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A shower of money is about to fall down on you,        . All you have to do is listen to these instructions… 

Dear        ,

There’s a reason you’ve made it to this page. Subconsciously, you’ve realized you’re tired of living an unfulfilling, exhausting life due to these currents of negative energies.

Just by opening this message, you have taken a huge step towards happiness. Congratulations,        ! All you need to do is reach out and take my help. Answer me and you’ll soon receive your very own personal file.  


Negative Current Repeller

My advice, if you carefully put it into practice, will allow you to see great changes in only a few days.

You will break these currents’ hold in just a few hours and restore the health of your spirit’s energies. Your subtle body will shine with positivity once again.

You'll feel better both in your body and spirit. Anxiety and stress will leave, little by little, day by day. Finally, luck will appear in your life and bring you all the opportunities you’ve missed out on.

All I need you to do is confirm the points below and we can begin.

Your true friend,


Yes, Elissa! I know I am a victim of harmful negative currents.


Yes, Elissa! Please send me my personal file: The Negative Current Repeller.


Yes, Elissa! I am happy to send you a humble contribution for your hours of hard work.