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From Today, The Great Cosmic Forces Of Luck Will Flow Right Through You!


I was so delighted to hear from you. I sensed that you were determined to move your life in the direction you’d always dreamed of, and you’ve shown that I was clearly right about you.

It was obvious to me that you would make the right choice. There’s something almost clairvoyant about your ability to make wise decisions,        . I only wish you could’ve banished negative energy and bad luck from your life sooner.

I am right here by your side, as you prepare to enter the next chapter of your life. I feel so strongly that your future is going to be filled with true joy.

Life hasn’t always been kind to you, has it? Even though you’ve always faced challenges and obstacles with dignity and courage, it’s time for you to leave all of these sad memories in the past. You’ll be making plenty of happy ones from now on,        .

Focus on the peaceful and happy future that will become your present in the next few days.

I feel a strong connection between us,        , which made it even more pleasant for me to carry out this ceremony for you. After spending many hours looking into your destiny, I am now more convinced than ever of something I’ve always thought. You truly deserve to receive the Mage’s Fortune Magnet.

That’s why I’m so pleased to be sending you this extraordinary tool to help you achieve long-lasting happiness. You’ll soon be on the path to success and will find it hard to stray from it.


Now, it is time for you to unlock
the rare abilities of the
Mage’s Fortune Magnet.

Mage’s Fortune Magnet

Display your Mage’s Fortune Magnet on-screen or print it out. While you stare at it, follow my instructions, in a way that best suits your situation.

Can I reveal something,        ? I’ve never felt satisfaction quite like I experienced while searching for your personal ancestral sign.

I’d love to tell you everything about the ceremony – I know a curious mind like yours would find it so fascinating – but I have strict instructions to guard many of its mythical secrets. What I can say, though, is that my experience on that higher spiritual plane was truly transcendent.

I couldn’t tell you if this ritual lasted several minutes or several hours. For its duration, I was taken beyond the earthly constraints of time and physics like never before. All I could focus on was you, and the path of your destiny as it unfolded before me.

    When your personal ancestral sign finally appeared in the air next to me, painted in a celestial gold, I felt a surge of fortune and joy. The two things that are just waiting to find their way to you,        .    

    As soon as my spirit had returned to my body, I copied your personal ancestral sign onto the Mage’s Fortune Magnet I was preparing for you. Immediately, this talisman glowed with a soft golden light. It was the proof I needed that it was ready for you,        .

    My ritual has activated the magnetic vibrations that will channel every bit of luck captured by the Mage’s Fortune Magnet, so that you can enjoy a better, more fortunate future.

    All you need to do now is follow my instructions. Your actions will activate its power in your favor and allow you to achieve happiness beyond your wildest dreams.

    As I promised, it’s a very simple process,        . First, I need you to gather a few items. You’ll need a white candle, a bowl of water and, of course, your Mage’s Fortune Magnet. Display it on-screen or print it out. You will also need a small piece of clean, white fabric.

    Choose a time when you’re going to be alone for at least a few minutes, with no interruptions. It’s best to perform these steps when you have peace and quiet, so you can concentrate on the process.

    Are you ready? Then let’s begin. Sit somewhere comfortable. You can sit cross-legged on the floor or sink into your favorite armchair. Choose anywhere you like – the location is not important. All that matters is that you feel perfectly relaxed, in both your mind and body.

    Place the items in front of you and begin breathing deeply, for around three to four minutes. Every time you inhale, imagine yourself filling up with energy, wellbeing and total peace of mind. Every time you exhale, picture your worries, sadness and negative influences flowing out of your body forever.

    Concentrate on the positive changes you wish to see in your life, and the lucky events that are about to happen. Imagine how happy you’re soon going to feel.

    You might be wondering why I have chosen these four items,        . This sacred ritual is based on the four key universal elements: fire, water, air and earth. We’ll call on each to activate the powers of your Mage’s Fortune Magnet.

    Begin by lighting your candle. I want you to call on the element of fire now. Say the word fire out loud, to drive darkness away and illuminate the new path you’re about to take.

    Well done,        . You’ve activated the first of four elements. Now, look at the depiction of your Mage’s Fortune Magnet. Stare at it for two to three minutes.

    Next, dip your right index finger in the bowl of water. As you do so, call on the element of water.  Say the word water out loud.

    Sit for a moment in the candelight. Then, stare at your talisman for two to three minutes. You will charge it with the powers of the water element.

    Following that, blow out the candle using the element of air. Say the word air out loud as you extinguish the flame.

    The ritual is almost complete,        . Now, all you need to do is call on the final element, earth. Pour the water from your bowl into your garden, a nearby patch of land or even in a flowerpot. As you return the water to the earth, say this final, powerful word: earth.  

    You’ve successfully called upon the forces of the four key universal elements. I know you’ll soon be blessed with the happiness you’ve been waiting for,        .

    Over the next few hours and days, stare at your Mage’s Fortune Magnet. Give it two to three minutes of your attention (minimum), at least five times a day.

    I genuinely believe that you now have everything you need to banish worries and settle into a happy, comfortable life. 

    I’m so glad I decided to trust you with the secrets of the Mage’s Fortune Magnet. Follow my instructions carefully and believe that you truly deserve to experience happiness with every fibre of your being. Soon, you will feel the powerful influence of this spiritual gift.

    I wish you the very best future,        . I’m confident you’ll soon succeed in everything you do.

    Protecting you with all my heart,