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Lunar magic is… Intuitive


Subtle but strong. Perhaps you know that already?

It moves in unexpected ways, weaving and threading around humankind, bringing certainty and revelation where it must.

That’s why myths about crimes, transformations and odd occurrences on the night of the Full Moon are usually determinedly rooted in truth. When lunar currents connect us to how we truly feel (as they do so strongly on the Full Moon), strange things can happen!

The Moon is a gleaming beacon of truth in the dark, shining its soft blue light as needed.

That makes it ideal for acts of clairvoyance. 

That makes it delicately and delightfully accurate in a way that, say, the Sun could never manage to be. Solar power is its own beast with its own profile of strengths. 

I tell you this – about the Moon and lunar magic – because I know you want answers about your next chapter, and I think this is how we get them.

The faint outline of a plan has been taking shape in your head for some time. You want to do more, be more and see more. 

But it’s an idea – not a laid-out route. And you want to feel grounded. 

You want clarity. 

You want more profound knowledge of yourself and your future before you embark on a life change. 

Lately, that want has permeated my psyche in a significant way.

Beyond sense and waking awareness, beyond what you know you’ve been doing, you’ve been calling out for the truth. Meeting me in dreams. Sending flash visions. Begging to discern your fate.

The specifics don’t matter so much as the growing intensity. As the ever-increasing frequency of questions like: What happens next, Elissa? What’s worth pursuing, Elissa? What warnings must I hear and heed, Elissa?

I know I need to do something for you.

Ask for this Examination, and I’ll give you the answers you need. 

I’ll awaken my well-loved and often-deployed Lunar Tarot Deck in the pale moonlight, step into your subconscious mind for card selection, and assess your core spheres of existence in three contexts:

  1. The Past – What came before? What history shapes the now and, in turn, the later?
  2. The Present – Where are you now? What must change or remain the same for you to grow and move forward?
  3. The Future – What will happen next? Where will it all end up when your efforts are made? 

Those spheres of existence will be Your Psyche, Your Relationships, Your Work, and Your Wealth.

Three cards per sphere – a comprehensive answer to where you’ve been and where you must go next. As soon as you give me consent to dive that deep, I’ll get to work.

Actually… Let me check something…

I thought so! I can use the Lunar Tarot Deck to assess one particular sphere NOW! I don’t need to wait to share my Examination of Your Psyche, which I am already intimately familiar with. 

(This should give you the best possible sense of the full Examination and all it will reveal.)



Your Psyche 


The reversed Four of Swords symbolizes a psychological inability to sit still, usually brought on by things like unsafe surroundings, stress, and burnout (triggered by a prolonged period of straining your mental limits and ideal psychic boundaries). 

Historically, you haven’t always felt capable of resting your brain. Of taking the time to ruminate and contemplate – or even simply to process what just happened in a situation. I suspect you were once “parentified” – made to act as an adult and take on that kind of burden before the age at which this would be appropriate or reasonable. Made to take on responsibility and pick up the slack for the immaturity of certain adults around you.


The reversed High Priestess represents the consequences of the restlessness you’ve felt in your past. She symbolizes the inability to connect with your inner voice. The repressed feelings that hide in your heart. The lack of center, balance, and self-concept.

How can you know who you are and what you want if you never had time to discover either? If you often felt that you were chasing your tail? You can’t, really. As such, you must NOW take the time and space needed to know your brain intricately. Speak to trusted friends and loved ones. Speak to a professional if you desire. Rediscover your inner voice. Let those repressed feelings breathe fresh air and blink in the daylight.


Though the effort of revealing your hidden voice will be considerable, and finding your mental footing again will take time, the upright Ten of Cups is evident proof that, in the future, it will be worth it. This card signifies fulfillment and joy that erupts from within.

The journey to internal satisfaction is almost necessarily paved with confusion, complicated emotions and hardship. But it all turns on the axis point of understanding yourself. Of learning what stimulates, feeds and soothes your brain – and, on the flip side, what depresses, starves and overstimulates your brain. Work on this now, as The High Priestess suggests you must, and let the Ten of Cups come to you in time.


That was my Examination of Your Psyche, in the format that I’d look into every sphere of existence mentioned above if you asked me to.

Remember: That was just a quarter of all I can share,        .

If you can do that – if you can give yourself over to the pursuit of knowledge in the way I know you long to – I’ll even accompany the Examination with a FREE gift. 

More specifically?

I’ll share what we mystics call the “Tower of Lunar Love.”

Requesting the Examination and letting me discover your fate this way will strip you bare to the Moon, making you known and vulnerable. 

But you can use that vulnerability, if you’re willing, to open up a flow of lunar luck…

You can let me awaken this Tower of Moon-attuned selenite. And in doing so, you can let me say to the moon: You know         now.         WELCOMES the gifts of good fortune that you MAY want to bestow if you find deservedness.

(Trust me,         – the Moon will find you as deserving as I do.)

Your loving friend,

Ask for Your Lunar Tarot Examination

+ FREE Tower of Lunar Love