We all have so many wonderful and unique parts of ourselves to discover and show to others
And we also have parts of ourselves that can grant us benefits and gifts from the astral universe.
Your extraordinary birthright and connection to these two planets that now align above us is an example of that.
But I do think it’s also worth saying that you would be deserving of this kind of opportunity even if it weren’t your birthright.
That’s part of the reason I’ve given you such an enhancing FREE gift. I want you to know that you deserve a better standard of life than the one you’ve grown accustomed to. You might be happy now – and that’s okay! But you could be happier.
You deserve happier. (Even if that just means more financially comfortable and confident, it can go a long, long way.)
Let’s step onto your Planetary Acceptance Path together now, and let’s take you there…
As I’ve already shared, this Planetary Acceptance Path consists of three steps.
Step one is about removing negativity from the equation. In contrast, steps two and three will enhance the number of good energies that come to you by predisposing the planets of Jupiter and Neptune in your favor.
(As they should be – see what I said above!)
As we always should, we’ll start with step one…
Step One: Removing Negativity from the Equation
Step one is something of a letter-writing exercise. A common mistake people make when trying to tackle the presence of dark thoughts and negativity in their life is to turn entirely away from them. To refuse to look at their situation head-on.
This rarely works since it’s actually just entering into a state of denial rather than handling the root cause of an issue.
To complete step one:
- Write yourself a letter (minimum one A4 page, maximum three A4 pages) as if you don’t know yourself. Introduce to , and spend time exploring all of ’s worries and anxieties in this life. Don’t be afraid to dig deep.
- Half-fill your bathroom or kitchen sink with water. Find a lighter/box of matches.
- Place the lighter/matches beside the sink. Standing over the sink, read your letter back. Ideally, if you’re home alone and can do this without disturbing anyone, read it aloud. Really connect with the emotion you’ve expressed.
- When you’re done, fold the letter in half and let out a deep sigh. Imagine you are breathing out relief and letting go of denial. Imagine this is a sigh of acknowledgment. You are saying: Yes, I do have some darkness in my life.
- Breathe in again, then out again. This time, imagine it as a sigh of acceptance. Imagine you are breathing out all the worries that don’t serve you.
- Light a match/bring the lighter to life and set fire to a corner of your letter. Hold it over the sink, letting it burn until you feel the flames approaching your hand. At this stage, drop it into the water.
- Immediately, get some more paper and write yourself a new letter. This time, introduce to again and spend that time exploring all the good, worthy and incredible things about your life.
Goodbye, negativity! It’s all about changing the narrative.
(Save that second letter and re-read it whenever a bad thought tries to creep back in. Don’t let worries bring you down.)
Step Two: Pledging Loyalty and Devotion to Jupiter
Steps two and three, as you’ve been told, are more about enhancing the level of good energy you receive than guaranteeing you receive it.
Once step one is done, you can be sure you’ll benefit significantly from the Jupiter-Neptune bond, but steps two and three will kick it up to another level.
Standing outside after night has fallen and the stars are shining, look up to the sky and repeat the following mantra to express a pledge of loyalty and devotion to the planet Jupiter:
Your beauty, your grace, your form,
The optimistic frame of your being,
Luck lies behind your every door,
You’re the hope beneath my dreaming,
To look upon you is to feel nothing amiss,
To drown in your depths is to be enclosed,
In a circle of pure, unadulterated bliss,
What a talent to be kind with all you know.
Step Three: Pledging Loyalty and Devotion to Neptune
For step three, we do the same thing as we did in step two, but the mantra itself is unique.
Standing outside after night has fallen and the stars are shining, look up to the sky and repeat the following mantra to express a pledge of loyalty and devotion to the planet Neptune:
Your mystical ways are enthralling,
You make me feel creative and alive,
There’s always a secret reveal here,
There’s always a where and a why,
You’re driven by instinct and magic,
A little of that pie is all I dream,
You’re never beholden to habit,
Random, free – give that energy to me.
That wraps up and concludes your Planetary Acceptance Path, . Do these things as soon as you can, then let the wave of amazingly aligned cosmic energy come rushing in.
As promised, I’ll now also share your FREE luck-doubling gift…
I told you about the legend behind this blue calcite beauty, didn’t I? They say an astral traveler created it in Jupiter’s spiritual atmosphere to imbue it directly with the planet’s lucky aura.
As I wasn’t there, I cannot say for sure. But as I’ve used the Jewel of Jupiter before, I CAN say that it works incredibly well to double fortune.
In your case, this will probably leave you with about quadruple the luck you were working with before the Acceptance Path.
Activating and officially connecting with the Jewel of Jupiter is incredibly easy.
You just need to sleep with a printout of it beneath your bed (on the floor or under the mattress, rather than directly beneath your pillow) for three consecutive days.
On each of the mornings you wake with it beneath you, you should try to spend at minimum a few minutes lying there, thinking about your goals and all the ways you’d like to be luckier. This may help the Jewel direct its power more accurately and usefully.
I’ve now shared all I can, and I’m confident that each step along the Path will take you closer to the opportunities you deserve (and that the Jewel will be a big push in the right direction when one is needed).
I’ll be watching you thrive with lightness and happiness in my heart, . And I’ll be right here if you need me!
Your loving friend,