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Every once in a while, a person is gifted with an incredible run of luck


A truly, show-stoppingly incredible series of fortunate events.

This is particularly likely to happen when the person has been the victim of very bad luck for weeks, months and years at a time.

It’s a rebalance, courtesy of the astral forces. A reward for persevering through the tough times.

Recently, I discovered that you’re due a run exactly like this. And it’s coming quickly.

I can see a transformative period kicking off for you on        .

Isn’t that amazing?

Aren’t you breathing a sigh of relief just to know that you’ve not been forgotten, or cast aside?

Aren’t you thrilled to discover that your destiny is more than the life that you’re living in this moment?

In a month’s time, your life could already have begun to transform into something unrecognizable (but vastly superior, of course).

You might be wondering: How did you discover this information, Elissa?

I discovered the path about to unfold ahead of you because you popped into my mind yesterday while I was hiking. I’m not sure what, out in the great outdoors, reminded me of you. But suddenly you were there.

After years and years of psychic work, I’m trained to trust my instincts. Right there on the trail, I sat down and entered a meditative state.

Using an advanced method of astral projection, I took myself to your astral sky and viewed the calendar of your future.

I gasped at what I saw. 10 bright and shining points of opportunity were sparkling unmissably ahead of you, all placed somewhere across the next six months.

I rushed back into my physical body, returned from my hike and completed some deeper study. I wanted to know more about your history and your present, to better put your future in context.

It became clear to me, as I did this, that you’ve been having an unlucky time of it lately.

Some days, making sense of your future feels like trying to build flatpack furniture with instructions written in incomprehensible gibberish.

Some days, your heart is a heavy weight in your chest, and you struggle to lug it around wherever you go.

Some days, absolutely nothing seems to go right for you. You put in maximum effort but receive minimal reward.

And then you do it again. Rinse and repeat.

Until now.

The tide always turns eventually, and it brings me a huge amount of joy to be the one telling you that it’s beginning to do that.

10 opportunities are coming for you. Opportunities bigger and better than you’ve ever been offered before. (Trust me, I’ve studied your history extensively in the past 24 hours.)

If you want to be sure that you seize as many of these as you can, I know how to help.

At your request, I’ll perform a Divinatory Crystal Reading.

I’ll outline when each opportunity is likely to arrive, and what it’s likely to consist of. I’ll also share your lucky numbers and smaller lucky opportunities for each of the next six months. Basically, I’ll give you all the tools you need to turn things around.


A Divinatory Crystal Reading is a gift rarely offered, but always deeply appreciated when it is.

That’s because this type of Reading requires a huge amount of psychic strength and energy and is completed with one of my most precious artefacts (from a substantial collection,        !): My Divinatory Crystal.

For a future uncovered with clarity and accuracy, there’s no better tool than this Crystal.

Blessed with astral and elemental powers alike, there are few items as insightful in existence.

It must have been 15 years ago that I first found the Divinatory Crystal, buried in a complex system of tunnels beneath an ancient holding ground for women considered to be witches.

Most were not even spiritually gifted,        . Most were simply women who dared to speak a little too loudly. But in their midst, a few true sorceresses lurked.

One, I believe, was the owner and creator of the Crystal, pulled from her home in such a rush that she had no place to safely stow her precious divining tool.

I can’t say how the tunnels began to form, or how they were built undetected (I suspect the creator of the Crystal was involved in some magical capacity), but I can say they were extensive, and a means of escape for many trapped women.

Deep within the system, in a hollowed-out cavity of the tunnel wall, I could feel the Crystal’s energy pulsing. Calling out to me.

It was hidden from view, but I felt it clear as day.

When I reached in, I felt my hands close around the chain it was strung from and knew I had never touched something this precious, unique and powerful before.

Since this time, I’ve kept it safe, and I’ve used it on those rare occasions when it feels most necessary.

You,        , are one of those occasions. 

You’re about to banish the bad luck that’s trailed you for years, and when you do, you’ll be able to totally transform your life for the better.

Isn’t that what you want?

I haven’t completed a full analysis of the opportunities ahead of you yet. That’s what this Reading will, in part, be. But I can give you some examples.

Here are some of the many things that these brilliant chances ahead of you, shining bright in your astral sky, might represent:

  • A chance at romance
  • A financial windfall
  • A change to your personal situation
  • An opportunity for emotional growth
  • An opportunity for professional growth
  • A life-changing revelation
  • A moment to reconnect with an old friend or flame
  • A road less travelled by that leads to great things

And much, much more. The possibilities are endless, and the answers are waiting on the other side of your request.

I’m sure it must be hard to believe that things can really change.

That you can really go from being terminally unlucky to enjoying a string of 10 incredibly positive opportunities. But the facts are the facts,        .

I wouldn’t lie to you. What would I have to gain?

All I want is to see you succeed, and to help you on your way to achieving your destiny. Is that something you’ll allow me to do?


I’ve explained to you,        , what your Divinatory Crystal Reading will include.

You know that it will tell you as much as I can discover about these 10 special opportunities across the next six months.

You know that it will also break down smaller monthly opportunities and reveal lucky numbers that you’ll be able to use to your benefit.

But here’s something I haven’t told you yet: When you request your Divinatory Crystal Reading, it won’t come to your inbox alone.

I’ll also provide you with three incredible, hand-picked gifts, totally FREE of additional charge.

I’m doing this because I need you to know, as much as you possibly can, that I care about you. That you matter to me, and your future success is important to me. That I am on your side.

The gifts are:

  • Your FREE Astral Luck Attraction Ritual
  • Your FREE Galactic Jewel
  • Your FREE Bundle of Positive Reinforcements

Shall we talk about each one?

I’d love for you to understand the ins and outs of these offerings, and to remember, as you discover more, that they’ll come to you for free…


Your Astral Luck Attraction Ritual 

Your Astral Luck Attraction Ritual will do what you’d likely expect.

It will call the astral forces to attention and pull star-powered luck in your direction, mingling with your existing run of amazing chances and making you even more likely to succeed.

I chose this as your first free gift because it’s plain for anyone who studies your sky to see that you’ve been really unlucky recently.

And not in a way that’s been warranted or deserved, like it sometimes is. Just in an unfortunate, accidental way that I’d like to fix as soon as I can. 

I know the Reading will give you enough, all on its own, to make huge positive changes – but I’m hoping your Astral Luck Attraction Ritual will be an additional boost to your life.

You can’t have too much luck, right?

You’ll perform this Ritual according to the instructions that I send you. I’ll make everything simple and clear, leaving no question unanswered.

Your Galactic Jewel

Every gift was carefully selected, and this Galactic Jewel was no exception.

The Galactic Jewel is known to be a source of financial regeneration and rejuvenation, and I see just how much you could benefit from some of that right now.

It was first given to a poor beggar woman with a family to support by an astral envoy with a close connection to the stars.

Once you align this Jewel with your soul, you’ll soon find that it begins to act in your favor, granting you at least three months of financial blessings.

I expect multiple of your 10 big chances to be financial in nature, so you can think of the Galactic Jewel as another supplementary top-up – a way to ensure that your financial life doesn’t just move from bad to good, but from bad to utterly amazing.

Wouldn’t you love to live without constantly worrying about money,        ?

Wouldn’t you like to see who you truly are, free of financial burden?

Your Bundle of Positive Reinforcements

The final free gift that I’d like to share with you in this package of offerings is a collection of personal and uplifting mantras.

We all have down days and dark moments in this life – it’s only natural – but I worry that in your current existence, you’re letting those down days and dark moments have too much precedence.

You’re letting them overtake other feelings and thoughts, becoming a default state that damages your ability to think, learn and grow.

Hopefully, this Bundle of Positive Reinforcements can mark the beginning of a new outlook for you.

An outlook that says: Maybe everything will be okay. Maybe every unfortunate moment doesn’t have to mark the beginning of an endless disaster.

Positivity is not as easy as people think, and I promise,        , I know that.

It’s why I’m working to help you get to this place, and hoping this Bundle will lead you in the right direction.

Having broken down each gift, I hope you can see the thought I put in. I hope you know I care about you deeply and want to watch you prosper.



If I were you,        , I might be wondering at this point: Can I trust you, Elissa? Can I really believe that you can do all of this for me?

Trust has to be earned, and I’ll work to earn yours if you’ll let me.

But as for whether I can really change your life with this Reading? I think so.

You only need to take a look at my track record with other clients to understand what I’m capable of…

PAUL, 40:

When Elissa told me that she was willing to use her Divinatory Crystal to help me, I was overwhelmed with love and gratitude. She shared just how special it was, and just how much she thought I could benefit from it.

At many times in my life, I’ve felt unsupported and alone. But not anymore. Not with Elissa committed to working hard on my behalf and giving me a better future.

She showed me that I’d been through a lot, and she helped me to understand that it wasn’t my fault.

More importantly, she told me that there was a way out.

Three months later, I’m following her recommendations and using the gifts she gave me. I’ve already been able to change my life in so many different ways.

My financial situation, for instance, is about a billion times less stressful. AND I’ve found a romantic partner I can trust after years alone.

Bless you, Elissa, for all you’ve done and continue to do on my behalf. I’d recommend your services to anyone and everyone.

ANDI, 24:

One day three years ago, I woke up feeling like there had been a power cut in my brain. Like suddenly, I was fumbling around in the dark, feeling for familiar door handles, nervously shuffling along walls. 

The sadness and loss had been building since I lost my grandfather and my father in unfortunately quick succession, and that day, it become too much to bear.

My slump lasted a long time, and in the end, Elissa was the only one who could pull me out of it.

She showed me that there was a better future ahead of me, and that opportunities were coming that I needed to seize, whether I liked it or not.

I think she reminded me of something I should never have forgotten in the first place: I owed it to the people I’d loved and lost to live a good life. Not to waste the precious time I had.

So, that’s what I did.

With Elissa’s guidance, I turned it all around and never looked back. New job, new home, even new and better trusted friends. It’s all different now, and it’s all better than ever.


When I found out that my run of bad luck was finally about to end, I didn’t believe it. It had been years of trying and failing at that point, wishing and hoping for dreams that felt desperately and painfully out of reach.

Then, all of a sudden, I was making a request. A request that might have changed my life but might also have made no difference.

Luckily, the former turned out to be true.

The first life-changing opportunity I encountered was a financial windfall of thousands, which helped me to resolve a sticky debt situation.

The second was a chance at a brand-new and better-suited career, and I am deliriously thankful that I seized it.

Then there was a third, a fourth, a fifth. Eventually, I could hardly recognize the woman I used to be.

It was a beautiful transformation, and I only have Elissa to thank. She’s my hero.

Like Paul, Andi and Autumn, you could soon enter a new phase of your existence, grabbing onto every available opportunity. 

All you need to do is ask, and we can get to work.

Your loving friend,

Ask for Your Divinatory Crystal Reading

+ 3 FREE Gifts