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As I said when I emailed to tell you that these offerings were yours to receive, I’m all about seeing you succeed


A new chapter begins – but by no means ends – with the three Expository, painfully honest and essential Incantations you’re about to recite according to certain spiritual conditions…


I’ll start by going over how these Incantations should be spoken, since these “rules,” so to speak, will remain unchanged from spell to spell. Please:

  • Recite either at night or in a darkened room (no artificial light, curtains/blinds closed, etc.)
  • Recite while gazing into the burning flame of a large white pillar candle
  • Recite when you’re feeling calm and ready to connect with your emotions
  • Recite precisely as written, and start from the top after a two-hour rest if you make an error

Final note: Work through the Incantations in the order listed below, and leave at least three hours of rest time between each recitation if you plan to do multiple on the same day.

Here they are…

Your Incantation Revealing Personal Priorities

“I call forth all the potency of combined spiritual entities,

In hopes of bringing new parts of my whole to light,

There are things I must face now – with integrity,

Hopes and dreams that, even from myself, I hide,

Bring to my body the knowledge most essential,

Show my heart where it has always belonged,

Fearless and bold, let me unlock my potential,

Send to my fingertips the grace to write my own song,

If I know where I’m going and what I am seeking,

Who can stop me on the winding road of life?

If there’s certainty in all the plans I am speaking,

Can any naysayer’s words still cut like a knife?

I call forth all the potency of combined spiritual entities,

In hopes of bringing new parts of my whole to light,

There are things I must face now – with integrity,

Hopes and dreams that, even from myself, I hide.”

Your Incantation Expressing Spiritual Devotion

“I call forth all the voices from beyond the world I can see,

Pleading participation in a moment betwixt you and me,

I must let it be known that I’m open to assistance and help,

Be it anything from financial to focused on my health,

I say this not to demand what has not been earned,

But to assure that it will be continually deserved,

For every piece of fortuity sent down in my direction,

There will be an equal and wonderful redirection,

An eye for an eye – in quite a different way,

A commitment from me to improve one life every day,

I stand before you prepared – ready to rise to my great potential,

But to be the force for love that I could, I’ll need some of your attention.”

Your Incantation Accepting Imperfection and Nuance 

“I call forth powers stronger than me,

To witness this moment and all it will be,

(And to bolster me, too, should I have a need),

From the ancient world to the love I receive in the now,

I gather all my resolve together as a cacophony of sound,

(And I hear it, too, in the vibrating, rippling ground),

I will try my best and love myself as much as I can,

I am instituting an uninformed opinion ban,

(Nobody but this somebody can tell me who I am).

Hold me to this, forces of luck, hope, love and wealth,

I am granting myself the same leeway as everyone else,

(Accepting imperfection is a must for my emotional health.)”

Those were your three Expository Incantations,        . Each should have immediate effects, culminating in you reaching a very different headspace than the one you previously occupied.

Don’t forget you’ll have your FREE Good News Beacon to lean on as you adjust to said headspace…


Here’s your Good News Beacon, which, as I’ve mentioned before, is not actually a beacon but a letter opener with beacon-like qualities of attraction. 

I chose this to accompany your Incantation Trio because I knew you’d feel slightly vulnerable in the immediate aftermath. Free, bright and ready to start living your life confidently, yes – but a little raw alongside that.

New feelings and attitudes take time to get used to. Even changes in a positive direction are changes.

To activate the Good News Beacon and begin your three months of 90% good news (or more – it could be 100% if you’re lucky!), you must:

  1. Wait for nightfall.
  2. Hold two crossed palms just above the image of the Beacon (either printed or displayed on a digital screen). 
  3. Close your eyes. 
  4. Visualize a letter addressed to you making its way from a postbox, through the post system, and eventually to your home. Track it as well as possible, envisaging as much of its journey as possible. Invest in the imagined world.
  5. When you see the letter finally reach its destination, go further. Picture yourself opening it up and a stream of gold-green light pouring out. 
  6. Sense this light filling the imagined room with happiness and hope. Know it to be viscerally representing GOOD NEWS. Smile. Take a deep breath.
  7. Say: Ancient fated forces, come to me this blessed night. See the longing for wondrous tidings, see the lack of want to fight. Awaken this Beacon, given by a trusted one. Make my life, for a time, shine as bright as the morning sun.

That’s all there is to it,        . Complete these seven simple instructions, store your Beacon in a safe place if you opted to print it out, and go about your business.

(This activation used to be more complex when an ordinary letter opener was first brought to life with power and turned into the Beacon you now see before you. But, over the decades, the instructions have been rightfully simplified for repeatability.)

Hopefully, the Beacon will combine perfectly with the emotional-health-improving results of the three Incantations!

Your loving friend,