your hopes are high, but you feel directionless), is a Cosmic Reset Augury covering the next four months of your life, consisting of both numerological and tarot-based guidance. 

Will you let me show you what to focus on, which dates and numbers to be attentive to, and most importantly, how to get the absolute most out of your life in the aftermath of cosmic intervention?

I’m so confident this is the right choice that I will commit to sharing your first month of guidance right HERE and NOW…

Just give me a moment…

It’s been an hour,        . I’ve worked hard to step into and out of your subconscious mind in that time, and while I was there, I selected the first card of four precisely as you would have done.I drew Judgment, upright. 

In this position, the Judgment card represents a person finally waking up to some new aspect of themselves. Someone who is prepared, after much fear and much looking away from the truth, to observe who they are – head-on.  

Do you see that in yourself,        ? And do you know what that new vulnerability could offer you in terms of life elevation?

There will always be reasons to walk away from personal enlightenment and truth-seeking on a deep, inner level, but in this most essential of months, you’ll finally figure out how to quiet those reasons enough to elevate your mindset. Enough to really grow.

On the numerological side of things, your lucky numbers for the month are        . 

And your lucky dates are the        . 

Look for your numbers. Use your dates well. 

Is there anything else I need to tell you at this point? I’ve explained the Cosmic Bolt of Favor and the intentions of the astral world in sending me the message and visions.

I guess all that’s left is to tell you that if you can claim the Augury before the deadline arrives and passes – before         is over – I’ll provide you with a FREE gift, too. 

Just like most humans do, the cosmic forces love to feel seen and appreciated for their efforts.

Thus, I’d like to share a FREE Declaration of Astral Adoration with you. Recite this to thank the astral forces for what they did, and you’ll almost certainly benefit from a resultant increase in luck and fortune.

Truly, what could be a better accompaniment to the Augury? 

What could make your future even brighter than a sprinkle of lucky stardust on top of the guiding map I’ll soon hopefully provide?

Your loving friend,

Ask for Your Cosmic Reset Augury

+ Free Declaration of Astral Adoration