What a gift to be in this moment with you, having waited so long for it
(Okay, it wasn’t as long as it probably felt. But I was so desperate to help that every second until I received your consent was, truly, an eternity!)
As you might remember, your Learnings of the Ancient Delta Aquariids are based on a two-element reading. This is reflected in how they’re shared with you.
First, I’ll tell you what the tarot cards (which I drew as your subconscious self) revealed about the month in question. Then, I’ll let you know what messages my crystals sent me about the threats and gifts you might face during the month in question.
Let’s jump in. I’m sure you’ll soon see what I mean…
Month One: August
The tarot reveals… The High Priestess, reversed. While the upright version of this tarot card is one of confidence and self-knowledge, the reversed version expresses the opposite. Stepping into August, you’ll have some doubts about who you are and what your inner voice is saying. We know this already – it’s part of why you needed these Learnings in the first place. But The High Priestess tells you, loud and clear, that you must consider your hidden feelings and let them out in the open. You must complete a total emotional inventory and reset the balance within to continue ahead confidently.
The crystals show me… As you complete your internal inventory throughout August, the crystals are clear that you’ll need to protect and insulate a place of peace inside yourself. Conflicts will come up that don’t have anything to do with you and aren’t in your control, but even still, they’ll emotionally affect you if you allow them to. If you don’t have a safe place in your heart to retire to and breathe easily. Draw lines of separation between the things you can and can’t control, and if things do fall apart dramatically, know that it’s okay to disengage from those involved and place your focus elsewhere in the short term.
Month Two: September
The tarot reveals… The Five of Cups, reversed. September will be an exciting month, full of opportunities, chances and new starts. (More on that when we discuss the crystals’ whispers below.) But, to make room for those things? September will challenge you to let go of long-held grudges and issues. September will ask you to accept and move on from things that have held you back too long already. Peace isn’t easy to find when you know you’ve been wronged or that you’ll never get the exact type of “closure” you long for, but peace is always worth pursuing in the end.
The crystals show me… The whispers grow in volume and intensity. The crystals need you to know that wealth is coming your way in September – and a lot of it. The second weekend of the month, especially, is one to look out for and keep your eyes open in the midst of. Note that it’s also a weekend during which self-love and emotional fortitude will be essential. The more you love yourself, the more resilient you can be when things don’t go as expected. The more you care for yourself, the less likely you will fall into burnout and miss one of this month’s many chances at greatness.
Month Three: October
The tarot reveals… The Four of Wands, upright. The first upright tarot card in three months and a sure sign of things improving and straightening out for you. After the many successes you’ll run through in September, October will continue in kind. But, if you begin to feel lost or confused about where you must next place your focus, look here. The Four of Wands represents community, safety and feeling at home. You need people in your life to love. People who can appreciate your success and people who, on the other hand, you can appreciate with your new success!
The crystals show me… October’s crystal whispers are aligned with the tarot. They tell me you must work to form an inner circle of trust. You must build foundations that allow you to let other people into your life and heart safely. Growing something for you and you alone to enjoy will never fulfill you like growing something for a community and a family can. The crystals know that you are sometimes scared to love with your whole heart because this exposes you to possible pain, but they think that by October, you’ll be strong enough to start leaving that way of thinking behind. Strong enough to dive in.
Those were your Learnings of the Ancient Delta Aquariids, . Remember what I told you once before: Take things a step at a time. Consider what’s most relevant to you now, and look back at those later months when they come.
I’ll now share your FREE Delta Aquariids Viewing Advice, as promised…
Getting your eyes on the stunning Delta Aquariids is not as easy as it is for other meteor showers that are more visible and prolific (though not necessarily more spiritually and psychically powerful, as we know).
My best Delta Aquariids Viewing Advice, honed over the years, is as follows:
- Though it’s often not applicable or possible, it’s worth noting that the Delta Aquariids are best viewed in the southern hemisphere or at southern latitudes in the northern hemisphere
- As the Delta Aquariids can be faint, they’re best sighted on a night when the Moon isn’t out/the sky is as dark as possible
- When one of these nights comes, take yourself away from any city lights or street lights and find a spot for viewing where you can lie down and get the fullest possible view of the night sky
- Let your eyes adjust for at least half an hour, and you’ll soon find you start to spot meteors (if conditions are good, as outlined above, and if they’re present – don’t despair if you need to wait a while for one to arrive)
- You’ll know you’ve spotted the Aquariids if they’re coming from the direction, in the sky, of the “Aquarius” constellation
- If you can’t find the Delta Aquariids during their peak, don’t worry – you’ll likely have a chance to find them again before they fade away in late August, even if you need to be patient to make that happen
I wish you all the luck in the world sighting this stunning shower, . And I wish you nothing but joy as you let your Learnings lead you from success to success in the next three months!
Your loving friend,