Everything is about to change for you in the most fantastic ways.
As promised, here is your
Divine Fortress
It’s yours to keep.
Last night, I performed an Energy Awakening Ritual especially for you, so that a powerful spiritual forcefield could begin to influence your life’s path.
Thankfully, the ritual went perfectly. I won’t overload you with details, as it would take days for me to properly explain this ancient ceremony. Besides, it’s my duty to keep this magical ceremony secret, so that it retains its powers.
I need your help with one final step, . To fully activate your Divine Fortress, you must synchronise its protective waves with your personal vibrations. It’s a very simple process, don’t worry!
Light two white candles once the sun has gone down. I need you to do this as soon as you can, – ideally tonight. Stare into the flames for a few moments. Breathe deeply. Clear your mind. Focus on finding serenity and peace deep inside.
As you do so, display your Divine Fortress on the screen (or, if you can, print it out). Hold it between your palms and stretch your arms out in front of you.
Then, recite the following formula seven times. Say the words out loud if you can.
“With the power of these sacred words and of the invisible forces,
I call upon the protection of the Divine Fortress.
May my enemies recognize it and flee.
May the universe let me be free!”
Stay silent for a few minutes after. Breathe deeply. Clear your mind once again.
You will feel a pleasant heat rising within you. Embrace it and relax completely. Free yourself from any negative thoughts. Push them out of your mind. Then blow out the candles.
Instantly, you’ll be protected by your Divine Fortress. It will help you shake off any occult attacks cast upon you. This powerful tool will also unlock your future happiness and bring you the luck you truly deserve.
Keep your Divine Fortress on you at all times, and look at it, or display on your screen, at least five times a day. Believe in its powers and it will change your life.
I have discovered something else about you, .
Just as I came to the end of your ritual, I experienced a powerful premonition. It instructed me to look into your future once again. I, myself, couldn’t quite understand why. But I used my gifts to take another look. I’m so glad I did, .
I received a message from the great beyond about you.
It was a truly fascinating experience, and I have learned even more about the wonderful future that lies ahead for you.
Now is the time for you to tap into your spirit guide, .
Here’s how.
This phenomenon only occurs when someone is truly in need, …
Yesterday, just as I uttered the last word in your ritual, a strange sensation flooded into my body. These unusual vibrations traveled from the top of my skull to the tips of my feet. It wasn’t unpleasant, , but I knew this was different from the universe’s usual energy waves. Suddenly, my ears were filled with a wonderful celestial voice. I looked around the room, but I was alone.
But I did not feel frightened. I could sense this voice came from the great beyond, and that it wanted to bring only positive energy into this world. What’s more, , I sensed that it was a voice you had known very well.
I believe I was visited by your spiritual guide, . They were trying to make contact with you again, and what they revealed during their short time with me was truly astounding. I’ve never experienced such a powerful encounter with the beyond.
I’m sure you’re curious about what they told me, . So, I’ll let you in on a secret.
Your life is only going to get better!
It’s going to improve in every way, but your finances will see the biggest change. I’ll give you all the details shortly. I also have a message from your deceased spiritual guide, which will bring you peace of mind like you’ve never experienced.
Before we go any further, , I must reveal something to you.
While I was creating your comprehensive guide to spiritual contentment, I sensed a powerful psychic link between us. It grows every time your spirit calls out for help, whether you’re aware of it or not. Our connection became even more obvious when your spiritual guide paid me a visit. I realise now that it’s my duty to help you, .
From now on, everything we do together will be noticed by the most powerful entities in the universe. They’ve already recognised how willing you are to get rid of all the negative influences in your life, just because you accepted my help. Now, all of the positive forces in existence will unite behind you, pushing you towards continued success and happiness.
But, , we must act together. Neither you nor I can bring these powerful energies together on our own. I don’t want to waste any time, so I will let you in on another detail I have discovered.
A few hours ago, I was overwhelmed by an urge to contact you spiritually. It wasn’t for a happy reason, though. As soon as you entered my mind, all I could sense was powerful opposing vibrations. It was so strange, . These forces have you in their grip, and I suspect they are filling your mind with dark thoughts every day.
I was completely taken aback. Hadn’t we freed you from negative influences for good? But after consulting my readings, I realised a problem this deep in your psyche would only reveal itself to me after an event that cemented our bond – like the visit from your spiritual guide.
All of these opposing forces are keeping you trapped, physically and spiritually, in all of your problems. Your mind is constantly filled with worries and negative thoughts, isn’t it, ? What’s worse, even the simplest problems in your life just don’t seem to go away.
I know that wonderful things are coming for you, . I have seen a bright future for you time and time again, which will bring endless happiness and wealth.
I saw that a large sum of money would soon arrive in your life.
If we act now, the forces of the universe will bring it in a matter of days.
My visions lead me to believe that forces beyond our mortal plane, and more specifically, your spiritual guide, have decided to protect you. But they need your help to do so.
If you want to place yourself under spiritual protection, you must believe that you deserve the great things that destiny has planned for you.
As I looked into your case, it became clear to me that your mind is often your worst enemy, . It’s been influenced by all of this negative karma for too long, and you’re trapped in a self-fulfilling prophecy of misery. Of course, it’s not your fault. When under the influence of such powerful opposing forces, anyone would feel as dark as you do. It’s a suffocating feeling, isn’t it ? You feel as though the light and air you need to escape this spiral is a million miles away.
Have you ever wondered why you feel that way? What, exactly, is stopping you from brushing off these dark clouds?
Unfortunately, , I can now see the answer. You are in the grip of powerful negative entities.
They’re difficult to spot at first, which is why I couldn’t rid you of them before. They latch onto a tiny but vital part of your aura and leech away all of your positive energy.
If you cultivate positive ideas, your aura gives off a huge amount of positive energy. As a result, you’ll have a magnetic appeal to positive entities and will draw them towards you. You’ll have a happier, lucky life.
But if you are trapped in a spiral of dark thoughts, you will only attract negative forces. You don’t radiate positivity, and your aura grows dimmer and weaker under the weight of all this negativity. Your life will feel like one long cycle of bad luck.
You are not to blame, . You probably haven’t even realised what’s happening to you. All I know is, your life is not the life that you truly deserve to live.
I need to help you escape these negative forces, so that you can enjoy the wonderful events destiny has in store for you. We must act immediately.
Life feels hard right now, doesn’t it, ? I know every day has felt like a terrible struggle, and that you dream of escaping all of your problems. You might not feel as though you have the strength to do anything about it.
But, , you have a chance to change your life. If we do nothing, these negative entities will happily rob you of the miracles in your future. I cannot let that happen to you.
, I know you cannot go on like this. These negative entities will cling to your aura until your life is completely ruined. Together, we can get rid of them before it’s too late.
Don’t be scared, . You will have my full support and protection and I am fiercely determined to help you through this difficult stage in your life. I will lead you straight to the path to true happiness.
If you let me get rid of these wretched negative entities, I know that your life will completely change. Your finances, your family and relationships, and your personal and social life will be transformed.
I believe that success, luck and love will appear sooner than I first predicted. You’ll see financial changes between now and the 7th of next month. As soon as we get rid of these negative forces, you will be showered in positive changes.
You have stumbled into some kind of noose of negativity, . And every day, that noose gets tighter and tighter. So much so that you can’t see an end to your problems.
I know this noose is choking your potential, and that you’re capable of so much more than you believe. I can’t see you suffer like this. Our bond means that your problems have become my problems. Together, we can resolve them.
Say no to negativity, . You have the power to welcome positivity back into your life.
Don’t worry. I will be here by your side the whole time. My ancestral ability, my magical knowledge and my powerful influence will guide you to every bit of happiness you deserve.
I am extending the hand of friendship to you. Take it and let us start this journey together.
Trust me. Let me guide you. You’re not alone in this fight anymore. We will smash through the obstacles ahead of us. We will fight this negativity together. And together, we will succeed.
Life has been hard, . But you have the power to change your future.
Your spiritual guide told me how powerful you are, . They also revealed that, in a matter of days, you’re going to enter a completely new period of your life.
You’ll need to make some tough decisions during some important upcoming events. I see a substantial financial gain and an encounter that could change everything as two of the most immediate. With my help, you will seize these opportunities without a shadow of fear or anxiety and change your life’s course for the better.
But you have to really want it, . Only you can make these changes.
I sense that, right now, you feel it’s virtually impossible to succeed without my help. You’re still worried that you don’t have the strength to see this through. But I can tell you, , nothing is ever going to be the same. You’ve taken the first step to changing your life, and my spiritual gifts mean that nothing is truly impossible.
I just need you to give me a sign. Both myself and your spiritual guide, actually. We are both waiting to help you. You deserve to be happy, .
If I may, , I’d like to share more of the information I have learned about your situation.
You’re burning with injustice, aren’t you? I can’t say I blame you. So many problems have built up in your life and nobody can offer you any real solutions. And I sense a deep loneliness within you, . It’s making you feel trapped and anxious, and forcing you to doubt everything in your life. You’re struggling to cope with this, I can tell.
All of these negative forces are making you weak, both in your body and mind. You’re struggling to make decisions clearly, which makes it even harder for you to resolve all of these problems.
I can free you from this cycle of negativity, once and for all. With your permission, I can act immediately. I can rejuvenate your mind, body and soul by stimulating your life force, and give you a boost of self-confidence that will banish bad luck, failure and annoying hurdles.
Don’t struggle alone any longer, . There’s no shame in asking for help, and I am ready to give it.
I can give you strength. I can give you confidence to take advantage of every opportunity and build the life you’ve always wanted. It will be filled with money, friends and all the happiness you’ve ever dreamed of.
Once you and I unite as one, , I will show you the path to a better life. It’s time for you to have hope again. Everything, absolutely everything, is just waiting to tip in your favor.
But I must share something else about your future, .
Your spiritual guide sent me a specific sign about your love life, so I spent time learning more about your emotions. It’s clear that you’re emotionally distressed, , and it’s affecting every part of your life. This distress comes from negative changes in your relationship with a loved one, and you feel as though they’re turning away from you.
You probably feel like they don’t notice how strongly you feel about them, or the continued sacrifices you make for your relationship. I know it’s making you sad, . You’ve felt like giving up, haven’t you?
I know it’s hard to bring a relationship back to life, no matter how much you want to, but the negativity surrounding you is making everything even harder. You’re trapped, and you can’t see a way out.
But I know that you are capable of bringing love back into your life, . With my help, we can bring this difficult emotional time to a happier end. I will act in your favor and stay by your side throughout this whole process. You’ll return to the strong, positive person I know you once were and you’ll see massive shifts in your relationships. Everything will change with one wonderful encounter. It’s just a matter of days now.
I will do everything I can to make you happy, …
But I can’t do this without you. I need you to genuinely want to change your life and believe that you can do it.
You might feel it’s too late for you, but it’s never too late to start living the life you deserve. We can change everything, .
Believe in yourself, in me, in us. You deserve to welcome love and happiness back into your life.
It’s amazing how strong you can feel inside when you know that you are loved. I know you’re struggling to tap into this inner strength, . I believe you need my help to rediscover it.
Together, we will make you strong again very quickly.
I will use all my strength to help you. Now is not the time to give up, right when luck is about to come back into your life.
I can feel it, . Luck is about to shine on every part of your life – particularly your finances, I sense.
You’ve been struggling to get your finances under control for a while now, haven’t you? I know it’s been hard, but my visions tell me that everything is going to change soon. You’re soon going to enter an intense period of luck that will have a huge effect on your financial situation.
I believe this period of great luck will last for roughly four months. You’ll see some very unexpected windfalls during this time. I know you’ll also have other periods of fantastic luck, where all of your wildest dreams will come true. But we’ll talk about that another day, . Now, all we need to do is get rid of the negativity that’s dragging you down. If we don’t act, I suspect this lucky energy will be blocked from entering your life. I will tell you exactly what to do at every point of this process.
I know you’re intrigued, aren’t you?
Before we go any further, I need to tell you something else. If the signs I’ve received from the beyond are true, as they always have been so far, this could stop you meeting your wonderful fate.
When the negative entities around you were revealed to me, I wondered why such a good and kind person like yourself had been targeted. It was so unusual that I spent hours consulting my readings for an answer.
That’s when I discovered the shadow.
This strange shadow is casting itself over your future happiness. I wondered if there was someone, or something, in this world or beyond, that had cast a shadow over your life in the past. I even wondered if this negative force was coming from someone around you, dead or alive, who wanted to make your life harder? From what I saw, I’d say it’s not the first time they’ve interfered in your happiness, .
If I’m really honest, I think you might know where this negativity is coming from. But that’s not important. All you need to know is that I have worked out a way to protect you from this harmful energy.
Here is what I’m going to do for you, .
My goal is to rid you, once and for all, of these negative entities. I will get rid of the forces acting against you, no matter where they’re coming from.
I’m going to perform, free of charge, an Aura Cleansing Ceremony. It will extract all the negative energy that is leeching off your aura.
Only I have the power to perform this ancient ritual. I’ve seen time and time again how effective it is, . It will free you from the grip of any evil influence acting against you.
Next, I will put in place an Energy Revival Tonic, which will give your aura a boost of positive energy. It will get your spirit and mind in the best possible shape for the work we must do together.
Your friend and spiritual guide,