Lately, I feel your worry reaching over to tap me on the shoulder
It’s racing through space and time with such power and continuity that it must be eclipsing other interests and activities in your life, right?
Are you becoming so stressed about what the future holds – about all you can’t control – that you’re no longer living in the present and connected to the earth?
Are you losing balance?
I suspect that this IS the case. And because of that, I’d like to tell you a story to put things in perspective…
(My reasoning will make sense soon, I promise.)
Many moons ago, in a quiet town nestled in a French valley, a man named Alain operated and lived on a small farm with the rest of his family.
Alain was the first son of elderly, ailing parents, and each day of his life was swallowed up by stress and concern.
Would his parents’ health decline? What would happen to the farm after their passing if it did? Would his crops survive the winter? Would he ever find the time to fall in love? And what would he even have to offer a lover if he had one?
Alain was so consumed by worry that he became known around the town for it. They called him Alain the Anxious, and they would tell tales of his woe. Of how it hung so heavy on his shoulders, you could almost see it.
Each day, Alain spent equal amounts of time fretting and farming.
Each night, he lay awake fretting about the farming, the fretting – and even the impact of the fretting on the farming. It was a vicious cycle.
Things got worse one chilly day close to the Winter Solstice because Alain received a delivery from a strange woman in a purple cloak.
She dropped off a magnificent ice sculpture in the shape of a beautiful swan on the farm’s doorstep, and she told Alain: Enjoy the beauty of this beast while you can. Your life exists in the balance of past, present and future.
Though the interaction was odd, Alain was so stunned by the sculpture’s wonder and majesty that he really wanted to enjoy it!
But he couldn’t.
He was too tortured by the thought that the snowy weather would eventually end, the sun would shine bright, and the swan would melt into a puddle of shapeless water.
So, he fixated. He built an early prototype of a freezer in a garden shed, seeking to shield the swan entirely from sunlight.
He talked to friends about the sculpture, explaining his life-consuming concern that it would melt and its beauty would disappear forever.
He transferred all his woe, worry and lack of control surrounding the farm’s future (and the family’s future, for that matter) onto this object that was always made to be ephemeral, and he suffered for it.
Four painful weeks later, the morning Alain had dreaded came to pass.
He woke and rushed to his shed at the sight of sunlight through the curtains. There, he found the wooden structure collapsed and a puddle where the sculpture had once stood.
The strange, cloaked woman was there, too. She was waiting for him.
She shook her head as he fell to his knees and wept for the fate of the swan. She said: No. It was meant to leave you, Alain, as everything is in time.
And like a lightning bolt to his brain, Alain realized something he’d hold onto for the rest of his life.
He told the woman: I never took the time to be thankful! All these days, I looked upon that beautiful swan with nothing but fear in my heart!
Alain had finally understood what some people never can. If we spend too much time worrying about what will happen next – whether it’s definite, probable, possible, or improbable – we never SEE what’s happening now.
We never appreciate the stunning metaphorical swan if we focus only on the impermanence of its beauty.
Yes, nothing lasts forever. But we know that from fairly early on in our lives. It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t make all the effort we can to enjoy the time we have!
… So, to the present day, and to the reason I’ve shared Alain’s story with you…
, you need to learn how to live in the present and ground yourself in the moment. Just like Alain, you’ve been sitting too long and too often in your anxiety, and you’re now at real risk of derealisation. Of total disconnection from the world and the people in it.
Just like Alain, something has to give.
“Why Gaia?” You may ask.
Gaia is the name of Mother Earth in Greek mythology, which is the timeframe during which this Ceremony originated. (It has since been updated and simplified for modern-day completion with equally effective and successful results.)
Gaia is an astounding force of grounding power because of all that she personifies.
She is every element of the connected earth that allows us life and breath. She is down on the ground and up in the air. She is everything at once, perfectly balanced and perfectly present.
SHE is who you must embody to properly enjoy and appreciate your life – even when you cannot know everything, control everything, and get everything right.
And this Ceremony will allow for that embodiment, giving you space to:
- Thank the present
- Connect to the present
It won’t clear your mind entirely of worries or future-focused thoughts, but it will reset the balance, which has been very off within your mind in recent months.
Plus, as an addendum to the main Ceremony’s potent effects, I’ll share “Mother’s Momentary Mantra.”
You can memorize this Mantra and recite it as needed to trigger a less powerful but much faster grounding result.
For example, if you’re in the midst of a busy gathering and you’re starting to feel disconnected and anxious, you can slip away to the bathroom to speak the Mantra, let the grounding sensation wash over you, and then return unmissed, feeling much better.
Doesn’t that sound lovely?
And doesn’t the Ceremony? Wouldn’t you love to be attuned with Gaia, feeling the right balance of thoughtfulness, connection, and reflection?
This is what you need. Let me give it to you.
The truth, which I’ve seen for myself, is that your future is not dark and depressing. It’s bright and wonderful.
You’re so worried that something horrible lurks around the next corner, but what if it’s something lovely? And what if by the time it comes, you’re so tired out from fear that you can’t even appreciate it?
The Grounding Ceremony is the most important thing you can offer yourself in terms of easing your mind and actually enjoying your life. But to further ease your mind?
If you can claim the Ceremony instructions mentioned above by the close of , I’ll also share a FREE Six-Month Chart of Wonderful Occurrences with you.
This Chart will note all the important, exciting, positive things set to happen for you in the next half-year.
I’ll pull from rod divination, tarot interpretation and crystal ball study methods to be as thorough and accurate as possible. And you’ll have a constant reminder, as you replace worry with real presence of mind, that good things are coming!
(A reminder that uncertainty does not always equal scary, evil, and to be avoided.)
Your loving friend,