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The fall equinox is here on the 23rd


As I’m sure you know, this moment in the year (a counterbalance to the spring equinox, marking the changing roles of night and day) is celebrated and prized in many different cultures and associated with several unique traditions. 

But, as you might not know, the equinox is especially important to Pagans, who call this precious date “Mabon.”

With ancient roots as a harvest festival, Mabon celebrates the transition from summer’s warm embrace to autumn’s ever-so-slightly-cooled comfort. 

During Mabon, the nights and days are of equal length. The leaves, spiraling through the air and falling from the trees, are poised somewhere right between life and decay.

It’s a moment of balance in every sense of the word. And it’s the only time of year when it’s possible to achieve this balance within oneself – this fragile state of harmony in which one thing can easily become another – so effectively.

Before the coming of the 24th and the closing of this Mabon chapter, I want to change your life. I want to help you reset your heart and mind using the Eternally Balanced Leaves of Mabon


During Mabon, Mother Earth displays her strength as the seasons change, and the astral world is at a point of perfect balance. 

(As mentioned above, the days are the same length as the nights, though they will not remain this way for long.)

The energies of the time are potent, allowing anyone attentive enough – a group that will soon hopefully include you,         – to create order and balance in all their life areas. Peace and harmony, where once it did not exist.

As we prepare to leap into this beautiful transient day of equal parts light and darkness, thought and action, I have a plan ready for us to enact. 

And it, of course, revolves around the Eternal Leaves…

The tale begins many years before your birth and, indeed, many years before mine, when a powerful seer ventured from her usual home deep in the woods and spent months living among Pagans, observing their traditions for research purposes. Her name was Prea, and she was sharply gifted in and out of the psychic field, always ready to learn more.

Prea was awakened to the significance of the fall equinox, AKA Mabon, while staying with the aforementioned Pagans. She realized WHY they valued this time of year so much and saw that it was the PERFECT time for the complete refreshment of one’s soul. 

Thus, to aid humans needing such refreshment, Prea crafted a process known as the “Fall Scale Balancing Spell.” 

This Spell was a chance to reset, as I’ve explained. A chance to empty the scales of baggage and even things out again. Prea researched the efficacy of every step involved in the Spell and formed the “Eternally Balanced Leaves of Mabon” to sit at the center of it, powering it from start to finish.

To create them? She plucked two fresh-fallen maple leaves from the forest floor and, recognizing that they held the very essence of Mabon in their fragile present state, transformed them into glass leaves made of preciously powerful crystal material.

She immortalized them at their point of transformation for evermore. In these Leaves, the fleeting harmonious energies of Mabon were safely entombed. 

The Eternally Balanced Leaves, from then on, held the emotional key that would power the Spell. They enabled those who performed said Spell – as Mabon’s energies peaked, of course – to experience total equilibrium. 

To refresh their souls for a new season and rid themselves of any feeling or energy taking them too far in a given direction, making life feel lopsided and unnatural. 

Wouldn’t you love to experience the same,        ? Aren’t you ready to raise your hand and claim your ETERNALLY BALANCED LEAVES OF MABON and accompanying FALL SCALE BALANCING SPELL instructions? 

Don’t forget you only have until the end of the 23rd – the day of the equinox itself – to do so.


With these Leaves, you could:

  • Restore a deep internal sense of harmony that you’ve been missing for a long time
  • Free yourself of any overwhelming emotions or energies causing imbalances
  • Redirect certain emotions or energies to better, more productive places
  • Gain a deeper understanding of what you truly want out of life and most long for
  • Rest more easily and enjoy having more energy day-to-day

You could make fall 2023 a shining moment in your life. A season of positive transformation, proper emotional balance, and abiding inner peace.

Balance the light and the dark. Balance the head and the heart. With autumnal colors popping up all around you and the equinox days away, take this chance to ask me for your ETERNALLY BALANCED LEAVES OF MABON. 

If you request your Leaves in time, I’ll also share a FREE gift with you to further brighten your Fall and encourage your progress– your Fall Tarot Map.

Using my precious Pagan Plant Deck (inherited from the incredible Prea HERSELF and pictured below), I can further harness the energies of Mabon to reveal your journey from now until the end of November.

Pagans have always drawn much of their power from the natural world, respecting Mother Earth, revering her at every level, and in turn, receiving her care and attention.

The Pagan Plant Deck is, unsurprisingly, powered by Mother Earth’s love and intuition. It always reaches a state of highly accurate supercharge during Pagan celebrations (when most Pagans will be actively sharing their natural devotion). 

Mabon is one of the biggest Pagan celebrations, so I’m incredibly well placed to create a Fall Tarot Map on your behalf as an accompaniment to the Eternally Balanced Leaves. 

To use this Deck at the height of its strength.

I’ll go about this by first stepping into your subconscious mind. Once there, I’ll draw cards representing the next two and a bit months (the remainder of September, October and November) exactly as you would have done.

I’ll then interpret each draw, forming a clear picture of what’s coming for you and sharing everything you need to know to maintain a happy, successful, conflict-free existence this fall. 

Doesn’t that sound useful,        ? 

Don’t you think it would pair perfectly with your new sense of balance, allowing you to achieve so much in the next few months – including things you wouldn’t have dreamed of accomplishing before?

Please, my friend, think carefully about the offering I’m extending to you and nobody else with the approach of Mabon.

Consider why you need this, why I’ve chosen you, and where you might go next…

And please, if you’re planning to ask me for your ETERNALLY BALANCED LEAVES OF MABON, do so before the 23rd is over and the 24th has arrived. A request on Sunday 24th is a request that comes to me too late…


Your loving friend,

Ask for Your Eternally Balanced Leaves of Mabon

+ FREE Fall Tarot Map