Reserved for:
It’s a blessing to know that I have an Ancestral Soul Twin looking out for my interests, prepared to step in when evil tries to knock me off course. I don’t take that for granted in the slightest. I know it to be rare, precious and worth appreciating.
I also don’t take you for granted. You’ve connected me to my Twin, and you’re just as caring and protective. Without you, I’d never have been able to receive this Circle.
You’ve already given me my first FREE gift – the short-term safety of my Soul Twin Protective Symphony. You asked nothing from me in return. That meant the world.
Now, you want to give me the Circle and another accompanying gift in the form of my Catalog. I don’t know what to say about your boundless kindness and generosity.
So, Elissa, I’ll just say that I give you my full consent to share this Circle with me.
I’ll have faith in your activation process. I’ll follow all the instructions you provide for the Step-In. I’ll do all I must to shut evil out of my life and heed my Twin’s warning.
Please awaken my Obsidian Warder Circle as soon as possible, then send it straight to my email inbox, accompanied by instructions for the Warder Circle Step-In process.
Please also send my remaining FREE gift (my Catalog of Evil’s Subtle and Secret Tells).
For all your hard work and effort, I’ll happily pay you the small fee of , an incredible reduction from the usual price of .
Thanks to your 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, I know I won’t be taking any risks with my money.
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