Most of us have past lives
I’m not sure what you’ve learned in your life about rebirth and reincarnation in a new body, past forgotten, but I believe in it wholeheartedly and have, in many cases, seen it to be true with my own eyes.
That said, past lives shouldn’t usually impact our current lives all that much.
Yes, we might experience strange instances of déjà vu or feel the occasional bout of misplaced familiarity for someone we’ve never met before (not in this life, at least).
But for the most part? We’re primarily unaffected by who we once were, what we once did, and how we once lived and loved.
Unless, of course, we aren’t…
If the scales of kismet (otherwise known as the scales of karmic balance) tip too far in one direction, our past lives can become points of celebration or contention.
What I mean by that is that some people were so incredible in a past life that, in their current life, they are blessed with endless luck and opportunity. Their past life was so potently good and successful that the results of living it bled over into the next life.
And on the flip side, some people experience the opposite.
Descendants of cruel, evil people, from narcissists to hardened criminals, can find themselves out in the cold time after time through no fault of their own.
I’m awfully sorry to say, , that I recently discovered a scary and worrying piece of information: You fall into the latter camp. Your kismet has been profoundly decimated by the actions of a past self you can’t remember.
You’re not responsible for this other version of you, yet still, in the present day, you are carrying their heavy burden. It’s really, truly not fair.
In some ways, I guess it’s a relief to read that. A relief to realize why you’ve always found it so tough to access luck and hold onto opportunities.
In other ways, I’m sure it’s a heart-shattering fact. It’s never been down to anything you can control, but you’ve wasted so much time feeling that you were to blame. I’m sorry.
No matter what you feel in the aftermath of this revelation, I’m sure you’re as ready as I am to cut your spiritual self free of the past life that’s been dragging you away from greatness and good fortune all this time.
To start fresh.
To become, essentially, the first .
(And then to live so well that your kismet in your next life is utterly incredible for your spiritual descendant, and the cycle is well and truly broken.)
I can help you with this via the completion, on your behalf, of a Past Life Severance – a full ceremonial disconnection of a person from their past lives and a cleansing of all their non-physical aspects, from aura to mind to astral sky.
I am 900% sure that this Severance will work and be right for you, primarily because of the events of the last two days.
I’ll explain those events now…
Until yesterday, , I was on a four-day ski break with several other mystics and psychics. We were staying in a beautiful log cabin on the side of the mountain, surrounded by crisp snow, relaxing and enjoying our time together.
These friends from my community are well-versed in all the same spiritual things as me, but many also have their own special areas (tarot, for example, is my special area).
After the last night in the lodge, I woke up exhausted from dreams I couldn’t remember.
I felt I’d exerted myself heavily, but I drew a blank when I tried to imagine what I’d dreamed of.
I didn’t think much of it until the man who was sleeping in the bedroom directly to the left of mine, Drew, popped his head around my door five minutes later to say that my dreams had been “so loud and urgent they kept him awake.”
Drew is a dream jumper, and his divinatory gift is particularly strong in the field of sleep solutions, so I knew his word was good.
I apologized for keeping him awake but immediately asked for more information, and he was happy to provide it. He said one of my clients was evidently in desperate need of support, and he told me what he’d seen…
A was running at full speed away from another version of .
This other self was dressed head to toe in Victorian garb, gaining on the runner a little more with each second Drew watched.
I carefully considered what Drew had told me as I got dressed and packed my suitcase so I’d be ready to go later that day. At first, I was confused. But the more I percolated, the more I could develop a theory.
I began to think: Perhaps this is something to do with that person’s past life.
Perhaps a past self was so strongly awful and gathered so much terrible kismet that it’s having a negative impact in the here and now on the current self.
Before I left the lodge and started my journey home, I asked Drew to describe the person running, and he described you.
I felt it was you immediately, though other clients could also have fit the description. You see, I know your story and history, and it just tracked perfectly.
Still, I decided to wait until I got home and could do a bit more research. I didn’t want to unnecessarily scare you or prescribe a solution for a problem you didn’t have when someone else really needed that solution.
It was dark when I finally got home and stepped out of the taxi. I set my bags down on my porch, reached into my pocket for my key, and briefly looked up at the night sky.
In that sky, I saw the great emblazoned form of the letter .
It was twinkling with such power that the shape was unmistakable.
Especially when, as I continued to look, the rest of your name followed. Stars swirled out of their rightful places into new arrangements on your behalf.
When your first name shone there in full, I nodded imperceptibly – telling the astral forces that I understood and had received the message – and things rearranged again. The sky returned to its typical pattern.
When I shortly went up to my bedroom and drifted off to sleep, I had the dream again. This time, I remembered it.
I saw you. Definitely you. And I saw you were definitely being chased by a version of yourself from the Victorian era.
Clearly, the self-space you occupied at this time was not a good or compassionate person. Clearly, they were nothing like the I know.
So, I’m writing to you now. I’ve confirmed multiple times over that you’re the person whose bright and shining fate is being threatened by your past life kismet. Now, we must do something about it.
Put your faith in this Severance, and you can start again. You can become a fresh , no longer limited or confined by who you once were but cannot remember being.
You can be reborn.
And, in the spirit of that, I’ll even grant you an extensive FREE gift alongside your Severance – a Three-Month Rebirth Reading with one of my favorite tarot decks, perfect for accurate divination at the crest of a brand-new life phase.
This Reading will assign two tarot cards to each of the next three months for a total of six cards to interpret in total.
Using a subconscious link ritual, I’ll draw those six cards exactly as you would have done without inconveniencing you.
Then, I’ll deliver the results of the Severance and the results of the tarot session together, equipping you with a wealth of helpful information.
Your loving friend,