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The series of elemental gifts I’m about to give you will probably transform your life.



For the better, of course. But I hope you’re prepared for that.

I, for one, can’t wait to watch you thrive.

I’m so glad you reached out and made this request before         came and went.

Let’s begin with the most extensive and detailed offering of all – your Elemental Eight Card Tarot…



For this Elemental Eight Card Tarot reading, I once again picked up my Elemental Deck. And, once again, I connected with your subconscious mind and drew cards as you would have.

This time, because the reading was more detailed in nature, I selected from the Major Arcana AND the Minor Arcana.

Here were the cards drawn by your subconscious mind, in order:

  1. The Hermit
  2. Page of Wands
  3. Seven of Cups
  4. The Tower
  5. The Empress
  6. The Fool
  7. The World
  8. Queen of Pentacles

Now, we’ll discover exactly what this fascinating draw means for you and for your future life.


Card Number One: The Hermit

Meaning of The Hermit:

The Hermit is a card of thought, representing the search for inner truth and greater understanding. It might signify finding or losing your way. It’s a very personal and internal card of reflection.


Personal advice:

As you might imagine, The Hermit is quite a lonely and solitary card. I think it serves as a warning, in your case. A reminder not to isolate yourself, even in times where you’re perhaps not feeling as peppy or enthusiastic as normal.

There’s a balance to strike between time alone and time spent with others, and you don’t always get that balance quite right. But with effort, you could.

Reaching out and being more sociable and connected when it matters is also likely to improve your romantic relationship as a knock-on effect.


Professional advice:

There’s a burst of professional success coming to your life within the next year. I’ve seen it in your astral sky,        , so I know it for sure. After this burst of promotion and praise, you’ll find yourself with new responsibilities.

You might end up spending more time working alone because you’re struggling to navigate changing working relationships. Supervising someone who was once your same-level colleague is never easy.

It’s okay to work alone. It’s important, sometimes. But don’t let it become your normal or the only thing you do.

Teamwork makes the dream work, and compromise will get you further than you think.


Financial advice:

Before you speak to trusted advisors about your financial situation, make sure that you know what you want. Make sure you’re clear on your money goals and the kind of investments you’d like to make.

You’re not easily led,        , and I know that. But the fact is, some people are very good at being manipulative.

Don’t put yourself in a position where someone can push their decisions onto you. Hold fast. It’s your money, after all.


Card Number Two: Page of Wands

Meaning of the Page of Wands:

The Page of Wands is a really vibrant and exciting card to find second in a draw. This card signifies passion, discovery, and creative freedom. For anyone who pulls the Page of Wands, an adventure of epic proportions awaits.


Personal advice:

Hear that,        ? There’s a huge adventure waiting for you, in every area of your life. On a personal level, the Page of Wands tells us that you need to be open to exploring new avenues and options.

Don’t close yourself off to things you’ve never experienced before because you think you know how you’ll feel about them. Find out for yourself, instead.

If you want to be excited about life, the ability to surprise yourself is a vital quality to develop.


Professional advice:

Pursuing passion projects and things you really care about will bring you more joy than anything else you could do with your life. That’s the honest truth.

You’re a creative person, full of a thousand different passions, and you should try to honor those however you can with the way you live. Professional success won’t bring you deep inner fulfillment if it’s success in the wrong field!


Financial advice:

Much like your professional life, your financial life will only be what you want it to be if you make sure to invest heavily in stuff that you’re truly passionate about.
Stay away from investors making big promises if those promises don’t interest you on a personal, intuitive level.

By the same token, don’t be afraid to put money into a passion project if you have the spare cash and can’t secure external funding. I strongly believe that the happiness it brings you will be worth the risk of a financial setback.

Card Number Three: Seven of Cups

Meaning of the Seven of Cups:

The Seven of Cups is a card of searching that will appear to a person torn between multiple choices. Lost in a thousand different daydreams. The Seven of Cups represents a decision to be made and the careful thought needed to make it.


Personal advice:

The appearance of the Seven of Cups, fairly early in your Elemental Eight Card Tarot, tells us that you might struggle to be decisive, especially in your interactions with other people.

It’s difficult to hold fast on all your convictions, particularly when faced with a stubborn, certain adversary. But you know, in your heart, when you’re right.
Don’t you,        ?

Don’t turn your back on gut feeling and personal instinct. Be willing to admit to yourself when you know the right choice, and the only reason you’re hesitating is that you wish that you could please everyone with a different choice.


Professional advice:

There’s a lot of different choices to come in your professional sphere, and the Seven of Cups might refer to any and all of them.

Maybe there’s a career change you’ve already made your mind up about, deep in your heart? Or a passion project you know you want to pursue, even if nobody else seems to have any faith that it will succeed?

Mentally answer this question for me,        : What is my biggest professional dilemma?

When you land on something, then ask yourself: Have I already made up my mind, really?

Financial advice:

With more money (which you’ll soon experience) comes more choice. You’re not used to having a lot of options,        , so you might sometimes find this aspect of your life difficult to manage.

You might struggle to decide between two homes, or two cars, or even two jumpers. You’ll have so many options that sometimes when you’re overwhelmed, it’ll feel like you have none.

When you feel this way, take a step back, and remember that there’s no rush. Money comes with a thousand decisions, but financial security also comes with the freedom of leisure.

If you really can’t decide, maybe neither of the options was right for you anyway!


Card Number Four: The Tower

Meaning of The Tower:

This card has a dark reputation, but the truth is, it contains an important duality of meaning. On the one hand, it signifies unexpected strife and disaster. On the other, that same disaster cunningly averted.


Personal advice:

No life is without dangerous and worrying moments, right? Your life, though brilliant, will have them too.

But what matters, in those moments where everything seems to hang in the balance, is what type of action you take. Do you face things head-on or let them quietly fester?

And remember        : Not every pain is terrible. If the end of an awful personal relationship, platonic or otherwise, causes you pain, you still know it will be good for you in the long run. Some things are supposed to hurt. Some pain is a lesson learned.

Professional advice:

When you’re experiencing workplace issues or struggles, I’d urge you to focus as much as you possibly can on your long-term goals. On how you act now will impact where you dream of being in five or ten years.

It’s easy to get caught up in the moment, especially with dramas that seem petty at the time but escalate into something more serious.

Try to rise above gossip and passive aggression. You’ll look better for it in the long term.


Financial advice:

I think it’s fairly likely that you’ll experience some kind of financial disaster in the next ten years. I can’t see what it is right now, but there’s definitely a financial black spot in your future.

I know telling you this will worry you,        , but honestly, there’s no point in fretting.

It won’t be the end of you, and it won’t be something you can’t bounce back from. In fact, in the end, you’ll learn a lot from the mistake and the period of financial recovery that follows.

Some mistakes need to be made, my friend. It’s that simple.


Card Number Five: The Empress

Meaning of The Empress:

The Empress is Mother Nature’s representation within the Elemental Deck. She is the mother of fire, water, earth, and air. The Empress embodies the value of a strong connection to nature.


Personal advice:

The modern world changes every second, and it’s easy to lose connection with the elemental forces. With the natural world. But when we do, we lose a part of ourselves in the process.

Please,        , don’t let this happen to you. Understand and prioritize the role of nature and natural energies in your life.

Spend time outdoors each day and maintain harmony with the world around you.

Professional advice:

Advocate for the value of nature wherever you can at work. Show people the positive impact that staying in touch with the world around you can have on your mental health.

Be aware of the environmental impact that your role in the workplace might have, whatever it happens to be.

Demonstrate the strength of fire when you stand up for causes you care about and go after projects you want.
Demonstrate the flow of water when you listen to others and work well as a valued team member.

Demonstrate the grounded, honest nature of earth with every choice you make. Don’t cut corners. Always try your hardest.

And finally, demonstrate the swirling, untamable energy of air as you generate ideas and connect to your passions.


Financial advice:

The Empress is not a very money-focused card at all, but I can tell you this much: Make sure your financial choices and investments don’t do harm to nature.

Make sure the things you do improve the world around you, rather than making it worse.


Card Number Six: The Fool

Meaning of The Fool:

The Fool represents a new start. An exciting spiritual journey from innocence to understanding. It’s also a warning against naivety. Sometimes, The Fool doesn’t see things coming that other people might.


Personal advice:

Seeing this card fairly late in your draw tells me that you’re not a naïve person,        . You’ve already traveled a good way along the road to growth and personal transformation.

You’ve learned to take life in your stride already.

But if I could offer you one tiny piece of advice at this moment?

Don’t lose all of your child-like innocence. Don’t lose your unbridled appreciation for all the things that are WORTH appreciating. Strike that balance. Don’t be gullible, but don’t close yourself off entirely, either.

 Professional advice:

The Fool tells us that, in this complex world, there’s always room for a new journey to begin.

Don’t be afraid to start again if what you’re doing doesn’t feel right to you. People change, and that’s okay.

There’s no point climbing the ladder if you don’t want what’s at the top anymore. You’d be better off getting started on the ladder towards what you truly want.


Financial advice:

As well as being naïve by nature, The Fool tends towards recklessness. And just as you’re not naïve,        , I don’t think you’re reckless.

That’s why I think The Fool is trying to warn you of the opposite path. I think The Fool is reminding you that certain risks make sense. Certain risks are necessary and important in terms of solidifying financial growth.


Card Number Seven: The World

Meaning of The World:

The World signifies wholeness, complete fulfillment, and a lasting sense of harmony. It’s a connected circle. It could indicate that someone will achieve a prized goal, or find some kind of inner peace, or get closure on a certain issue.


Personal advice:

To me, seeing The World at this point in your Elemental Eight Card Tarot speaks of a life well-lived. A life that ends in happiness and fulfillment.

If there’s an issue currently bothering you, The World might be a sign that you’re finally about to find closure on it. To resolve a conflict or solve a mystery that’s puzzled you for years. Enjoy.

If you can weather the storms that life throws at you, you’ll be able to find particular harmony in your romantic life, as was initially indicated by the presence of The Lovers in your Initial Three Card Reading.

Professional advice:

With hard work and dedication, you’ll be able to reach any professional goal that you set your mind to. Your skills will develop, and big projects won’t be daunting to you anymore.

With every passing year, your professional skills will grow, and your sense of fulfillment in what you’re doing will increase.


Financial advice:

A huge part of living a “harmonious” life comes from being able to reduce and remove stress.

I can promise you, right now, that financial stability will remove about half of the stress that you’re currently experiencing. It will allow you time and space to grow, and your mental energy won’t constantly be stolen by money worries.

After a few years of financial freedom, however, you might begin to take things for granted. Many people do, even if they don’t intend to.

Try to remember where you came from. Try to hold onto your perspective and appreciate what you have rather than what you don’t yet.

Appreciative people are happy people,        .


Card Number Eight: Queen of Pentacles

Meaning of the Queen of Pentacles:

The Queen of Pentacles prizes luxury and comfort. She values material goods. At her best, she’s a card of warmth and security. At her worst, she’s a card of envy and vanity, and her priorities are out of order.


Personal advice:

Just like The World, the Queen of Pentacles wants you to remember where you came from. The Queen of Pentacles urges you to remain appreciative and graceful.

There’s nothing wrong with having high standards or clear ideas and preferences when it comes to material goods. But you need to remember, always, that material goods won’t make you happy in the long term.

To stay happy and thriving for your entire life, you need to invest in the relationships that make your life what it is. You need to demonstrate love and care, and interest.


Professional advice:

As you work hard at your job, try to increase your overall personal fulfillment by making sure you have motivations beyond gathering up various different creature comforts.

Why do you do what you do?

If you don’t know… What should you be doing instead? What lights your fire?


Financial advice:

Much of what I just mentioned for The World applies here,        . Money can make you happier by removing certain problems from your life. But it can’t fix everything.
Deep inside, you need to find a purpose that isn’t financial or material. If you can’t, you’ll never be truly happy.

But I’m sure you can. You just need to stay grounded and honest and kind.

That was your Elemental Eight Card Tarot,        .

I’ll give you a moment to digest everything you’ve just discovered about yourself and your future.
Hopefully, you’ll listen to all the wise advice that runs through my interpretation of each card.

If you follow my guidance, you’re sure to find success in the long term.

Now, I’ll share your two very special elementally themed free gifts. We’ll start with the instructions for your Natural Protective Action…



Your Natural Protective Action is a request made to each elemental force. It’s a plea for help.

When you complete a Natural Protective Action, you ask the forces of fire, water, earth, and air to protect you from darkness. To shelter you from negative energies near and far away.

When the elemental forces free you from negativity, your life will permanently change for the better.

You’ll be strengthened as a person, and darkness will find it much harder to get back into your life.

 Here are your Natural Protective Action instructions:

  1. Complete this Natural Protective Action alone, in the daytime, in a room that contains a table and chair.
  2. For this elemental plea, you’ll need an item to represent each element.
  3. For air, place an empty bowl upside down on the right-hand side of the table. The trapped air will magnetize and come to represent this element.
  4. For water, place a bowl on the left-hand side of the table, the right way up this time, and fill it to an inch below the brim with water.
  5. For fire, place a candle between the two bowls.
  6. For earth, place a third bowl on the table, just behind the candle. Fill this bowl with a handful of soil from your garden (or a local green space).
  7. When everything is prepared, and you’re ready to begin the Protective Action, sit down in front of the table and light the candle, which represents fire.
  8. Place both of your hands against each other in prayer, and gaze into the flickering flame of the candle.
  9. Think hard about all the different possible sources of negative energy in your life. Could it be caused by mistakes you’ve made in the past? Or by friends who claim to support you but lack belief in you behind your back?
  10. Then, think of what your life might look like without those negative energies swirling around. Where would you be? How would you feel? What would you be accomplishing each day?
  11. Continuing to gaze into the flame, say:

Powerful elemental force of fire,

I call you near to listen and conspire,

Remove darkness and shadow from my well-intentioned life,

Free me from hardship and end any undeserved strife.

  1. Slide the candle out of place and fix your gaze, instead, on the bowl of soil. Say:

Grounding elemental force of earth,

I’ve struggled since my very moment of birth,

Can you make things easier for me today?

Can you light up my world and show me the way?

  1. Turn your gaze to the bowl of water. Submerge both of your hands in the bowl, and say:

Elemental force of water, free-flowing around my hands,

I share with you my heart and all my precious plans,

Negative energies crowd my space,

That’s the part of my life that I wish to erase.

  1. Remove your hands from the water, pat them dry with a towel, and then overturn the final bowl, freeing the magnetized air. Say:

Invisible force of air,

I know, right now, that you are there,

Please see my heart, kind and honest and true,

And to protect me, please do what you need to do.


  1. Blow out the candle. The Natural Protective Action is complete.

The elemental forces will hear you,        . I’m certain of it. And they’ll hear you again when you use your Elemental Scepter to reach out…


Isn’t this beautiful, golden scepter incredible? It’s a perfect combination of aesthetic value and intense inner power.

Your Elemental Scepter will harness the strength of the elemental forces to bring you back up and fill you with good vibrations in times of struggle and pain.

To harness the power of the Scepter, you can complete an Elemental Scepter Ceremony.

This Ceremony can be repeated whenever you’re struggling but will work best if not repeated more than once a month. Save it for when you need it the most,        . You’ll know the right moment when you’re in it.

Here are your Elemental Scepter Ceremony instructions:

  1. Print out your Elemental Scepter or have it to hand onscreen.
  2. Place your Elemental Scepter in the center of an empty space on the floor.
  3. Surround the Scepter with eight tealights, light each one, and then sit down in front of the display.
  4. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths to enter a state of calm focus.
  5. When you feel peaceful and grounded in the situation, say: I open the connection now.
  6. Explain, in your own words, why you’re struggling at that moment. What’s happened, and why’s it bringing you down?
  7. When you feel you’ve fully explained, say: Let the Elemental Scepter deliver my worries to the forces that can set me free. Let the elemental forces then accept my request and send kindness down to me.
  8. You may now blow out the eight tealights. The Elemental Scepter Ceremony is complete.

As you might imagine, the length of the ceremony will vary a lot depending on the particular struggle you’re experiencing at the moment.

Make sure you’re alone and undisturbed for the duration – regardless of how long that is – and your message will get through to the elemental forces of fire, water, earth, and air.


Your loving friend,