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What does freedom mean to you?


Do you have a concrete sense of it that you can call to mind when I ask? Or do you have to sit with that question, turning it over in your head as if it were a rock tumbling along the bed of a rushing stream?

To me, freedom is many things.

It’s choice, and space, and truth.

It’s seeing the whole picture.

It’s moving through life unconstrained by the vast majority of boundaries, limits, and parameters that could otherwise hold you back.

It’s the feeling in my chest when I summit a mountain during a solitary hike and look out over the world.

It’s the safety I feel encircled in the arms of the person I found, chose, and gave my love. The person I still actively commit to loving with each new day.

Fundamentally, I guess I feel that freedom is: Having the room to be your best self – whatever that might look like for you.

I say all this to say that money matters.

Not for the reasons we think it does, all the materialistic factors that can so easily cloud our judgment and lead us astray, but because economic comfort and a cushion of wealth create the right conditions FOR freedom. FOR being one’s best self.

That much is undeniable.

How can you thrive if you’re monetarily constrained, unable to do the things that bring you joy because you can’t afford to? Or worse – unable to ever empty your mind and tap into inner peace because you’re worrying about the next bill? The next expense?

No, money matters because money is an integral part of being human and alive in today’s society.

Costs pile up, and we can’t always keep pace. Opportunities are only made available to those who can afford them. Financial limitations erect unclimbable walls.

It’s untenable to live your best life without economic security. And… I say this with a total absence of judgment…

The amount of wealth you currently possess isn’t enabling you to live your best life,        . With more money than you have right now in your possession, you could be brighter, lighter and happier.

So, how do we change that?

How do we get you what you need – and get you on track to meet your immense potential?

I want to work through a “Financial Freedom Dual Manifestation” with you. That’s my suggestion.

The Manifestation I have in mind will consist, as you’d anticipate from the name, of two elements:

My “Financial Fortune Intervention” on your behalf:

I’ll manifest monetary luck for you by speaking with the inner circle of Karmic Warriors. These mystics are a collective who work hard to balance the universe in terms of good and bad karma. Where mistakes are made and things get overlooked, they’re willing to step in.

This might mean reducing the luck flow of people who have been overserved opportunities, or in your case, the opposite: Redirecting good fortune – mainly financial fortune – where it’s deeply deserved but also profoundly lacking.

I’m 100% certain, based on all I know about you, that the Karmic Warriors will view you as a worthy recipient, and I won’t consider my Intervention complete until I’ve worked with them to secure your extra monetary luck.

A “Financial Freedom Pursuit Plan” produced by me for you to follow:

Once the Intervention is complete and I know your financial fortune has increased significantly, we’ll take the Manifestation to the next and final level – we’ll put you within true reach of Financial Freedom using a Financial Freedom Pursuit Plan.

This Plan – a collection of recommendations and instructions that I will compile in complete alignment with your unique and precious circumstances – will allow you to manifest new wealth FOR YOURSELF.

I’ll show you how to open up to money and economic growth in numerous ways. I’ll give you the perspective necessary to let fortune flow rather than inadvertently turn away from financial opportunities as you have previously done.

Do that, and all I’ve promised will be yours.

Do that, and you’ll have the space and time to craft your own picture of freedom.

Will it be a restful day spent sailing on the open ocean? Or a family dinner, table laden with delicious dishes and circled by laughing loved ones? Or the simple image of shoots of bright green flora growing up between pavers on a once-grey sidewalk?

The only way to know who you’ll be when you’re truly free? Fix your finances. Heal your economic situation until you DON’T HAVE TO THINK ABOUT IT CONSTANTLY.

It won’t be easy. It won’t end with this Manifestation.

… But it could start here.

The offer is resting in your gentle, caring hands – and I’ll leave it there until         fades into        .

In fact…

I’ll spend some time and energy promoting your EMOTIONAL freedom, too, by providing a FREE Aura Uplift Totem.

(Emotional freedom, to me, is the ability to feel things purely and openly, never closing off your heart or letting negative feelings like sorrow and jealousy steal too much air time in your life. You deserve this state of being just as much as you deserve financial freedom.)

What IS the Aura Uplift Totem, you ask?

Made of gloriously beautiful rainbow quartz, this magical gemstone from my extensive collection will serve you for three incredible months as a sort of emotional air purifier.

Once it’s been aligned to you and awoken into your ownership, keeping its image on your person will allow it to improve your mood and up your energy reserves, making you less prone to negative emotions or exhaustion after a long day.

It won’t transform you as a person, shifting you into some ceaselessly smiling creature you don’t recognize. It’ll just make you         on        ’s best day – most days.

Happiness, hope, enthusiasm – these emotional states are muscles, and they grow when they’re flexed. After three months of building them up with the Totem’s support, you’ll find that your increased energy reserves stick around.

Isn’t that cool?

Your financial freedom will be well on the way to reality, and your emotional freedom will be similarly bolstered!

…Provided you make your claim in time.

Will you do all you can to position yourself well? 

To prepare adequately for the advent of those three major moments? 

I hope you will. I hope I’ll hear from you before         becomes         and it’s too late…


Your loving friend,

Ask for Your Financial Freedom Dual Manifestation

+ FREE Aura Uplift Totem