I am honored by your confidence in me, .
Please give me just a little bit of time to contact your spiritual guide and relay the wisdom he has for you.
As you wait, I beseech you to look upon the secret benediction I promised you – a sacred prayer that will allow you to summon your guide whenever you need them most. Follow the instructions carefully and memorize the words of the prayer and you’ll begin to feel the deepening connection between you both.
I must return to your guide, however, so I will leave you with this prayer and with my best wishes. Already I can feel your presence as though you’re right next to me – this should be a powerful encounter for us both. I will contact you as soon as I am gifted with your message.
Wishing you love and happiness,
Your “Secret Benediction”
So that you may reach out to your guardian angel
as much as you need
, I’m about to offer you the Secret Benediction. It is a sacred and special prayer and comes with a word of power – a word, that when invoked, will help you contact your guardian angel and turn to them for protection and assistance. Here are your instructions for how to contact them and ensure that your bond remains strong:
Step 1: Think of the 5 things you desire most in the world – they can be personal, emotional, material – whatever you’d like. Write these wishes down on a small piece of paper, then roll the paper up and secure it with a rubber band.
Step 2: Find a safe place to stow your wish scroll for 3 days – don’t touch it, don’t look at it and keep it out of the light. Don’t let others know about your secret location either.
Step 3: On the 4th day, seek out your scroll again, take in into your hands and say the secret word: . By repeating the name of your guardian angel three times, you will be able to summon him to your side. Don’t concern yourself with pronunciation – he’ll recognize himself in your voice and your soul. With him at your side now, you can unroll your paper and repeat to him the wishes you have written. Then, you must speak the benediction out loud.
“Oh , he who protects me. Endeavour to help me achieve my fate. Hear my wishes and make them true. With your celestial guidance, I will find happiness, love and fulfillment – take away the shadows from my thoughts and let us pave a path towards a prosperous future together.”
Anytime you feel you need the extra luck or favor, repeat these steps and recite your prayer to again while focusing on your goals. You are never a burden to him – reach out as often as you need to and it will only serve to further your bond. Angels are our allies, they love us and they want nothing but good for us in this world. You will begin to feel their presence in your every day life and soon you won’t remember what it was like not to have a guardian there to protect you.
I’m pleased to be writing to such a wonderful person and I can’t wait for you to finally achieve the happiness you’ve so long deserved. The fates are smiling on you – honest, good and generous describe you well and that is why the heavens favor you.
I will be watching over you,