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Urgent Agreement for         to allow me to perform The Heavenly Ritual of Purification and my free gift, The Charm of Divine Protection

Exclusively for:        

Thank you for agreeing to perform The Heavenly Ritual of Purification to ensure that negativity will not effect my upcoming epoch of fortune. I am grateful you identified the issues that could prevent me from living my fullest life.

The Heavenly Ritual of Divine Protection will change my life as I know it, granting me incredible powers of fortune that will release me from the dark hold I find myself under. It will allow me to take advantage of the great events that are in my future without intereference.

I acknowledge that you are also offering me, for free, The Charm of Divine Protection which will allow me to bolster my luck further and protect me further from the energies that seek to harm me.

My free gift, The Charm of Divine Protection, is a powerful secret reserved just for me by the divines and will aid me in my growing fortune as time goes on. It will act as a symbol of guardianship for me and bathe me in divine light.

Without further delay, I am therefore sending you this agreement, along with my appreciative donation of (instead of ).

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