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As you know, I have three things to pass on to you today – your Heart of Happiness and Health, your FREE Immediate Future Tarot Interpretation and your FREE Effective Decision Outline


I hope you’ll find each offering immensely valuable in its own right…



       , meet your Heart of Happiness and Health. 

It’s a simple, beautiful charm with power beyond measure and perception held in its silver frame. You might recall that the key, in terms of accessing the energies of joy and wellbeing contained within the Heart, is to convey willingness and deservedness. 

Your Heart must know you’re happy to receive its greatness, and your Heart must know you’re good enough to deserve its greatness.  

Does that make sense? 

This short but effective ceremony of activation will cover both of those bases for you, enabling the Heart to reach full strength and make itself felt in your life within 24 hours:

  1. Print out your Heart or have it ready to view on a portable digital device
  1. Cocoon yourself inside a blanket of some kind, creating a cave-like space to mimic the protective sphere of the female womb. 
  1. In this womb, curl up in the fetal position and wrap yourself around the Heart, curling your body into it protectively. Whisper, with at least one fingertip from each hand touching the Heart: Salve. Welcome. I’m so glad you’re here with me. 
  1. Turn onto your back, still inside the blanket, and bring the Heart up to your chest, setting it down over your own heart. Whisper: Quis sum? Who am I? I show you my soul.
  1. Lie in silence for at least five minutes, breathing slowly and peacefully, giving your Heart a chance to assess you as a person and deem you worthy (and trust me, it definitely WILL deem you worthy) of its abilities and energies.
  1. When this time has passed, bring the Heart right up to your lips and whisper, right against it: Ama me sicut te amo. Love me as I love you. For I do, I do, I do.

That will conclude your activation and set the Heart on course to build in power over the next day or so.

I think you’ll be very pleased with the difference you feel on the other side when the energy of the Heart is making itself heavily felt in your life.

Now, here’s your first of two FREE gifts…


This reading uses the Problem Solving Tarot Deck to explore the core issues and solutions you’ll come up against in the next couple of months.  

Most readings would be split up by individual cards, but this one works a little differently. I’ll first tell you the cards you selected, and I’ll then offer my overall interpretation. 

You chose these three tarot cards (in the order they’re listed, from left to right):

My interpretation is as follows:

Card one is Judgment, the embodiment of your problem in the coming months. Judgment represents self-reflection, re-assessment and awakening to new ideas.

You’ll have an epiphany and realize, resultantly, that you need to make changes. These changes won’t be easy, but they will be 100% worth it.

Card two is the Eight of Wands, representing fast decisions and actions. The solution to the problem of your need to change your life is to act quickly and decisively the second you feel ready to. 

There’s no need to delay changing your life for the better once you know the route you’d ideally like to take.

Finally, card three is the Nine of Pentacles, and an indicator, clear as day, that you’ll find your way through. 

The Nine of Pentacles is a card of reward, luxury and achievement after hard work is completed. Keep pushing through, and you’ll be rewarded for solving your life problems.

Remember,        : The more you know, the more you’ll know what to do. 

Knowledge is power, even when that knowledge brings some stress and worry. It’s always better to be fully informed and able to prepare. Ignorance is very much not bliss because ignorance must always come to an end (and blindside you) sooner or later.

Here’s your second FREE gift…


This is the Outline you should follow, in order, when faced with a decision that you aren’t sure how to make:

  1. Determine your specific decision deadline, and work to this absolutely. Don’t delay longer than you can at the risk of your life deciding for you.
  1. Consider the situation in terms of your gut feelings. For example: What does your heart say to you about all of this? What option makes your stomach churn more than the other? What feelings are coming to the surface?
  1. Consider the situation in terms of the cold, hard facts. For example: What would be more financially viable? Which makes more sense for your life goals? How will this decision impact you materially in a year versus five versus ten?
  1. Ask if there is a difference between the facts and the gut feelings. Interrogate why that is and what it truly means about your decision.
  1. If you’re still feeling stumped, write a short list of your most trusted loved ones and look through it with one question in mind: Who will offer me the most sound, realistic and unbiased advice? Consult with this person.
  1. Create a full and comprehensive inventory of pros and cons, including your consulted loved one’s opinion, your gut feelings, and the facts. 
  1. If possible, sleep on your final decision and come to it first thing in the morning when you’re feeling refreshed, energized, and ready to take on the day (and, therefore, any potential challenges).
  1. Right before your final choice is made, try to put yourself in a mental position of having made both decisions. Which feels better? Which hurts more?
  1. Make your decision.

That concludes the Outline,        .

I hope everything I’ve shared today can help you on your journey! I feel confident in your ability to take the correct route for you when the day comes…


Your loving friend,