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If you’re not already sitting there grinning from ear to ear with happiness because you attained Golden Karma status at the right time, you soon will be


I’m about to share your Golden Karma Ritual of Guardianship and your FREE Golden Karma Quarter Guidance (which I worked on hour after hour, quite happily, knowing I’d soon get to help you achieve your dreams).

On the other side of these offerings, your immediate future shines bright. 

Here’s to all you’ve worked for and hoped for finally coming to fruition in a life phase almost completely free of negative influence…



To complete your Golden Karma Ritual of Guardianship, you’ll need to first gather as many small gold or gold-colored objects as possible from around your home. (Ideally, a minimum of seven and a maximum of 20.)

You should then spread these out in the shape of an “X” on an empty stretch of floor. 

Place yourself in the bottom quadrant of the “X,” close to the center point, and complete the Golden Karma Ritual of Guardianship as follows:

  1. With your legs folded in the Lotus Pose or similar, lean back until you touch the ground. Cross your arms over your chest, close your eyes, and whisper: My Golden Karma gleams aplenty. I call the spiritual world to meet me.
  2. Lie in silence and stillness, counting out 60 seconds in your head.
  3. Open your eyes and rise slowly and gracefully. Move clockwise to the next of the four quadrants, and adopt the same position as before – legs folded, lying back, eyes closed.
  4. Whisper: Forces far and wide, creatures small and large, send forth your protection and make unconquerable my heart.
  5. Count 60 seconds again, and then move to the third quadrant. When you’re settled in position, whisper: I use the favor I have earned to trigger my guardian shield. I must protect my future – the threat is very real.
  6. Count 60 seconds again, and move to the fourth and final quadrant. When you’re settled, whisper: Let these four months begin with haste – not a day of my freedom will I waste.
  7. Count 60 seconds out for a final time, then open your eyes and rise from the circle. 
  8. Clear away your golden objects, but keep your favorite of them all on your bedside table (or close to your bed, at least, if you don’t have a bedside table) for the next four months. 

When these instructions are complete,        , the Ritual will also be complete, and your shield will slowly begin to form over the next 24 hours. 

Past this point, it will be fully operational. The External Chaos will have no way of bringing negativity to your doorstep. 

Leaving you to move smoothly into studying your FREE Golden Karma Quarter Guidance intently… 


With four months of forcefield protection, the life quarter you’re about to embark on will be unlike any you’ve experienced before. 

Though external negativity won’t be able to reach you, you’ll still need to avoid internal negativity and maximize your chances of success in financial, professional and personal spheres. That’s where my Guidance comes in!

Using runic future-telling and tarot reading, I’ve developed a strong sense of the shape of each month…

Month One:        

For        , the thing of particular note and focus should be your personal life. The card I drew to represent this month and how you should align your priorities within it was the Queen of Cups, upright.

The Queen of Cups speaks to love, peace and safety, all things one should feel in their family or chosen family unit. To maximize your potential and elevate your existence in Month One, the runes highly recommend addressing any unhealthy, comfort-reducing dynamics in your inner circle. If a friend or family member can’t handle a frank, clear conversation about boundaries or similar, do you really want to hold them near?

Month Two:        

Moving into Month Two, your professional life appears to be shifting according to a few internal epiphanies spelled out in my runic study. Decisions are approaching, and you’re the only person who can make them.

The card of         is the Page of Pentacles, reversed, signifying a need to commit to what you really want rather than trying to hold onto all your cards at once. Even the ones you don’t care for or need! Things are changing and uprooting, and it’s your responsibility to choose a professional path that genuinely suits you this month. Don’t take it lightly. Don’t rush. Don’t underthink or overthink. 

Month Three:        

Month Three’s most significant danger is the internal negativity I warned of earlier. The runes tell us you’ll experience a few setbacks, and the card of the month seems to indicate you may take them to heart. (It’s The Star, reversed.)

More specifically, The reversed Star paints a picture of a discouraged, insecure person. To walk through         confidently, you’ll need to recenter yourself and invest a lot of time into protecting your personal peace and happiness. It’s okay to have fragile moments if you know how to manage them (and do so in good time before they spiral).

Month Four:        

Our final month of protection is undoubtedly the greatest in terms of financial windfalls, a fact agreed upon by both the runes and The Wheel of Fortune (upright). Luck is flowing with ease in your sphere.

Don’t forget, however, that the Wheel can always turn, and you must prepare to welcome The External Chaos again at the end of        . Think of the future more than you have been before. Set yourself up nicely for what’s coming next, using your current but waning power to its fullest extent. There is nothing to fear in a future you’re monetarily ready for – not even the unknown.

I’ve now shared your Quarter Guidance and your Ritual, giving you all you need to succeed in the months ahead. 

Once again,        , I’m thrilled you reached Golden Karma status at the right time to evade that scary event! Fate truly does have a plan for us…

Your loving friend,