As you may know, I have many different tarot decks in my possession
I have tarot decks that can offer you (and might already have!) specific, targeted insights – focused around your love life, or your professional life, or any area, really.
I have tarot decks that can provide speedy results, and tarot decks that can dive more deeply, and lucky tarot decks, and tarot decks that can predict across longer and shorter timeframes. You name it, I’ve got it.
One of my favorite decks of all? The High-Accuracy Cosmic Tarot Deck.
The power of this deck is in its name, and I’m sure you can guess its specialty.
It produces the most accurate results possible, powered as it is by incredibly clairvoyant astral energies.
The High-Accuracy Cosmic Tarot Deck isn’t the easiest deck to work with, because where a great deal of energy is contained in one place, a great deal of energy must be expended during a reading to control and interpret each card.
Still, I use it where I can – I know it’s able to present a more focused and truthful representation of the future than any of my other tools.
Very rarely, I don’t need to come to the High-Accuracy Cosmic Tarot Deck at all.
Very rarely, it comes to me.
It begins to glow (a vibrant, emerald hue) and hum and spin in place, speaking its intentions as loudly as possible and letting itself be heard.
That’s exactly what happened last night, and it’s the reason I’m now writing you this message, so please, , listen up…
I was doing some late-night paperwork so that I could get a jump start on today, and the very second that my hand brushed against your client folder, , the glow began. The hum rose into the air. The spinning started.
My hair stood up on my arms, I was that excited. What did this mean? What was happening?
I rushed over to the Deck, which was sitting on a table across the room, with your file still clasped in my hand. The closer I got, the brighter it shone and the faster it was spinning.
Only when I came to a halt right in front of it and looked down at the folder I was holding did I actually notice your name.
By then, it was very clear what needed to happen next. I went to sleep, I woke up, and I started writing this message.
, I’d like to offer you a High-Accuracy Cosmic Tarot Reading.
A draw of four cards that will tell the story of your next two or three months more clearly than you can imagine.
How about this, ? Right here, and right now, I’ll perform the first card draw of the four. I’ll tell you which of the Deck’s Major Arcana cards sits in first position in your Reading.
I’ll give you a taste of what you can expect, and I’ll show you just a hint of the immense accuracy contained within these predictions.
Then, I hope, you’ll know exactly what your next move should be.
As I type this line, I am slowly and carefully entering your subconscious mind. I am laying out the cards in front of me, and I am choosing as your subconscious knows that you would choose.
Now, let me turn over this card…
What an amazing start to the Reading, my friend. Here is your first card, in all its glory:
Card Number One: Judgment, Upright
Judgment. It might sound like a severe name, but it’s a card full of possibilities. And a card that’s left me more certain than ever that you MUST request your full High-Accuracy Cosmic Tarot Reading as soon as you can.
In its upright position, Judgment represents a move from dormant to wide awake.
It represents a reflection that leads to an awakening.
It tells me, loudly and clearly, that you are a about to enter a new phase in life. A human being about to elevate your existence.
Shining ahead of you is a reckoning between the things you’ve thought you wanted for so long, and the things that you truly, honestly want. And trust me when I say: There’s a difference there.
There’s a whole world of excitement that you might be ignoring in favor of outdated dreams that don’t work for you and your lifestyle anymore.
It all begins with Judgment, and with some personal reflection that shows you there’s more out there. More to achieve, more to discover, more to experience.
But, as for what comes next? There’s only one way to find out.
How does this transformative period begin? How does it end? What happens along the way? What are the bumps along the road that you’ll need to swerve to make your ending a happy and contented one?
I hope the glimpse into your Reading has been equal parts informative and inspiring, . If you’re still waiting to be convinced, what are you missing?
Didn’t you read the words I wrote?
The words that should have let you know:
- The most accurate cosmically-powered deck in my collection wants to predict your future – it begged to do this for itself, and there are clearly things that it wants you to know
- The first card in your Reading – Judgment – is a card of transformation – great things are ahead, and the next three card draws will show you the shape of these things, and the actions you need to take/avoid taking to secure your future success
Plus, there’s this: If you’re able to request your High-Accuracy Cosmic Tarot Reading before is over, I’ll share two additional FREE gifts with you.
You read that correctly. Two more offerings. At no extra cost to you.
I can feel, already, that this Reading will throw a lot of information and advice your way. That it will require you to do a great deal, in the next two or three months. That you’ll soon have to set yourself up for the future and change your life.
Given that this will be a big undertaking, I’d like to equip you for success as best as I can.
I’ll share a FREE Protective Jade Sphere and some FREE Navigational Notes to this end.
Your FREE Protective Jade Sphere
Changing and evolving as a person isn’t always easy. Sometimes, before it makes us stronger, it makes us a little weaker than usual. More susceptible to negative vibes and energies.
This Protective Jade Sphere should counteract that effect.
When you ask for your Reading, I’ll complete six different protective spells and rites and fill the Sphere with all the guardianship and safety that I possibly can before sending it on to you.
With the Sphere by your side, I’m confident this new phase of your life will be much easier (and much less stressful) to manage.
I’m always, always happy to keep you safe, .
Your FREE Navigational Notes
Everyone needs help, and if you request this Reading, I’ll know you’re willing to accept help when you need it.
So, I’ll know you’ll ALSO appreciate these Navigational Notes – suggestions to help you steer through the storm of transformation and come out happily on the other side, undamaged.
Tips for holding onto yourself, even as your world changes and your wants and needs shift.
You know all you need to at this stage, . You have all the facts, and the decision rests in your hands.
Will you make the choice that reveals more than you could ever anticipate about what’s to come?
Or will you leave yourself in the dark about your future fate?
Do you truly understand what you’ll be missing if you walk away from the final three cards that make up your High-Accuracy Cosmic Tarot Reading?
This guidance could help you put your wildest dreams into action. It could be the difference between a life of many regrets and a life of very few. It could show you as-yet-unrevealed parts of yourself, and unlock the door to true inner contentment.
I’ll be waiting, and hoping to hear from you.
Your loving friend,