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Two days ago, I was doing some deep psychic research and delving into the secrets of your near future


I’m sorry to tell you this, but I spotted something very worrying on the horizon of your life.

I saw a vast, swirling storm of conflict brewing close to you, destined to hit the shore of your existence – and soon!

I was afraid for you. (What would happen when the conflict storm came in? How would you put your life back together in the challenging aftermath of an argument so big?)

Worst of all, I didn’t know what to do. I badly wanted to help you avoid this situation, but I didn’t see how. It felt so firmly etched into your cosmic fate.

Still, I dove in and did my best to find out more. I discovered that this massive conflict would arrive at the earliest on        .

So, I knew we had to do something before then. But until yesterday evening, I still didn’t have a single clue what that “something” would be. Here’s what happened…

After a long day of psychic work for another client, I visited a beach near my home to watch the sunset. I stood where the sea met sand and let it lap over my bare feet. I lost track of time, feeling a deep peace. I could have stood there for minutes or hours.

Nearby, just at the edge of my eye-line, a long wooden jetty stood deserted, stretching out into the ocean. A blip in the blue.

I barely paid the jetty any attention until the sun was low over the water, and the beach was empty except for me. At this point, a strange emerald glow suddenly caught my eye. It seemed to be coming from the very far end of the jetty.

I was intrigued, as I’m sure anyone would be!

I climbed up the dunes and onto the road above, rushing along until it curved, bringing me back towards the beach and the sea.

I followed a wooden-planked pathway across the beach and onto the jetty, and with every step I took, the glow intensified.

Some small object that I couldn’t make out appeared to be sitting on the ground at the end of the dock, lighting up the area around it like a bright, green beacon.

It reminded me of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald,        .

Have you read that book?

Jay Gatsby loves a woman who lives across the water from him, and the green light at the end of her dock (see what I mean?) is, to him, a huge and poignant symbol of hope and optimism for the future.

To me, in some way that I didn’t really understand as I first stepped onto the jetty, it felt the same. That green light called to me like hope.

Unlike Gatsby, it wasn’t hope for my own bright future that I felt represented in the light. It was hope for someone else. The picture of a person slowly formed in my head, growing clearer as the glow came nearer.

Eventually, I saw your face. And I thought: Of course.

Hope for your future is exactly what I’d been looking for since the previous day’s revelations.

I finally drew close to the end of the jetty, and I knelt to get a better look at the object emitting this beaming light.

The second I made contact, my hands closing around it, its glow faded. It had attracted the person it intended to, and I was left holding something amazing.

It was an item I recognized instantly, but only from the fantastic stories I’d heard of its unique, luck-generating powers!

I belong to an organization known as the Sisterhood of Magyk, and I’d been told the story of this artifact by the Sisterhood’s senior librarian, Camellia (yes, she was named after the beautiful camellia flower).

This necklace, consisting of an emerald in a round bezel on a delicate silver chain, was the Emerald of Great Fortune.

The universe gave it to me and showed me your face, clear as day. They wanted you to have it.

They knew it could protect you from the upcoming conflict – a conflict you don’t deserve to have to suffer through.

Will you listen to the universe,        ?

I hope so. If you do, you’ll find the Emerald grants you:

  • Luck
  • Fortune
  • Success
  • Wealth
  • Happiness
  • Hope
  • Inner peace
  • Professional fulfillment

We’re talking about an artifact imbued with enough luck to totally dissolve the conflict that could otherwise be upon you, negatively impacting you and wasting your precious time, as soon as        .

Who wouldn’t want to escape a painful and complicated argument if they could?

You deserve happiness,        , and everything I know about the Emerald of Great Fortune tells me that it can help you find that.

I asked Camellia for a few of the stories she’d once shared about the Emerald, and I want to pass this one on to you…

“They say the Emerald always appears to the right person at the right time, so it jumps around the earth a lot. One year it might be in Santa Monica, the next in Moscow. But the best story I’ve ever heard is one that Bruno passed on to me about the young New Zealand girl.

She’d lost her mother and her father in two tragic accidents in the space of a year, and she was very much due a break. But the randomness of the universe and many unfortunate circumstances conspired against her, and she never got one. Her aunt and uncle’s home, which she was staying in, burned down!

Just when this girl was ready to give up hope, curl up in a ball and cry for as long as she could, she spotted a cat at the edge of the woods. As a big lover of cats, she felt compelled to go to it, and it led her right to the Emerald, half-buried in a clearing.

She kept both – cat and Emerald – and her life turned around more quickly than you can imagine. Of course, nothing could ever stop the grief she still felt, but now she didn’t have to worry about juggling a million other worries about everything from money to schoolwork on top of it. She had the space in her head that she needed.”

Isn’t it so wonderful to imagine that even in the most horrible situations, the Emerald can shine as a light and make life easier?

I know your situation isn’t the same as that girl’s,        , but I still think you are truly deserving of the cosmic break this artifact would give you.

And I know the spiritual world agrees, or I’d never have found it at the end of that jetty!

If you can do this, I promise I’ll also share two FREE gifts with you at no extra charge (gifts to further enhance your life, given as thanks for the dedication you’ve shown).

The first will be your FREE Numerical Luck Key, a cheat sheet of lucky numbers that’ll serve you well and lucky dates to watch out for across the next six months of your life.

The second will be your FREE Conflict Management Advice from the Sisterhood of Magyk. That’s the ancient order I earlier mentioned I was in. We’ve had many years together to hone our psychic craft and our mental and emotional expertise.

Yes, I believe the Emerald of Great Fortune will allow you to evade the upcoming conflict entirely. But this second gift is a failsafe so that even if it doesn’t, you’ll know what to do.

Plus, I’m sure it’s something you’ll be able to re-use and massively benefit from during future conflict situations.

To recap:

  1. I first discovered that a massive conflict is on the horizon of your life, potentially occurring as soon as        .
  1. I then retrieved the Emerald of Great Fortune when it appeared at my local beach, and I saw your face so strongly and clearly as I approached it that I knew it was intended for you.
  1. I started writing this message, offering you the Emerald.
  1. I promised that if you could claim the Emerald by the end of        , you’d also receive two gifts – your Numerical Luck Key and your Conflict Management Advice from the Sisterhood of Magyk.

Hopefully, we’re on the same page now, and you know everything I do. Two days ago, I was out of my mind with worry because I didn’t know how to help you. Now, I feel much better – because I know I can help you.

But whether I’m actually able to? That’s up to you.

I need your consent to act and prepare the Emerald for your possession, and you don’t have long to give it.

Your magical friend,

Ask For Your Emerald of Great Fortune

+2 FREE gifts