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Over four nights, I’ve received four signs from the cosmic universe letting me know that you’re officially and declaratively entitled to enter your Golden Era


That’s a huge deal. Your Golden Era is a phase in your life, usually lasting around three to four months (with four being the maximum), where all the lights shine on you, luck showers you, and your personal magnetic power is suddenly off the charts.

It doesn’t happen for everyone. It’s a rare opportunity that can only be earned through living well and gaining recognition from the cosmic universe.

But as we speak, it’s happening for you.

The chance is right in front of you; however good or bad you feel your life is now, it could be positively transformed over the course of your next life quarter.

I’ll explain the signs I received to reach this conclusion (that you had been selected and would be granted this honor as imminently as you were willing to accept it), but before I do, I want to offer you what you need to make it happen right away.

You’ll then be able to use it in the completion of a Golden Era Entrance Ceremony, officially kickstarting your hyper-fortunate phase and bringing greatness into your days.

Your request deadline is the end of        . If you can claim your GEODE OF THE GOLDEN ERA before the arrival of        , it’s all yours.



As things stand, the astral world has made me fully aware that I must share your Geode of the Golden Era (and accompanying Golden Era Entrance Ceremony instructions) with you as soon as possible.

Five days ago, I didn’t know. Yes, I knew you could theoretically be worthy of this Era, but I didn’t realize it was your time.

I didn’t know that here and now –         at the time of writing – was your shining astral chance.

I’m glad we’re here now. And I’ve already offered you the Geode. But if you’d like to know more, I understand.

To start at the beginning, these are the four signs I received, in order from first to last (which was last night’s sign)

  1. The long hallway and the golden touch – My first sign was a dream in which I walked down a long, narrow hallway in my own body. Clad in a simple white robe, I tried each door I came to. The handle turned to gold when it made contact with my fingertips, a sure symbol of wealth and prosperity, but the door wouldn’t budge open, so I was forced to move on. The fifth door I came to became fully golden, the shimmer spreading out from the handle and transforming even the jamb. Then, it swung open, and I saw a figure in shadow alone in the room. I didn’t know who it was just yet, but looking back? That figure was definitely you.
  1. The contact from a past client – My second sign came in the early evening of the day that followed (each sign came the night after the previous, for your future reference). I was sitting down for supper when the phone rang. It was a client whom we’ll call Claire. Six months ago, Claire entered her Golden Era with my help after a similar series of cosmic signs. Claire told me she was doing very well, and she also told me that her connection to the Geode had faded. She suspected it was time for another deserving person to experience their Golden Era. She mentioned the person’s name might begin with        , as she’d been seeing this letter everywhere lately.
  1. The strange and unexplainable adhesion – When I was tidying up my office and filing away client information after a long and busy day of paperwork, I reached your file, and my palm seemed to become temporarily fused to it. I couldn’t let go for at least three minutes. If my palm hadn’t linked like that, I might not even have known it was your file. But because it did, I was directed firmly to stop, look, read your name, and think, if only briefly, about you. I realized your name began with the letter Claire had mentioned. I thought there was a chance you were the person being lined up for a Golden Era, but I didn’t want to jump the gun. As we now know, I was correct. You were being lined up.
  1. The golden sparks and last-minute plans – I’d planned to go out to a bar for drinks with friends, but at the last second, the plans shifted to attending a fireworks display on the beach. The skies were clear, my friends said the display would be memorable, and I agreed to go. It turned out to be memorable for more reasons than anticipated. At the conclusion of a spectacular show, the final firework burst into life. Everyone around me saw a beautiful purple dragon breathing green fire (I asked them later). But I saw nothing but gold. Nothing but the sparks aligning to spell out your full name right there in the sky, accompanied by the shape of an egg timer slowly draining sand.

Clearly, it was time for your Golden Era. And clearly, we didn’t have all the time in the world to make it yours. We had to act.

Hence, I’m writing to you today. I’m not wasting a second.

Even without any mystical training or psychic ability, most would be able to pick up on the intended outcome of these signs.

The astral forces that control so much of our lives and fates were stepping in to say: Look how hard         has been working. Will you see to it that he is rewarded?

And now I’m happily stepping in to respond: Yes, of course, I will! I’ll always do anything I can to make your life easier and brighter, and I hope you know that. Especially in a circumstance when the cosmic world so clearly agrees!

The question now is how you’ll respond, I think.


How many times in your life have you been offered a shining crystal of cosmic power designed to represent a human being at their very best,        ?

How often has someone asked if you’d like to receive a Geode of the Golden Era to be used at the center of a Golden Era Entrance Ceremony?

I’d surmise that the answer is once. This time. And I’d surmise that if you knew you could kickstart three to four months’ worth of immense good fortune and incredible achievement tomorrow, you’d do it.

So, please know: That’s precisely what I’m trying to give you today.

That’s precisely what your GEODE OF THE GOLDEN ERA will bring if you can request it before the arrival of         and follow my instructions when it’s in your possession.

Plus, since I am so dedicated to improving your life and rewarding your focus, I’ll also happily share TWO ADDITIONAL OFFERINGS at no extra charge if you can claim the Geode in time.

Two TOTALLY FREE gifts – your Life Quarter Tarot Question Session and your Golden Era Guidance.

Your Life Quarter Tarot Question Session will use the divinatory powers of the tarot to get you some important answers.

Since we know this Golden Era will last for one life quarter (a maximum of four months), we can make the time as valuable as possible for you by asking questions ABOUT that quarter.

These questions, to be more specific, will each be answered:

  • What can I expect from my romances and interpersonal relationships in the next life quarter?
  • How will my life change externally in the next life quarter?
  • How will my heart, soul and internal self change in the next life quarter?

Your Golden Era Guidance will then be a simple collection of tips and tricks for making the best of your upcoming emotional, financial and professional highs.

We get a lot of advice about how to behave and what to do when things go wrong, but though we can be just as in need of advice when things are going well, I find that’s harder to come by. (And I want to ensure you CAN come by it when you need it.)

Please,        , the clock is ticking…

Your loving friend,

Ask for Your Geode of the Golden Era

+ 2 FREE Gifts