There’s something not quite right inside of you, and I’m sure once I explain, you’ll see it clearly for yourself…
You aren’t feeling your full emotional range right now. You’re not connecting to all the sensations you should be, from deep sorrow to amalgamated excitement-fear to overwhelming joy. Somewhere along the way, everything has become muted.
Have you felt it? Have you seen it? Do you know what I’m talking about?
It’s no way to live, . The struggle and strife of adult life have dulled and dimmed you close to the point of no return, and we need to fix that as soon as possible.
We need to fix that before there really is no going back, and you’re stuck at 50% emotional capacity forever. It’s the reason I’m writing to you today.
I had a dream about all of this last night, and luckily, the dream didn’t just help me to see what was wrong. It was a vision sent down from the universe to tell me what I needed to do about what was wrong, too.
Let’s explore all that I learned…
We were sitting on a sloped beach together when the dream burst into life, with the sun ceaselessly shining overhead. Our toes were planted firmly in the soft, white sands as we looked out at a turquoise bay, gentle waves stretching past the horizon.
I said: Hello, . Why am I dreaming of you? Why are we here? (I tend to be very aware of these things, even outside my waking hours, so my questions weren’t surprising.)
You told me: Hello, Elissa. I need your help. I need the sun. The universe will show you the way.
This was both a simple answer and a very cryptic one. I mulled it over.
After a few beats of silence, you followed your statements up by asking me to bury you chest-deep in the sand, just as I once had for my siblings when I was a young child playing silly seaside games!
I was surprised, but I did as I was asked. I packed you into the sand until your arms, neck, and head were free, but the rest of you was buried.
Then, a beautiful sunstone in the shape of a perfect sphere appeared in my hands out of nowhere. I recognized it as the Regenerative Sunstone, a special, rarely-used tool for emotional revival and reawakening.
(Rarely used because only worthy recipients pointed out by the forces of the universe – recipients like you – can successfully activate the Sunstone’s powers!)
You asked me to place the Sunstone in front of your head. You told me that the world beyond ours had permitted your receipt of its powers. I set it down on the sand, as instructed, and I saw you sigh with relief as you relaxed into this new, confined state.
You wanted this. No… you knew you needed this.
And it didn’t take long until I understood the situation as well as your dream self did!
For three days and nights, I watched on a fast-forward loop as you regenerated for hour after hour in the sunlight, bathing in the golden warmth until night fell and you went to sleep. Each day, the cycle would repeat.
When solar rays shone down on you and the Sunstone, your veins were alight with shimmering gold. Your physical form was obscured by sheer light and power.
And I saw you finally aware of 100% of your emotions. Finally able to feel without limits, as you once did before.
When I woke up this morning, I understood. The universe was telling me to provide you with what’s known as an Emotional Revival Route.
The Route consists of the following offerings:
- Your Regenerative Sunstone – Powered by solar energy, this Sunstone will bring out the full spectrum of your emotions and help them shine as bright as the sun. All sense of being dulled or dimmed will recede when the Sunstone is activated.
- The Three-Month Chart of Emotional Highs and Lows – This Chart will help you stay on track when your emotions flood back to you. It will help you avoid bad times and navigate certain soul-focused pitfalls more deftly.
Do you see the vision, ? Do you see the need for a Revival Route that will fix the issue and allow you to thrive in the immediate aftermath of feeling all your feelings again?
Without the Chart, the Sunstone alone would create an overwhelming, potentially negativity-inducing result. And that would not support your forward progress in life (the thing I am always, most primarily, focused on).
Together, two things can become more than the sum of their parts.
Like us.
That beautiful beach from my dreams represented the safety and peace I could provide you. The safety and peace I’d be happy to provide you.
And that process of basking under the sun for several days? It represented the regenerative, healing nature of the Route.
And I won’t stop there.
I’ll thank you for your committed, focused and trusting attitude by granting you another additional offering at no extra charge.
Another way to manage the reintroduction of your entire emotional spectrum (because, yes, we absolutely need to feel it all, but we also need tools to appropriately deal with how immense it sometimes is to feel it all).
Claim your Route by the end of , and you’ll also receive your FREE Soul Soothing Sonnet.
Recitation of this Sonnet under the conditions I lay out for you will grant you emotional calm and deep soul peace, regardless of any of your surrounding circumstances.
It will provide you with an undeniably useful point of inner settlement, even when your emotions are high and negative feelings are swirling. It will bring you back to your soul center.
My friend, I can’t ask you to make a specific choice here. I can’t force you in one direction or another. All I can do is present the facts, as I have done, and hope that you make the right moves for your hopefully-very-bright future.
It won’t be easy to recognize that life’s many demands and difficulties have dulled your emotional spectrum. But if you can do that? We can fix it before it’s too late…
Your loving friend,