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I’m glad all I’ve done to facilitate your receipt of these revelations has come to something


I’m glad you trusted me before time slipped through our fingers.

I don’t take the responsibility of being your mentor lightly, and I don’t do much in this life with a half-hearted approach. I’ve now combined many hours of work to bring you the results of the Mapping Session, including: 

  • The initial ritual connecting me to a part of your subconscious mind so that I could choose cards accurately for you
  • The initial meteor-shower-powered reading session, complete with over 30 pages of scrawled notes
  • The compressing, condensing and rewording of the Meteoric Tarot Mapping Session to turn all I’d learned into something actionable and digestible

Please return to the interpretations below as often as you can over the four months ahead. The more familiar you are with what to expect, the more on track you’ll remain…



RECAPPING Card Number One: Two of Wands, Upright

In your personal life…

In your professional life…

In your financial life…

You’re ready to make decisions and step in new directions. This won’t be friction-free for some relationships and bonds in your life. Communication will be critical, and patience will serve you well. 

A turning point moment is very likely in terms of your energy level. At work, you’ll experience either a renewed sense of determination OR a renewed desire to reach for a new career path. Ride the wave, and pay attention to your instincts.

This won’t be a massively active time in your financial life. But, to sneak peek ahead? Windfalls are certainly on their way! Use your renewed energy to plan out some financial goals in the hopeful knowledge of what’s coming.

Card Number Two: The Sun, Upright

In your personal life…

In your professional life…

In your financial life…

This card embodies joy, and you’ll have a lot of that in your personal life once you get over the initial hurdle of initiating life changes and moving in new directions. Embrace everything. Soak up all the happiness you find.

Appreciation is the watchword for you and your work. As joy rains down on your personal world, thanks for your efforts will come to you in professional settings. Be gracious, but don’t forget your standards in the face of flattery. 

The windfalls I mentioned under card one will begin to arrive after a few weeks. Don’t forget to give and love and offer positive energy wherever you go – the more you share with the world, the more the world wants to return to you.

Card Number Three: Two of Pentacles, Upright

In your personal life…

In your professional life…

In your financial life…

You can continue to bask in the joy and nothing else IF you can learn to balance your various life priorities and not let one thing take center stage. 

The same applies to your professional life as it did to your personal life. Balance is key. Work can’t become your whole world, or the other aspects of your life will disappear, rotten and forgotten. 

Priorities will also begin to come to the fore in your financial life as you earn and attract more money than ever. Invest wisely and conscientiously. Don’t forget your morals as you chase your monetary goals.

Card Number Four: Eight of Swords, Reversed

In your personal life…

In your professional life…

In your financial life…

The changes in your personal life will become more internally focused a few months from now. You’ll go on a vital self-acceptance journey and learn things about yourself that you never knew before.

You’ll feel freed up to try new things, less beholden to some of your previous rigid professional structures. This will do wonders for your creativity but must also be kept somewhat in check to protect your mental health.

Freedom will follow you into your finances, too. After years of struggle, you’ll finally be able to spend freely without intense money worry clouding your brain. 

Card Number Five: The Star, Upright

In your personal life…

In your professional life…

In your financial life…

To end on The Star is a gift. Just a few months in the future, your personal life will be filled with hope, happiness and faith in those around you. In healing and accepting yourself, you’ll deepen your ability to trust others.

Following the creativity-boosting influences of card four, you’ll feel professionally renewed and refreshed. Whatever work-based pattern you couldn’t escape – you’ll finally manage it!

Your finances will look wildly different from only months prior, and looking at them will give you hope for the future and a positive attitude. This good energy will only bring in MORE well-earned wealth.

One reversed card among five and some of the brightest and most hopeful cards in the entire arcana,        . I told you this reading was a clear signal of a life about to change!

I’ll now share your FREE gift…


You should speak this Evocation whenever you feel low, sad or slightly emotionally battered by the day’s events. It will bolster you and refill your well of happiness…

“The shimmering golden stream of joy,

Never stops moving and flowing,

The world is filled with feelings and noise,

But I know where I’m going,

I’m heading with confidence in one direction,

The one that leads me to sparkling hope,

I’m making happiness my daily selection,

More a reason to BE than a way to cope.”

I know you can make great things happen in the months ahead,        . I’m confident I’ve given you what you need (and that anything I haven’t given you is already inside your heart)

Your loving friend,