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The Heavens are watching over you,        

As agreed, I have put into practice for you the Great and Special Liturgical Action which is essential for the smooth running of your near future.

This Action has allowed me to send you powerful Positive Angelic Energy. It will chase away all of your mind’s dark thoughts.

In addition, this Positive Angelic Energy will open your mind to the Divine influx. The incredible benefits of the 7 Divine Prayers will then find themselves multiplied. You will therefore take advantage of them to a much greater extent.

 Discover now this great Secret of Angelic Order: the 7 Divine Prayers. 

I would like to remind you that I only reveal these prayers in very rare circumstances. Only certain people can expect the future to be a bearer of excellent events. Each time this out of the ordinary Secret has helped trigger true “Miracles” in the life of these privileged few. You are now part of these people.

The purpose of these prayers is to awaken the wonderful personality that is inside of you through the power of the angelic vibrations. Because the angelic vibrations govern the subconscious, you will need to use certain specific astral phases to liberate your inner powers and to regenerate them.

These magical Prayers ask you to be in harmony with the superior forces of the higher Angelic World when you begin to recite them.

To do this, every first Tuesday of the month (next 3 months), if possible at midnight when night has fallen and the moon shines in the sky, try to isolate yourself in a quiet room.

Light a white candle. Then recite 7 times in a row, the 7 Divine Prayers as follows:

 1 – The Miraculous Incantation to increase your spirituality: your spiritual influx suddenly increases. You can open yourself up to the great divine oracle, and see certain hidden gifts reveal themselves and, as if by magic, immediately take action in your life…

Repeat this first prayer in a low voice:

By the power of the Archangels,
by the will of the Invisible Angelic Forces,
may my hidden powers reveal themselves to me  and radiate in my life, guiding me on the path of light and happiness

2 – The Miraculous Incantation is to invoke divine powers in your favor: you immediately have the incredible secret that allows the Upper World to communicate with the World Below. Your most secret wishes are “heard”, and can come true straight away before your very eyes…

Repeat this second Prayer in a low voice:

By the power of the Archangels,
by the will of the Invisible Angelic Forces,
may my words be heard and may my life change once and for all


3 – The Miraculous Incantation to promote the astral projections: you know how to benefit from all the favors that the “Heavens” and the Stars offer you that will positively influence your destiny…

Repeat this third Prayer in a low voice:

By the power of the Archangels,
by the will of the Invisible Angelic Forces,
may the stars guide me, may they positively influence my life, now and forever

4 – The Miraculous Incantation to connect to your divine “self”: to go beyond your dreams, and to see all your premonitions miraculously unfold before your very eyes, this is what it means to be in connection with your divine “self”…

Repeat this fourth prayer in a low voice:

By the power of the Archangels,
by the will of the Invisible Angelic Forces,
may my intuition guide me,
may it lead me straight to the good and the true
without ever taking the slightest detour


5 – The Miraculous Incantation for protection and to chase away all the bad vibrations: this is the secret to being protected a thousand times from any form of negativity that may harm you…

Repeat this fifth Prayer in a low voice:

By the power of the Archangels,
by the will of the Invisible Angelic Forces,
may the Heavens protect me,
may it positively influence my life and take me away from evil

6 – The Miraculous Incantation is to know victory and success: get ready to encounter great hours of glory. Success will knock at your door and never leave you…

Repeat this sixth Prayer in a low voice:

By the power of the Archangels,
by the will of the Invisible Angelic Forces,
may victory come to me, may success invade my life,
may success lead me straight towards happiness


7 – The Miraculous Incantation to find Good Luck and Spiritual Richness: Luck will accompany you every new day that God creates and Wealth, Abundance and Money will flood your life with all their benefits…

Repeat this seventh Prayer in a low voice:

By the power of the Archangels,
by the will of the Invisible Angelic Forces,
may inner wealth nourish me,
unite my mind with the great celestial movements of fortune,
those of the mind and the heart


During these magical moments, I will be in psychic contact with you in spirit. We will unite our spiritual forces, and take off into the heavenly heights toward the limits of time. There where the great Angelic Forces of the universe affect the destiny of the men and women of this world.

The big magic of these 7 Divine Prayers is extremely powerful. Thanks to this out of the ordinary Secret you will be able to trigger the arrival of the great opportunities of Luck and Money, such as the ones that I have “seen” happen and take hold in your life.

To do this, as I have said to you, it is necessary to maintain excellent relationships with the major higher bodies of the Angelic World. This is in order to benefit from their favors, which is crucial to see your life change quickly.

There are few “sacred” words to recite for this. These are the 7 Divine Prayers. In a few days you will recite them at the same time as I will.

Thereafter, I am convinced that things will change for you. In the hours and the days that follow, great beneficial events will be able to take place in your life and propel it on the path of Luck, Wealth, and Happiness.

To do this, act just as I have asked you to. I am counting on you.

P.S. : While I was performing the Great and Special Liturgical Action for you, something surprising attracted my attention. You can tell me what you think about this at once…


A strange phenomenon suddenly appeared to me. It is probably related to the state of your current psychic environment.

It is important to clarify things as quickly as possible…

       , I will not hold back in what I have to say: while I was performing the Great and Special Liturgical Action for you, a sort of unexpected barrier suddenly caught my attention.

I strongly focused on what I was feeling at this very special moment. I then entered into a deep psychic contact with you and what I found out about you is both very strange and completely surprising.

This is what I am writing to you about today,        I must confess to you that I perceived certain feelings in you which resonate just like an alarm and which are hardly conducive to your life running smoothly.

Feelings of doubt, bitterness, impatience and many other feelings that are, in my opinion, negative feelings, which must be annihilated. Indeed, these feelings are forces that oppose the development of your happiness and the fulfillment of your wishes, such as they were revealed to me. 

Given the urgency,        , I will go straight to the point! Here is what I intend to do for you:

It seems essential that I must carry out an action which I call an Angelic Pentagram of Sacred Protection, as soon as possible

There are planets that play an important role for your project and that during the next few days, present very positive aspects. All of these aspects are favorable to the fact that I can “Trace” and “Devote” this Angelic Pentagram of Sacred Protection just for you.

Here is how I will go about it:
Immediately after I have finished writing this message, I will start to work using magical strength on this very special operation that constitutes the creation of an Angelic Pentagram of Sacred Protection

This great action will last several hours. As this is real magic, I have to dedicate myself to the realization of your Angelic Pentagram of Sacred Protection during certain astrological phases of your natal sky. At the end of this great magical action, your Angelic Pentagram of Sacred Protectionwill be a very powerful shield of divine protection that will act remotely on your behalf.

It is exactly as if you were to be in possession of a powerful “Aura” of protection that is completely invisible around you. In addition, this very special “Aura” will also act as a magnet of Good Luck for you.

Yes,        ! An Angelic Pentagram of Sacred Protection is just like a Lucky Star that shines bright in the Cosmic World. It is the link that unites you with the invisible powers and the Beings of Light. A magical Pentagram and particularly this Angelic Pentagram of Sacred Protection, possesses the virtue to cancel all subconscious barriers which prevent the positive forces of Good Luck from entering your life.

Depending on the position of the stars, at a specific time that I will calculate through the large ancestral marble table that I own, I will “trace” and “consecrate” your Angelic Pentagram of Sacred Protections and ensure that it radiates around you.

I have everything that I need in order to perform this great magical operation, including the essential: the beams of your own personal vibration that I recently captured.

Your life will never be the same again!
Yes,        , like others for whom I have “devoted” such a sacred Pentagram, you will experience a period of unparalleled Good Luck. Finally, money will flow into your life. This will be the best thing that has happened to you in a long time. I can assure you.

       , please read what a person for whom I recently “traced” and “consecrated” an Angelic Pentagram of Sacred Protection wrote:


As soon as you consecrated my Angelic Pentagram of Sacred Protection, I felt a strange sensation. It is hard to explain, but one thing is certain: it has now been 3 months that I have this powerful protection, and since this time my life has not been the same at all… I have seen my problems disappear one after the other as if by magic… And during that time, I have earned more money than in my entire lifetime without doing anything…

You too will very quickly see for yourself: the Angelic Pentagram of Sacred Protection acts as an astral shield of divine order. It protects you remotely against evil spells, negative waves, thoughts of jealousy or envy, “accidents”, and other forms of adversity which could reach you.

One fact is certain: this prodigious secret guarantees you absolute protection. And, in addition, it is able to attract money to you forcefully!

Because, between you and me, what is the point in unraveling the mysteries of your future and taking advantage of the full power of the 7 Divine Prayers, if then something wants to systematical obstruct your happiness and wealth? …

       , give me your agreement quickly (follow this Link in order to do this). For my part, I will “trace” and “consecrate”, this absolute Angelic Pentagram of Sacred Protection especially for you.

Personally, I think that your Angelic Pentagram of Sacred Protection will be very useful if you wish to experience life without problems. The choice is yours. If you agree that I “trace” and “consecrate” this Pentagram, for which I have started to study the astral harmonic vibrations associated with your “Birth Sky”, I can assure you that you will soon see great changes take place in your life, as soon as it is in your hands.

Particularly with regard to the realization of the main vows that you hold dear,        .

Be aware,        , that under no circumstances do I want you to feel forced to accept this additional help that I feel to be necessary for this magnificent future which I have seen heading your way and that could transpire in the greatest possible way .

But for this to take place, it is high time to take action!

       , within a few hours, the planets will be in perfect harmonic alignment so that I can “trace” and “consecrate” your Angelic Pentagram of Sacred Protection. That is why I think that it is desirable for you to give me your agreement as soon as possible by following this link. I am here to help youby “tracing” and “consecrating” this sacred Pentagram at the ideal time, which will help you even more. I can assure you. I am convinced of thisand, in a few days, you will be too!

You will see for yourself,        , how much your Angelic Pentagram of Sacred Protection protects you against these negative thoughts but also against all other “dark” forces likely to undermine your prosperity.

A new radiant life full of happiness and wealth will then be able to open up to you in the most beautiful way possible,        .

Act now for this to happen. Follow this Link without delay!

The Heavens and I are looking out for you.


       , if you give me your agreement within the next hour, I will reserve something very special for you, something that I only offer very rarely and only to a few privileged people in my close circle of friends.

It is the Mystic Pentacle of the Angels.

As soon as you tell me “Yes”, I will prepare it especially for you, before sending it to you via e-mail. It will multiply the effects of your Angelic Pentagram of Sacred Protection.

Follow this Link without further delay…

Ask for Your Angelic Pentagram of Sacred Protection

+ my FREE GIFT the Mystic Pentacle of the Angels